What to do if there are arrows on the bow and why this might happen

Onions are a popular crop among gardeners from different regions. It is planted on both greens and turnips. Among those who grow this vegetable, it is difficult to find people who have not had problems with shooting onions. This is a common occurrence, but not everyone knows how to prevent and fight it. In this article we will talk about popular methods and secrets of experienced gardeners.

Why does the bow go into the arrow?

Shooting is not a disease. This is part of the onion propagation process. The plant shoots out an arrow with a flower, from which seeds will then appear. This is how nature intended it; it is a natural, but undesirable process that gardeners try to prevent.

There are 4 main reasons for bolting:

  1. Improper storage of seedlings (high humidity, frequent temperature fluctuations).
  2. Incorrectly selected seed (diameter more than 3 cm).
  3. Early planting in cold soil.
  4. Lack of moisture.

What to do if there are arrows on the bow and why this might happen

What are the risks of shooting?

Onion arrow is an inflorescence that requires a lot of energy and minerals to grow. When a flower appears, the plant redistributes resources, depriving the turnip of a significant part of its nutrition. This can cause the rhizomes to not grow enough and the onions will be small when they mature. Also, after shooting, the vegetable does not store well and is unlikely to last until the New Year.

How to grow a bow without arrows

Many gardeners have come to terms with the appearance of arrowheads in onion beds and fight them as they arise.But there are those who try to prevent their formation. To do this, it is important to comply with a number of conditions.

Proper storage of seedlings

This is one of the most important factors to prevent the growth of arrows. There are 2 ways save seed material:

  • warm – at a temperature of +17…+22°C at home;
  • cold - about +8°C in the basement or caisson.

For both methods, maintaining humidity levels is of no small importance. at the level of 65-75%. The seedlings, which were stored at high humidity, are shot.

What to do if there are arrows on the bow and why this might happen

The choice of storage method depends on varieties and bulb size. Small seedlings in warm home conditions can dry out and then not sprout at all. Cold storage is preferable for it. With larger family varieties the situation is the opposite - they are well stored in a warm way.

Important! Whatever storage method you choose, go through the planting material several times during the winter and remove rotten onions, otherwise the entire set will be lost.

Treatment before planting

Preplanting tips to help reduce the risk of bolting:

  1. Even at the stage of choosing a set in the store, pay attention to the appearance and husk. Onions suitable for planting must be dry, without traces of rot and a characteristic unpleasant odor. When peeling, the scales should not completely separate from the bulb. It is advisable that there are no already sprouted specimens.
  2. Before planting, the onions are warmed up. To do this, the bulbs are laid out in one layer on a board and placed on a radiator or stove. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 days.
  3. To plant on turnips, select bulbs 1-2 cm in size. Larger specimens are planted separately on greenery.
  4. The soil also requires preparation for planting. Onions grow poorly in heavy clay soil.Such soil needs to be made more loose and porous. To do this, add sawdust or sand.

Attention! If you grow sets yourself from seeds, treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing.

Non-shooting varieties

Of the winter varieties, pay attention to:

  • Centurion is a Dutch variety, early ripening, with good germination and a long shelf life;
  • Shakespeare – an early ripening variety with good taste.

For planting in April, choose:

  1. Stuttgarten – a popular variety of German origin, early ripening. Bulbs weighing up to 15 g.
  2. Centurion F1. This hybrid is not a winter analogue of Centurion. Has similar characteristics.
  3. Red Baron. Mid-early, unpretentious variety with high yield.

Proper care of plantings

It is important to follow the recommended onion planting dates. To prevent it from going into the arrow, it is planted in warmed ground. Usually the soil is ready by the end of April - beginning of May. The air temperature must be at least +15°C, the soil temperature must be at least +12°C. It’s also not worth delaying, because planting too late has a negative impact on the yield.

Reference. Experienced gardeners advise planting onions when the first leaves appear on birch trees.

Another important point in the fight against shooting is watering mode. Lack of moisture can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. In spring, onions should be watered regularly, at least 2 times a week, preferably with warm water until the soil is completely saturated. If the summer is hot, in June - the first half of July the amount of watering can be increased, and in the second half of summer reduced. About 2 weeks before harvesting, the onions are no longer moistened. This allows it to ripen and promotes good keeping quality.

What to do if there are arrows on the bow and why this might happen

What to do if there are arrows on the bow

If the bow goes into the arrow, it is important to identify the reason in order to prevent the situation from reoccurring next season. This year you will no longer influence the flowering process. All that remains is to eliminate the shoots at the initial stage of their appearance, so that the plant does not waste energy and nutrients on flower development and seed ripening.

There is no need to throw away cut flower stalks, they can be eaten both fresh and processed.

Attention! Don't rush to cut all the arrows off your bow. It may be worth leaving a few for the seeds to ripen.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures include:

  1. Warming up. The seedlings are left on the battery for 2 weeks.
  2. Hardening. Planting material is placed underground or in a caisson, where the air temperature is from 0 to +8°C, and kept there for 10 days, and then transferred to a warm place. When such hardening is not available, you can use a quick method. Before planting onions, they are immersed in cold water and dried in the sun.
  3. Soak. This measure not only helps prevent bolting, but also promotes active growth of the bulbs.

Solution for soaking onions can be prepared based on:

  1. Soda. Soaking time in soda solution is 15 minutes.
  2. Copper sulfate - 5 g per 1 liter of water.
  3. Salt – 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Processing time – 3 hours.
  4. Potassium permanganate – 30 g per 10 liters of water.
  5. Birch tar - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. The onions are dried for 24 hours on a radiator, then the husks are removed and the tops are cut off. Leave in the solution for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Summer residents with experience advise:

  1. Do not trust purchased planting material, but grow the seedlings yourself, monitoring each stage.
  2. For growing, choose bulbs with a diameter of 1-2 cm.
  3. Be sure to warm up the purchased seedlings before planting.
  4. Plant onions in the ground when the first leaves appear on the birch trees.
  5. Cut off the arrows immediately. The bulb of the plant with the arrow should be eaten after digging it up. It will not be stored.
  6. Use onion arrows for food or as fertilizer, placing them in the garden after picking.


By following simple rules that have been formed over the years based on the experience of many generations of summer residents, you can reduce or completely avoid shooting onions. Store the seed in a room with a humidity level of 65-75%, treat the seed before planting and water it in a timely manner.

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