
What is a corn sheller and how to make it yourself

Corn cobs cannot be stored for long. After harvesting, it is important to process them as quickly as possible. Husking large quantities of corn by hand is a tedious and monotonous task. To speed up the process and save effort, use...

How to peel corn from grains at home: the best life hacks for quickly processing the vegetable

Corn is liked by many: children and adults, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, lovers of high-calorie porridges and mixed side dishes, flakes and sticks, non-standard PP-baked goods made from a variety of flours. The healthy cereal is deservedly stored in...

How to distinguish feed corn from food corn and the scope of application of both types

In the 50-60s of the last century, corn in the USSR was called the queen of fields. N.S. Khrushchev planned, by increasing the area under cereal crops, to feed the entire Soviet Union and surpass the United States in the production of milk and...

Features of the production and use of wheat sprouts

Sprouted wheat is increasingly gaining popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts. These living grains, when used regularly, can saturate the body with many vitamins and microelements, giving health and energy. What are the benefits of sprouted...

What is a corn seeder: operating principle, review of the best models and instructions for making it yourself

Corn requires even placement of seeds in a row, so each plant is given the same conditions for germination. For more efficient sowing, seeders are used. There are many models of equipment available on the market with different options...

What is foliar feeding of wheat and what fertilizers can be used for these purposes

To obtain a good wheat harvest, mineral fertilizers are necessary. The root system takes the necessary elements from the soil, which is why it is so important to fertilize it. But lack of moisture, low temperature and other unfavorable conditions reduce...

What is the corn yield per 1 hectare: average, influence of the type of variety or hybrid and other factors

Corn is one of the main Western crops. In European, and especially in American latitudes, this cereal plant is distinguished by its productivity. In Russia, growing corn does not give such successful results, but with ...

What is grain sorghum, features of its use and cultivation

Grain sorghum is one of the oldest grains. Today it is one of the five most popular plants in the world, and more and more farmers are paying close attention to it. Culture deserves special attention...

Everything about growing spring wheat: cultivation technology from sowing to harvesting

Wheat is one of the most important agricultural grain crops. It is used to make bread, confectionery, pasta and many other products. Production waste is used as feed. The culture belongs to the early...

The most popular types of wheat cereals with photos and names

If bread is the head of everything, then wheat is the neck on which this head rests. But the golden grain crop is included in the human diet not only as part of flour products. From her ...

