Gaoliang is a cereal of the sorghum genus. Distributed in China, Korea and Manchuria. People use all parts of the plant to their advantage - they feed their shoots and leaves to domestic animals, they use the grain as food, ...
Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a woman’s life. The health and full development of the child depends on how balanced and varied her diet is. Soybeans and products made from it are in great demand...
Horseradish is widely used in cooking, but for many summer residents this plant is a malicious weed, which they mercilessly remove from the site. And they do it completely in vain. The leaves of this plant have healing properties...
Tulsi (tulsi, thin-flowered, Indian or Thai basil) is rightfully considered an amazing plant. In many countries, mystical properties are attributed to it - it helps to find harmony, cleanse the soul and achieve peace. A ...
Country horseradish, or ordinary horseradish, is a type of plant known since ancient times in our country. It is distributed almost throughout the globe, although it came to America and Asia only in the 20th century. Plant ...
Cauliflower contains a number of vitamins and microelements necessary for humans.But under normal room conditions, the vegetable does not retain its composition for long - only a few days. To extend the shelf life to 2-4 weeks or...
At first glance, identical words with the same root – buckwheat and buckwheat – have different meanings. The confusion arose due to their misuse among the common people. Buckwheat is usually called buckwheat, which is sold in ...
To be healthy, have good sleep and find peace of mind, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive drugs. A natural healer, the vegetable celery, will help with this. Not only its leaves are edible, but...
Turnips are quite rightly called an original Russian vegetable. The root vegetable was once so popular that it became the hero of several well-known and beloved fairy tales. Today, for some reason, this amazing vegetable is undeservedly forgotten. And in vain...