Most often, onions are grown in Russia, but not much attention is paid to the onion. The only exceptions are a few popular varieties, one of which is Parade. Its juicy greens have a semi-sharp taste...
Ramos is a mid-season potato variety officially included in the state register. It is cultivated on farmland and summer cottages. With the right approach to cultivation, you can reap a generous harvest. Below you will find...
Carrots are an amazing vitamin-rich vegetable that gives beauty and health to people and not only them. Zoo staff add it to the diet of flamingos - it helps the birds maintain the brightness of their plumage. The culture is not demanding...
Cereals are a rich source of energy and substances valuable to the body. Cereals cleanse the intestines, improve digestion and metabolism. Regular consumption of grain crops reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases by 20%, ...
Senshui is one of the most popular varieties of winter onions. Brought out in Japan, it quickly attracted the attention of gardeners in many countries because it is easy to care for, has high yields and a pleasant taste. What ...
Among the many varieties of potatoes, Mayak stands out.This is a table variety, characterized by adaptation to various climate conditions and soils, productivity and ease of care. Suitable for growing in garden plots and...
After a long winter, the body needs double the amount of vitamins. In early spring, radishes become the main supplier of beneficial compounds. What is a radish, what does a radish look like and what color is it, why is this plant useful...
Onions are grown throughout Russia and used in salads, soups, main courses and winter preparations. Every year, breeders develop new varieties and hybrids of this vegetable. But also old, time-tested...
To obtain high-quality flour and bakery products, it is necessary to choose the right varieties of wheat. Yuka is the newest winter variety created by Russian breeders, meets all GOST requirements and is characterized by a high yield. Positive...