Many people are sure that watermelon is a product that can be consumed in unlimited quantities. However, this is not the case. This fruit has the property of accumulating nitrates, due to which its nutritional value is nullified, ...
Vegetable juices are a source of vitamins and minerals that a person needs to maintain health. The best juice is one made at home from fresh, healthy vegetables. Pumpkin juice deserves special attention - it is valued for its rich ...
Many people have known this amazing fact since childhood: a watermelon is nothing more than a huge berry. Interestingly, melon, similar to it, is considered a fruit. However, this is not entirely true: confused...
It is impossible to imagine the diet of a resident of our country without marinades and pickles: climatic conditions do not allow growing fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Canned food makes the menu varied and saves you from a deficiency of natural vitamins. ...
Not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for preparing preparations for the winter: some quickly spoil, others turn into a tasteless, slippery mass. The article will help you choose the most popular varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for...
Many common agricultural crops have “fodder” analogues, that is, varieties grown for animal food. From the article you will learn what feed watermelons are and how they differ from ordinary ones. ...
Cold-resistant varieties of cucumbers are chosen for cultivation in Siberia. They tolerate sudden climate changes without consequences, bear fruit in frosts and low temperatures, and rarely get sick. These cucumbers taste no different from...
Growing cucumbers involves the use of important agricultural techniques. Stepchildren is one of them. The procedure is necessary to obtain a healthy plant and a bountiful harvest. Not all gardeners, even experienced ones, carry out pinching. For beginners...
Choosing a quality watermelon is a whole science. Sometimes a seemingly perfect fruit turns out to be rotten or overripe. And if a rotten watermelon can only be thrown away, an overripe one can be consumed without harm to health. How ...