
Any gardener wants to show off his harvest. If we are talking about tomatoes, then the high yield of the variety, the taste of the fruit, ease of care, and immunity to diseases are valued. Unfortunately, the universal variety is not so...

Almost all summer residents grow tomatoes in their gardens, despite the fact that the crop is often attacked by pests and susceptible to diseases. A harvest without loss can be obtained by spraying tomatoes with milk...

Cherry tomatoes are especially popular. They have a bright taste and a rich composition, in which the concentration of nutrients and vitamins is greater than in large fruits. Therefore, gardeners are increasingly growing cherry...

Do you dream of growing tasty and healthy vegetables, but don’t want to use chemicals to protect your plants? Few people know that expensive compounds can be replaced with a budget product from the pharmacy - brilliant green. Will green spray for tomatoes help against late blight, how to spray...

Cucumber Artist F1 is a popular ultra-early hybrid, so even the most impatient summer residents are satisfied with it. The culture belongs to the parthenocarpic type, that is, fruits are set without pollination by insects. The technology for cultivating such...

Candied fruits are a sweet that children and adults love. Fragrant slices, boiled in syrup or dried in various ways, are used in sweet pastries, as well as as an independent dessert. In this article we will tell...

The Matryoshka tomato is interesting due to its unusual shape of the fruit, reminiscent of a Russian painted doll. This is the result of Russian selection, which is loved by many vegetable growers for its simple agricultural technology and disease resistance. Tomato Matryoshka is an excellent choice...

Did you listen to your grandmother, who insisted that garlic helps against all diseases? Modern research confirms this: spicy cloves, consumed regularly, significantly reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, help maintain youth and ...

How do you know when it's time to harvest tomatoes? Of course, by their color. In most cases, ripe tomatoes are red, brown, pink, orange or purple. But through selection, agronomists developed...