How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

At first glance, it seems that beets grow in the garden almost by themselves. However, this is a misleading impression. You will need certain knowledge and proper care to get tasty, sugary fruits of the right size. Such beets are rich in vitamins and decorate familiar dishes with this root vegetable.

In this article we will reveal the secrets of agricultural technology for a bountiful harvest. We'll tell you how and what to feed beets in June, July and other months. Experienced farmers will give useful advice on growing crops. Here you will find recipes for organic and mineral fertilizers.

Why feed beets?

Feeding beets in open ground is one of the main growing conditions.. The crop loves fertile soils and reacts painfully to a lack of fertilizer. Necessary nutrients are phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. At each stage of growth, the need for nutrients is different. Most of all, the root crop needs feeding a month after the first shoots appear.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

The best compositions for feeding

There are many organic and mineral fertilizers. Let's figure out what to feed beets for a bountiful harvest, and what fertilizers to choose for this.

Chicken droppings

At the beginning of growth, plants need nitrogen fertilizers. A suitable option is chicken manure. Organic fertilizing is used on all types of soils, but it has the greatest effect on acidic soil.

Chicken manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:12. To avoid burning the roots, the solution is poured into the grooves between plants or between rows. For 10 m2 use 10–12 liters.

Attention! Observe proportions and dosages. Excessive nitrogen fertilizers lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the roots.

Saline solution

Redness of beet leaves is a signal to use a saline solution. Salt improves the taste of fruits, giving them, as paradoxical as it may sound, sugar content. Feeding carried out no more than twice per season: the first time at the beginning of growth, the second time during the filling of root crops. To prepare the solution, a handful of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Weed infusion

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvestDon't rush to throw away weeds. An affordable way to feed beets is a weed tincture. It's easy to prepare:

  1. The grass is placed in the barrel to fill a third of the container.
  2. Fill with water to the top and leave to ferment for 5–7 days.
  3. The finished infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Water the plants one liter at the root.
  5. Fertilizer can be used every two weeks.

It can be useful:

When and how to plant beets with seeds

Is it possible and necessary to hill up beets?

When to remove beets from the garden for storage

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are used simultaneously with organic fertilizers. They begin to add them in the fall, when digging the soil, or in early spring, when preparing the beds for planting. Let's consider what types of mineral fertilizers need to be applied and what time to choose for this:

  1. In autumn, 1 tbsp is laid per square meter of beds. l. ammonium nitrate, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.
  2. For spring planting, add 100 g of nitrophoska, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 3–5 kg of humus (or compost).

On heavy and acidic soils, sawdust is used to improve the structure.. At the same time, lime should be added, since sawdust acidifies the soil: 1 kg per square meter. m beds.

Ash infusion

Wood ash is a valuable fertilizer that can be prepared at home. Ash improves soil structure, replacing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It contains potassium, copper, magnesium, boron.

Feeding beets with ash applied twice per season: after planting seeds and during the formation and growth of fruits. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 cups of ash per 10 liters of water, leave for two hours and water the beds.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

Boric acid

Feeding beets with boric acid has a positive effect on root vegetables:

  • increases seed germination;
  • improves the taste (sugar content) of the fruit;
  • protects plant roots from rotting;
  • forms immunity to diseases.

The first time fertilization with boric acid is carried out when soaking the seeds. Prepare a solution of 0.2 g of acid and 1 liter of water, and keep the planting material in it. During the period of growth of green mass and fruit growth, foliar feeding is carried out: 0.5 tsp. acids are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Root feeding is used when there is a lack of boron in the soil.

Attention! The peculiarity of preparing the solution is that boric acid is dissolved only in hot water.


Fertilizing with ordinary store-bought yeast improves the formation of root crops, increases the resistance of beets to diseases. Fertilize plants throughout the growing season. The solution is prepared as follows: 0.5 kg of yeast and 0.5 liters of jam (sugar) are diluted in 10 liters of warm water, left for 24 hours in a warm place. Then dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water and water the beets at the root.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

There are other types of organic fertilizers. The simplest and most accessible of them:

  1. Potassium permanganate solution - protects the plant from blackleg. Treatment is carried out up to five times per season, starting from the appearance of the first shoots.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide – lightens the soil structure, saturating it with oxygen. Root crops grow quickly in such soils and suffer less disease. Fertilizer is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water.
  3. Top dressing with lime – especially recommended for acidic soils. A glass of lime is stirred in 10–12 liters of water. Fertilizer is applied once per season at the fourth leaf stage.

Important! You need to pour lime carefully and at the root so as not to burn the beet leaves. All fertilizers are applied in cloudy weather or in the early and evening hours.

What to feed by month

At each stage of growth, beets need certain fertilizers.: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Let's take a closer look at the monthly work schedule.

