Turkish peas, or chickpeas, have been known to mankind since ancient times. This leguminous crop, previously known only in Asian and African countries, is now gaining popularity in Russia. Chickpeas and...
Chickpeas appeared on the shelves of domestic stores not so long ago, but have already gained well-deserved popularity. Turkish peas contain so many useful elements that they alone can replace half of the diet. A ...
Chickpeas have only recently appeared on supermarket shelves, but have already won the love of those who have tried dishes made from this legume. Previously, Turkish or lamb peas, as chickpeas are also called, were grown...
Chickpeas (sometimes called nohut, bladderwrack, Turkish, Volga or walnut peas) are a leguminous crop of the legume family, grown commercially in many countries of the Middle East, Central Asia and America. Seeds...
Among those who care about their health, products that are not quite traditional for our country are gaining popularity. The demand for them is largely due to skillful advertising. For example, chickpeas are presented as a better...
Chickpeas are a leguminous crop. Also known as chickpeas or chickpeas. The second name appeared due to its external resemblance to a ram's head.Despite the fact that chickpeas are widespread in Russia...
Most people mistakenly believe that chickpeas and peas are the same thing. In fact, these are completely different legumes, from the place of origin to the dishes in which ...