Nourishing buckwheat diet for 10 days for safe weight loss
After an all-inclusive vacation, along with a good mood, extra pounds often appear. A 10-day diet on buckwheat or green sprouted cereals will help you quickly get rid of them without starving and even eat your favorite vegetables and fruits.
Description and essence of the diet
Buckwheat diet for 10 days is an effective way to lose weight. For a decade, they eat uncooked buckwheat and add vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products to the diet. Salt, sugar and spices are excluded, and 1.5 to 2 liters of water are drunk per day. Sports activities are contraindicated. Instead, they walk in the fresh air for 40 minutes a day.
Operating principle
The mechanism of action of the diet is clear and simple. The cereal contains slowly digestible complex carbohydrates, so saturation occurs quickly, but there are not enough calories. On the third day, accumulated fat deposits begin to break down in order to saturate the body with energy.
Fiber enters the intestines in partially digested form. Passing through the small intestine, it cleanses it of toxins. As a result of complex effects, weight decreases.
How to cook buckwheat
In order for buckwheat to help you lose weight, it is prepared while preserving all vitamins, macro- and microelements, that is, it is subjected to minimal heat treatment. Mostly they choose the core (it comes to stores already fried).
To prevent buckwheat from losing its remaining beneficial properties, it is steamed, cold-soaked in water or kefir, and the green one is sprouted.
Preparing buckwheat for weight loss is simple: the main ingredient and liquid are water or kefir. Before cooking, the grains are sorted and washed to clean water.
Basic recipes:
- Cold method. In the evening, 100 g of buckwheat is poured into 300 ml of warm water, covered and left on the table overnight. In the morning they eat cereal. With this method of preparation, nutrients are preserved to the maximum.
- Steaming in a thermos. Buckwheat in the required quantity is poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water (1:2). The porridge is ready to eat in 30 minutes.
- Soaking in kefir. Add 250–300 ml of 1% kefir to 100 g of kernels and place in the refrigerator overnight. After 8–10 hours, the cereal is ready.
- Sprouting green buckwheat. 1 tbsp. The cereals are completely covered with filtered water and left to swell for 2 hours. Then rinse under running water until the mucus is washed off, and dry on paper towels. Dry grains are placed in a bowl, covered with a saucer, and placed in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Buckwheat will germinate in 8–12 hours. It is washed, dried and placed in a dark place. After 8 hours the sprouts will tighten, the product is ready for use.
Sample menu
The menu for the 10-day buckwheat diet is scheduled for 5 days. On the 6th day they eat according to the first day, on 7 - on the second, etc. The day starts with an early breakfast when you get up: drink 1 tbsp. clean water at room temperature. Breakfast is served between 9:00 and 10:00. At this time, the enzymes that break down buckwheat porridge are produced most actively.
Important! Portions are not limited by grams or calories. Eat until you are full, but without overeating.
First day:
- breakfast: buckwheat porridge, fruit salad (prunes, apple, orange);
- second breakfast: cereal, vegetable salad (tomato, cabbage, cucumber);
- lunch: porridge, fruit salad (prunes, apple, orange);
- afternoon snack: buckwheat, apple;
- dinner: tomato and cucumber salad.
Second day:
- breakfast: buckwheat, orange;
- second breakfast: cereal, grated beets;
- lunch: porridge, fruit and berry salad (pear, apple, strawberry, quince);
- afternoon snack: grapefruit;
- dinner: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.
The third day:
- breakfast: buckwheat, orange, tangerine, grapefruit salad;
- second breakfast: cereal, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage;
- lunch: porridge, fruit salad (orange, apple, 3-4 dates);
- afternoon snack: fist-sized mixture of dried fruits and nuts;
- dinner: tomato and cucumber salad.
Fourth day:
- breakfast: buckwheat, fruit salad (prunes, apple, orange);
- second breakfast: baked vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, onions, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers);
- lunch: buckwheat, fruit and berry salad (apple, pear, orange, cherry);
- afternoon snack: orange;
- dinner: cereal, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
Fifth day:
- breakfast: porridge, salad of orange, grapefruit, tangerine;
- second breakfast: buckwheat, tomato and cucumber salad;
- lunch: buckwheat, fruit and berry salad (pear, apple, strawberry, quince);
- afternoon snack: pomegranate;
- dinner: tomato and cucumber salad.
How to diversify it
The ten-day diet itself is quite varied, and buckwheat does not become so boring. However, if on the third day the unleavened cereal begins to get boring, add dried fruits (3-4 pieces), and 1/3 tsp to add a salty taste. soy sauce.
Fruit salad is replaced 1-2 times a week with 1% cottage cheese. Once a week for lunch, instead of vegetables, you are allowed to eat a piece of chicken fillet or lean beef.
Attention! Bakery products and sweets are prohibited in any form.
What drink
The basis of any diet is liquid; without it, it is difficult for the body to remove toxins. On a buckwheat diet, drink at least 1.5–2 liters of clean water per day.
Take all meals with:
- warm green tea;
- natural ground coffee (once a week);
- freshly squeezed carrot, beet, orange or apple juice;
- herbal teas with cloves, oregano, cinnamon, chamomile;
- rosehip decoction;
- 1% kefir.
Volume of liquids - 1 tbsp. Alternate them in any order, except coffee. They drink kefir for dinner.
Important! Soda, beer and alcohol are excluded from any diet.
Are condiments allowed?
Sugar, salt, pepper and other spices are prohibited on the buckwheat diet. Therefore, many cannot stand the bland taste of food. They do not add oil to food, especially butter: they make dishes calorie.
