
Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

Jusai onion, which is also called fragrant or Chinese, comes from eastern countries. The culture is popular all over the world. Gardeners grow it for its greens, which not only have an excellent taste and bright...

The best recipes for dill preparations for the winter

Dill is a popular seasoning with a recognizable taste and aroma. It is added to sauces, soups, hot and cold dishes, consumed fresh, dried and canned. In addition, the leaves of the plant have...

How delicious and easy it is to pickle cabbage for the winter using quartered heads of cabbage

Salted, pickled, pickled cabbage is a vitamin dish, a favorite snack at any time of the year. For those who don't like to chop cabbage for a long time, there are ways to salt it in quarters, large pieces and whole...

A selection of the best recipes for sauerkraut in its own juice

Recipes for sauerkraut in its own juice are a lifesaver for housewives who like to experiment and make healthy preparations for the winter. This snack is rich in vitamin C, can be stored for up to a year, and is used as an ingredient...

Step-by-step instructions: how to grow leeks from seedlings

Leeks are a valuable vegetable crop with a unique set of vitamins and minerals. The white part of the plant is highly valued in cooking; it has a delicate, sweetish taste without the bitterness inherent in ordinary onions. The crop is grown mainly...

What kind of Drova potato is this and does it really exist?

The Internet is full of a wide variety of information about unusual varieties, hybrids and varieties of familiar vegetables and fruits.For several years now, photographs of huge long potatoes called “Firewood” have been circulating on the Internet. Exists ...

What is the difference between millet and wheat and how to use them in cooking

Millet and wheat are two words derived from the ancient Slavic verb “pykhati”, meaning “to grind”. Our ancestors processed grains in mortars, using crushers to remove the husks. According to another version, both words occur...

The best ways to prepare parsley for the winter in dry, frozen and canned form

Parsley gives foods a unique taste and aroma; it is a healthy addition to salads, appetizers, first and second courses. It is used not only fresh in summer and autumn, but also prepared...

The best self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning

Not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for preparing preparations for the winter: some quickly spoil, others turn into a tasteless, slippery mass. The article will help you choose the most popular varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for...

The best tips on how to prepare onions for the winter

To preserve onions longer and use them as a “quick” seasoning, the vegetable is prepared for the winter. The advantage of such a product is its simplicity, environmental friendliness and variety: pickled onions are added to salads or ...