In June

At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen fertilizers are used for active seed germination, regrowth of green mass and development of the root system. When and what to feed beets in June:

  1. The first time, mullein is added, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. The procedure is carried out immediately after the appearance of the second leaf, watering between the rows.
  2. After two weeks, ammonia is used in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. Ammonia repels pests and strengthens plant immunity.

Attention. When applying nitrogen fertilizers, follow the proportions. If there is an excess of them, the root system develops poorly, but the tops, on the contrary, will be powerful.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

In July

At this time, the beetroot forms a rosette. Feeding in July should be aimed at the formation and filling of the root crop. Potassium supplements are used for this purpose.:

  • Potassium nitrate is diluted in water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l.substances per 8 liters of water;
  • table salt is dissolved in water: 2 tbsp. l. salt, a bucket of water.

In August

By the end of summer, beets complete the formation of the root crop, accumulate nutrients and taste. How to feed beets in August? Use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. The solution is prepared at the rate of: 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1-2 tbsp. l. potassium chloride, 10 liters of water. Water at the root a month before harvest.

Fans of organic farming use folk remedies to feed beets in August: ash or yeast.

Read also:

Is it necessary to pick off the leaves of beets while they are growing?

What to do when beet leaves turn yellow and it doesn’t grow

Why do we need different beet fertilizers?

Growing beets without the right fertilizer will not give the desired result.. Beginner gardeners often ask the question: how to water beets so that they are sweet and the fruits grow large? The root crop needs a certain fertilizer at each stage of growth.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

For root crops to set

For this purpose, beets need to be fed with compounds containing boron and manganese. These are potassium-phosphorus fertilizers such as yeast, boric acid, and wood ash.

So that she grows

At the beginning of the growing season, beets grow tops and need nitrogen fertilizers. During this period, the following fertilizers are applied:

  • infusion of mullein or bird droppings;
  • ammonia;
  • foliar feeding with urea infusion: 20 g of urea, 10 liters of warm water, infuse for 20 minutes;
  • spraying with boric acid solution: 1 tsp. acid into a bucket of water.

In order for beets to grow well, they are watered twice a week until roots form., then switch to one-time watering. The beds are kept clean and the rows are mulched.

To make the beets sweet

Fertilizing with sodium nitrate or table salt will add juiciness and sugar content to the root crop.. Apply for root and foliar feeding three times per season:

  1. At the sixth leaf stage.
  2. When the root crop emerges from the soil.
  3. Two weeks after the second feeding.

Rules for applying fertilizers

Fertilizing beets in open ground, observe the following rules:

  1. Do your work in the evening.
  2. Apply fertilizers to the roots only after watering.
  3. Use nitrogen fertilizers early in growth.
  4. To avoid harming the plants, follow the exact proportions in recipes. An excess of nitrogen will lead to the accumulation of nitrates in root crops.
  5. Allow at least 14 days between feedings.

Feeding scheme

Helps to fertilize beets correctly fertilizing scheme:

  1. The first is at the beginning of growth, after the appearance of the second leaf. During this period, the beets are thinned out and nitrogen fertilizers (mullein, bird droppings, ammonia) are applied.
  2. The second is when the leaves close at the tops. Use mineral fertilizers or ash.
  3. Third, when the root crop emerges from the ground, potassium fertilizers (boric acid, potassium salt, superphosphate) are applied.
  4. The fourth – two weeks after the previous one.

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvest

How to understand what a root vegetable is missing

Beets are a plant that is sensitive to care; if there is a lack of nutrition, it begins to hurt. Let's consider main symptoms of malnutrition:

  • the heart rots - lack of boron;
  • round yellow spots on the tops - lack of potassium;
  • leaves turn red – there is not enough sodium;
  • a summer fly or a white butterfly has appeared - sprinkle with table salt;
  • leaves grow poorly - fertilize with nitrogen;
  • light spots with a brown border (cercospora blight) appear - add potassium fertilizers.

Tips and tricks from experienced farmers

How, when and what to feed beets in July-August: secrets of agricultural technology for getting a rich harvestOver the years, farmers have accumulated extensive experience in growing beets. Here are some tips and tricks on how to care for your crops:

  1. Growing beets in open ground requires fertilizing with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.
  2. At the beginning of tops growth, use only nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. Observe the beet leaves and apply fertilizer depending on the plant's needs.
  4. To avoid harming the plant, fertilize only after watering.
  5. Use more organic fertilizers.
  6. Carry out root and foliar feeding.


We described in detail how to feed beets for a good harvest, and indicated the timing of applying nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers by month. You learned that watering the beds with table salt adds sugar to root crops and repels pests. Using chicken manure, ash, and yeast to feed beets will help grow an environmentally friendly product.

Using our recommendations, you can easily understand what nutrients the beets in your garden are lacking and take steps to ensure they grow healthy.

1 a comment
  1. Irina

    I wonder if the author read his article? I add salt sometimes 2 times, sometimes 3 times)))). It feels like everything has been put together. It's difficult for beginners to understand. Respect your reader.

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