“Red, tasty, although not sweet. Ripens in an ordinary garden bed...” Who among us did not guess the riddle about the tomato as a child? What about the respected Signor Tomato from the famous fairy tale by Gianni Rodari...
Almost everyone knows the song “Kalinka-Malinka” in Russia, and throughout the world. Probably, this song really resonated with tomato breeders and inspired them to name the new tomato variety “Kalinka-Malinka”. Let's figure it out...
Peas are a self-pollinating annual plant. The crop belongs to the legume family. It began to be cultivated long before the appearance of the first civilizations in South-West Asia. Let's consider what varieties of this plant there are, when and...
Green beans are a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial elements. It is eaten as an everyday product and included in diets and health-improving diets. Some people buy beans in a supermarket or market, ...
With the beginning of the summer season, all amateur gardeners rush to their plots. Many people have a question: what to plant this year and what varieties of vegetables and fruits to choose? There are hundreds of different varieties...
Do you want to try large and beautiful tomatoes with an unusual black color? Among the “black” tomatoes, the Black Baron variety stands out especially. Let's consider its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out the features of growing dark-fruited tomatoes...
The painstaking work of growing tomato seedlings, picking young bushes and transplanting plants to a permanent place is reduced to zero by pests that novice gardeners do not even notice. These invisible “enemies” are ordinary...
Let's talk about a wonderful product growing in our beds - peas. In this article we will discuss its benefits, features of choosing varieties, learn how to salt peas at home and select...
Every vegetable grower wants to grow the largest and tastiest tomatoes in his garden. Fragrant, fleshy, juicy tomatoes of the “Ox Heart” variety - they will be discussed in this article. You will learn how...