Bulgarian (sweet) peppers do not bypass any home during the ripening season. Everyone's favorite bright, juicy vegetable is added to hundreds of first and second courses. Salads, soups, sauces, lecho, stuffed peppers, ...
Corn is one of the products with which we associate hot summers. Its value lies in its rich chemical composition and preservation of taste after heat treatment. What are the benefits of boiled corn...
American Carl Barnes was the first to grow colorful corn. He was inspired by the idea of reviving the culture that was highly valued by the ancient Indian tribes. After many years of hard work, a farmer from Oklahoma received...
The health benefits of tomatoes have been scientifically proven. Tomatoes, like oranges and lemons, contain an increased amount of vitamin C. This vegetable also contains folic acid, carotene and a number of B vitamins. ...
With the onset of cold weather, everyone wants to diversify their diet. But after bright summer dishes, the winter table does not seem so attractive.A unique method of food preservation - freezing - will help solve this problem. Having prepared...
Greenhouse tomatoes are popular among gardeners living in regions with difficult climatic conditions. Such areas are characterized by sudden changes in weather, heavy rains and fogs, which negatively affect the quality and quantity...
Gardeners love to experiment by growing tomatoes in unusual colors and shapes. At gardening markets, green, black and blue tomato seeds are abundantly available. Unfortunately, not all exotic varieties are pleasant...
Russian Bogatyr is an incredibly tasty and healthy variety of tomatoes that is so difficult to find on store shelves. People fall in love with him after the first harvest. Beginning summer residents like it for its simplicity in...
Delicacy – the very name of this tomato variety sounds promising. Its juicy, crumbly and sweet-tasting fruits with a pronounced aroma fully correspond to the name. However, among gardeners, Delicacy...