How to quickly and effectively get rid of onion odor from your mouth
Onions are an integral ingredient in most dishes. It is not only added to food, but also eaten in its pure form. However, after consuming it, bad breath inevitably appears, which is difficult to eliminate. It interferes with communication with colleagues at work and with loved ones at home.
To fix the problem, you can use various techniques. In this article we will tell you how to quickly get rid of onion smell from your mouth.
Why is it difficult to get rid of onion odor from your mouth?
The unpleasant smell of onions is formed due to the release of a sulfur compound, allicin, from the particles of the plant.. When chewing onions, this substance comes into contact with bacteria in the mouth, which causes an unpleasant odor. Allicin then ends up in the stomach and enters the blood. As a result, the substance is excreted through the lungs, and the odor is felt when exhaling.
Bacteria that have accumulated in the oral cavity can cause the problem to worsen.. Most collect between the teeth and are found on the tongue, especially if there is a white or yellow coating there.
How long does the onion smell last?
Unpleasant the smell lasts for at least 5 hours, sometimes it can only disappear the next day.
Advice. Any greens in food help hide unpleasant aroma. Try to add more dill, parsley, basil, oregano, etc. to your dishes.
How to tell if you smell like onions
To determine whether there is an onion smell, you need to cover your nose and mouth with your palms and exhale.. The smell will be felt immediately. This method is suitable for checking your breath in a public place, as it is not noticeable to others.
You can also lick the inside of your wrist. If the odor is unpleasant, you will notice it after the saliva dries. However, you should not carry out such a check in front of strangers.
Third way: Exhale into a clean glass that fits snugly against your face, then inhale deeply to smell your breath.
The best ways to freshen your breath
Fresh breath is restored after eating dishes with thermally untreated onions, using hygiene procedures, folk methods and pharmaceutical products.
Hygiene procedures
To get rid of unpleasant odor and accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity, adhere to the rules of hygiene:
- Brush your teeth twice a day. It is better to use a medium-hard brush and toothpaste with an antibacterial effect.
- Dental floss is used regularly to clean the gaps between teeth.
- Use antibacterial liquids to rinse the mouth. This helps kill germs and improve gum health.
- Clean the tongue, as many pathogenic microbes accumulate on it. For cleaning, use the back of the brush, where there is a cleaning surface.
- After eating, clean the mouth. This helps prevent plaque formation.
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How to use onions to treat runny nose and nasal congestion
Pharmacy products
"Chlorophyllipt" with eucalyptus extract can be purchased in the form of tablets, spray, solution. It eliminates bad breath and also gets rid of germs.Add 5 ml of the product to 200 ml of water and rinse the mouth without swallowing.
Hydrogen peroxide – an antioxidant that is effective against unpleasant odors. Add 10 drops to 20 ml of water, the solution is used for rinsing, it should not be swallowed.
Activated carbon found in almost every first aid kit. This is the most popular remedy used to get rid of unpleasant odors. Take no more than 3 tablets and chew until dissolved. This takes about 5 minutes.
The disadvantage of this method is a black coating on the tongue and teeth. You can get rid of it by thoroughly rinsing with water and lemon.
Folk remedies
Traditional methods of combating bad breath are safe for health and easy to use.
Rinsing the mouth with mint infusion is effective. Mint removes unpleasant odor as it has antiseptic properties. To prepare, pour boiling water over some mint leaves, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Then filter and add a little honey.
Soda solution
Baking soda helps eliminate pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity. Dissolve 1 tsp. baking soda in 250 ml of water. Rinse the mouth with this solution.
To get rid of unpleasant odor, eat almonds and walnuts. A few pieces will kill the smell and benefit the body.
Coffee beans
Using coffee beans or a fragrant cup of coffee can get rid of the unpleasant smell of onions. It is enough to hold the coffee bean in your mouth for 1-2 minutes or drink the finished drink.
Citrus zest
An excellent effect comes from consuming lemon zest, which contains essential oils. It is recommended to chew 1-2 pieces of zest or rinse your mouth with non-concentrated lemon juice.
Attention! If you have sensitive gums or damaged enamel, this method may cause pain.
With their help, you can kill bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor. Spices are used by rinsing or chewing. To rinse, add any spice to 200 ml of water.
You can get rid of bad breath by chewing clove buds for a few minutes. If you don't have cloves, you can take a piece of cinnamon stick.
Mustard also helps eliminate the unpleasant onion smell. Dilute dry mustard powder in 200 ml of water, then rinse the mouth with the solution.
Essential oils
To get rid of bad breath, rinsing with essential oils is effective. For example, add 5 drops of tea tree oil to warm water, stir, and rinse your mouth.
Dairy products
To get rid of the smell of onions, drink a glass of kefir or natural yogurt. This improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps eliminate odor-causing substances from the body.
Take note:
How to get rid of the onion taste in your mouth
To get rid of discomfort after eating onions:
- eat foods that have a bright and pleasant aroma;
- use antiseptics that kill bacteria in the oral cavity;
- consume foods that accelerate oxidation (this helps remove residual sulfur compounds from the body).
Useful tips
We offer several ways to reduce the unpleasant effects of onions on the oral cavity:
- chop it finely so that the allicin disappears before it enters the body;
- During a feast, eat food with onions at the beginning so that the rest of the dishes cover up the smell;
- When you start cooking, scald the onion with boiling water - this will destroy most of the sulfur compounds.
Onions are good for the body. It is used to treat colds, so you should not completely stop using it. The smell of onions does not harm the body and does not indicate any disease, but it causes discomfort when communicating.
You can remove it using folk and pharmacy remedies. Before using traditional methods, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to any component.