Sweeten the drink with 0.5 tsp. honey Salt is replaced with soy sauce. Gourmets season their porridge with curry and cardamom. A small clove of garlic is added to vegetable salads and stewed vegetables. Fruit salads are sprinkled with lemon juice.
What determines the duration
10 days of diet - the optimal period of time For losing weight, especially in summer. At this time, food is inexpensive, and vegetables and fruits are always fresh.
In the first 3 days, excess fluid disappears; from 4 to 10, the fat burning mechanism starts. The result is noticeable already on day 7, but you cannot interrupt the diet: in the last 3 days the remaining excess fat will be lost.
Attention! If a person is 5 kg overweight, he will not lose 10 kg. A nutritionist will help you calculate the amount of extra pounds.
Is it possible to diet longer?
The diet is individual: some do not last even a day, others go on a diet for three weeks. If the excess weight has not gone away in 10 days, continue to lose weight for another 4 days.
Longer than 10–14 days on buckwheat sitting is not recommended: due to a monotonous diet, the balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements is disrupted, and a person’s physical and psychological health deteriorates.
Exit from the diet
The exit rules are extremely simple, but if you do not follow them, within 3 days the kilograms will return or extra pounds will be added. After the diet, the usual healthy foods are added to the diet in the same volumes:
- vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, onions, pumpkin, cauliflower, peppers;
- meat: pork, poultry, beef;
- low-fat dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
- unsweetened fruits: grapefruit, tangerine, apple, pineapple;
- dried fruits.
List of products that are introduced into the diet only 2 weeks after the diet (50–100 g of each per day):
- sausage, lard;
- butter;
- eggs;
- fish;
- bread, pizza;
- sugar, confectionery;
- carbonated drinks;
- banana, watermelon, persimmon, grapes;
- mayonnaise, ketchup;
- alcohol.
Buckwheat, steamed, cooked cold in water or kefir, sprouted, is eaten every other day or every day for breakfast.
This diet is effective if you follow the basic rules.. Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, a person gets full quickly, and you won’t be able to eat a lot of buckwheat at one time.
Fiber in cereals and vegetables, fruits, clean water in the required volume will cleanse the intestines of toxins every day.
How much weight do they lose?
Correct weight loss on this diet is 1 kg per day. If you follow this diet for 10 days, you will lose up to 10 kg of weight, if you were overweight.
Even if the weight has decreased by 3-4 kg, the volume will go away well. Measurements of volumes and comparison with previous values begin on the 3rd day of the diet.
Dieting correctly and cleansing the body is always good for health. The main advantages of this diet:
- Buckwheat is quick and easy to prepare;
- diet ingredients, especially in summer, are cheap;
- in the interval between meals the feeling of fullness is maintained;
- the diet does not last long;
- noticeable weight loss - up to 3 kg already on the third day;
- suitable for vegetarians;
- the intestines are well cleansed;
- swelling goes away;
- the volume of the stomach decreases, which allows you to maintain weight after finishing the diet;
- Cellulite is reduced, the condition of the skin of the face and body is improved.
Contraindications and harm
A buckwheat diet has a number of contraindications. This is due to the fact that cereal is difficult to digest in the stomach, so a young or weakened body will suffer more harm than good.
- pregnancy and lactation;
- hypertension;
- diabetes;
- gastritis, pancreatitis;
- renal and heart failure;
- depression;
- postoperative period;
- great physical and psycho-emotional stress;
- childhood, adolescence, old age (after 65 years).
Basic warnings:
- The nutrition program involves eliminating sugar and salt, which results in brain damage, dizziness and fainting. At the first symptoms, add honey to drinks, 0.5 tsp to porridge and salads. soy sauce.
- Weight loss is extreme, fat melts quickly, skin sags on the stomach, legs, thighs, buttocks, arms and knees. A contrast shower on problem areas in the mornings and evenings helps to avoid the problem. Do not engage in physical exercise during the diet.
- A depressed state and mild depression occur. To avoid this, walk in the fresh air for 30–40 minutes a day.
- The body suffers from the intake of monotonous substances, so the diet is limited to 10–14 days.
- Some people experience worsening chronic illnesses, constipation or diarrhea.In this case, the diet is immediately stopped and the usual diet is returned.
In order not to harm the body, spend 1-2 trial days on buckwheat. If the symptoms described above appear and intensify, and a persistent aversion to porridge develops, stop the diet.
Reviews of those losing weight
A Greek diet sometimes works wonders. Overweight people who have been dreaming of losing weight for years quickly lose those extra pounds.
Tatiana: «Diet is just a bomb! I lost 15 kg in 10 days. I don’t know how I managed it, but buckwheat really works wonders. The most important thing is not to cook the porridge, but to pour it overnight. Then all the beneficial substances are preserved.”
Tamara: “One employee at work praised the buckwheat diet. She was a very obese woman, but after vacation it was not she who came to work, but her “half”. She lost 18 kg! Everyone admired both the diet and willpower, and learned the secret of losing weight. And now at our work, the entire department periodically adheres to this menu for 10 days. We are all slim and beautiful now!”
Zhanna: “I went on a diet with my husband, but he couldn’t last even 2 days: he doesn’t like fruits and vegetables. I endured all 10 days and lost 7.5 kg. I did not add meat or dairy products to my diet. Somehow I endured everything easily, I walked a lot on the street. I am pleased. I recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight quickly.”
It is not difficult to follow a buckwheat diet for 10 days: the menu is varied, the products are combined and complemented, the main ingredient is easy to prepare. During this time, up to 10 kg of excess weight is lost, and the intestines are well cleansed.
The main thing is to monitor your well-being, walk more in the fresh air, and at the first signs of serious illness, return to your previous diet.