Method of using the drug "Prestige" for processing potatoes and reviews about it

The fight against insect pests and fungal diseases of potatoes is included in the list of mandatory procedures for caring for plantings. Most gardeners prefer to act on the principle “it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.” The insecticidal-fungicidal preparation “Prestige” for processing potatoes helps them with this.

The main advantage of the product is its use over landing by spraying the tubers with a solution. The solution is not used during the growing season, so the active substances have time to be neutralized before harvesting.

Description of the drug

Method of using the drug Prestige for processing potatoes and reviews about it

"Prestige" is an insecticidal-fungicidal preparation produced by the German company Bayer Crop-Science. Its action is aimed at preventing attacks by gnawing and sucking insects and infection by fungal spores.


  • imidacloprid - 140 g/l;
  • pencykuron - 150 g/l.

The photo shows the drug “Prestige”.


The active substance imidacloprid (insecticide) blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of insects, thereby protecting potato plantings from:

  • mole crickets;
  • potato moth larvae;
  • wireworm;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • fleas;
  • aphids;
  • cicadas

The fungicide pencicuron inhibits the biosynthetic processes inside fungal spores and prevents the development of the following diseases:

  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • scab;
  • wet rot.

The drug increases germination, increases the plant's defenses, in particular, makes potatoes resistant to late blight.Processing seed material increases resistance to sudden changes in average daily temperature and excess moisture in the soil.

The use of the chemical saves time and effort on processing plantings due to its insecticidal and fungicidal effect. The drug is combined with a complex fertilizer "Mikom", growth stimulants "Poteitin", "Biolan", fungicide "Maxim".

How to use it correctly

The drug is intended for pre-planting treatment of tubers in two ways: spraying before germination and treatment before planting in the ground. Both methods are equally effective, so the choice is up to the gardener.

Instructions for preparing the solution and processing methods

Method of using the drug Prestige for processing potatoes and reviews about it

Before starting to process the tubers before germination, the seeds are removed from storage 20-25 days before planting and left to warm up at a temperature of +15°C for 24 hours. Then prepare a working solution, which is used immediately: 10 ml of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water and mixed until smooth. This volume is enough to process 10 kg of potatoes. A measuring cup will help you accurately measure the right amount of liquid.

The seeds are laid out on plastic film in one layer and sprayed with a solution using a spray bottle on both sides. The tubers are left until completely dry and placed in boxes for germination.

The advantage of this method is the formation of strong and healthy shoots. Disadvantage - the validity period of the product is reduced, and young tubers are left without protection during the period of active growth.

Reference. The working solution turns the potatoes red, so they cannot be confused with untreated tubers.

The second treatment method involves spraying the seeds with a protective solution 3 hours before planting.The concentration of the working solution is the same. The action is carried out at a safe distance from other garden crops. A film is spread on the ground, the tubers are laid in an even layer and the processing is carried out. The seeds are left to dry for 30-60 minutes.

The advantage of this method is a longer period of protection compared to the first method.

Important! The drug is used to treat seeds of mid-season and late varieties of potatoes. Spraying tubers of early varieties is undesirable: the chemical will not have time to be neutralized before harvesting.

If the wireworm spreads over a large area, the concentration of the solution should be maximum. When using the drug together with other protective drugs, it is necessary to ensure the compatibility of the chemical elements and the advisability of simultaneous use.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that “Prestige” is classified as a safe chemical with minimal harm to humans, insects and birds, the manufacturer advises taking precautions when spraying planting material:

  • carry out the manipulation in protective clothing, rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles, then take a shower and change clothes;
  • If the substance gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water;
  • if a chemical gets into the esophagus, rinse the stomach, take an adsorbent, and seek medical help;
  • It is forbidden to process tubers with traces of rot, this leads to a decrease in germination;
  • Process freshly cut tubers only after dipping in ash and tightening the cut;
  • You cannot spray the solution on the above-ground parts of plants, since the toxic substances will not have time to decompose into safe components.

Effect duration

“Prestige” is characterized by the rapid entry into the activity phase, which reaches its peak 3-4 hours after treatment. The effectiveness of protection lasts for 1.5-2 months.

