
What is watermelon honey (nardek), how is it useful and how to prepare it

Watermelon honey is a fragrant, tasty and healthy delicacy. It is harvested at the end of summer. The product has many beneficial properties and goes well with homemade cakes and other desserts. In the article...

Harvesting on time: when to harvest a pumpkin and how to determine its ripeness in the garden

Harvesting pumpkin is the most enjoyable process for a gardener. And if the fruits are born, then doubly so. Pumpkin is loved for its rich content of vitamins and microelements, but due to the mistakes of vegetable growers, its benefits are lost. If ...

Pepper leaves are falling: what to do to save your plantings and prevent problems

Pepper is a demanding crop that reacts to the slightest errors in agricultural technology and weather changes. Growing it on their plot, summer residents are faced with a whole range of problems. One of them is leaf fall. ...

Mid-early table potato variety Gourmet purple

A distinctive feature of potatoes called Gourmet is the dark purple color of the peel and the purple color of the pulp with white splashes. In Russia, such varieties are considered exotic, but in European countries and the USA the variety ...

We'll tell you and show you how to keep tomatoes fresh for a long time: interesting life hacks from experienced owners

Tomatoes are one of the most popular products in the world. This vegetable is found in almost every kitchen. Housewives prepare delicious and healthy salads and winter preparations from it. Tomatoes contain vitamins...

Pests and diseases of melons: what they are and how to deal with them

Like all cultivated plants, melons are susceptible to attack by pests and various diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The main sources of infections are contaminated seeds, weeds, and soil. Timely detection of signs of plant damage and...

Why do cucumbers rot in a greenhouse and what to do to save your harvest?

It’s hard to imagine summer without delicious, crunchy cucumbers grown at your dacha. Those who want to grow early cucumbers in large quantities plant them in a greenhouse. In protected ground conditions it is created...

When and how to plant peppers in a greenhouse correctly: step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners

Novice gardeners grow bell pepper seedlings on window sills and balconies and are looking for advice on when and how to plant peppers in a greenhouse. And if in the southern regions seedlings can grow calmly...

A popular potato variety with excellent taste and good keeping quality Kyiv Svitanok

Svitanok Kyiv is a standard Ukrainian potato variety. Initially, the crop was bred for cultivation in temperate latitudes, but thanks to the successful adaptation of the variety to any type of soil and any weather ...

How to preserve green peas for the winter: we protect the crop from spoilage in three different ways

Green peas are a versatile product that can be added to many dishes and consumed separately. In this article you will learn three main ways to preserve green peas for the winter so that they don't...