Method of using the drug Prestige for processing potatoes and reviews about it

Period of action of the drug after germination:

  • from the Colorado potato beetle - 37 days;
  • from aphids - 39 days;
  • from wireworms - throughout the growing season;
  • fungicidal protection - until the end of the season.

Benefits and harms from use

What harm does Prestige cause to human health? Many gardeners are of the opinion that this is not the safest means of protecting potatoes from pests and diseases, so they often refuse to use it. The main argument is that the tubers accumulate harmful substances and become unsuitable for consumption. In fact, the drug belongs to the third class of toxicity according to the classification of poisonous drugs of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - “Prestige” is recognized as moderately dangerous.Method of using the drug Prestige for processing potatoes and reviews about it

Pencycuron undergoes a stage of photodegradation (disintegration into safe substances under the influence of ultraviolet radiation) on the soil surface and in water. In the process of studying the residual amount of imidacloprid, scientists were able to find out that the active substance spreads from the roots up through the green mass, without moving back, so young tubers do not suffer.

At the Research Institute of Environmental Hygiene named after. Medvedev, in the course of studying the effect of the active ingredients of “Prestige” on plants, managed to prove that 40-45 days after treatment there are no toxins in the tubers.

The benefits of using the chemical are undeniable. Potatoes are reliably protected from fungal diseases and attacks by insect pests, while remaining safe for consumption.


The price for 1 liter of the drug “Prestige” ranges from 2,400 to 3,000 rubles. A 60 ml jar costs 420-450 rubles.


On the modern market of potato protective preparations there are analogues of “Prestige”.

Name Manufacturer Active substance Purpose Consumption rate
"Tanrek" "August" Imidacloprid 200 g/l Prevention of attacks by wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids, protection against rhizoctonia, scab 100 ml/1 ha
"Bator" "PETERS & BURG Kft" Imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencycuron 150 g/l Protection against beetles, thrips, lepidoptera, rhizoctonia, common scab 0.7-1 l/ha
"Rector" "Garant Optima" Imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencycuron 150 g/l Protection from the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, potato moth, wireworm and false wireworm, May beetle larvae, gnawing armyworm, mole cricket, rhizoctonia, common scab, wet rot 0.7-1 l/ha
"Mospilan" Nippon Soda Co., Ltd (Japan) Acetamiprid 200 g/kg Protection against bedbugs, Colorado potato beetles, aphids, whiteflies, scale insects 2.5 g/ha
"Aktellik" Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland) Pirimiphos-methyl 500 g/l Protection from gnawing and sucking pests 2 ml/10 m²
"Confidor" Bayer CropScience Imidacloprid 700 g/kg Protection against aphids, scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, Colorado potato beetles 2 g/10 l
"Aktara" Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland) Thiamethoxam 250 g/kg Protection from gnawing and sucking insects 200-400 l/ha


The debate about the dangers and benefits of the Prestige potato dressing does not subside. The only thing that remains undeniable is the effectiveness of the drug. On forums dedicated to growing vegetable crops, gardeners leave diametrically opposed reviews.

Vadim, Sarov: «I have been using the product for three years in a row and have not noticed any negative effects on health or the environment.I studied in detail the mechanism of action of the active substances and the method of using the drug, talked with agronomists who convinced me of the absolute safety of the product. There is an apiary next to the garden, the bees are alive and well. I process the potatoes immediately before planting, leave them in the sun to dry completely, and then put them in the ground. The bushes do not suffer from anything, they grow strong and healthy.”

Igor, Vologda: “I don’t consider “Prestige” a panacea for all potato diseases, but it significantly reduces the risk of fungal infection, attack by the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. I’d rather get a harvest commensurate with my labor costs than one undermined by larvae and beetles. All these herbal chatter and infusions do not bring the desired result, especially when the plantings take up not 2 acres, but much more.”

Varya, Mozhaisk: “I constantly hear rave reviews about the drug “Prestige”, but I’m afraid to try it myself. Recently I came across an article that provided information about the ban on imidacloprid in EU countries due to the extinction of bees. I am wary of any chemicals, I try not to use them to spray vegetables, because we then eat it all. And somehow it’s hard to believe the information from the manufacturer about the rapid disintegration of active substances. I am for environmentally friendly products."

Read also:

Why is solanine dangerous in potatoes?

Potato variety Riviera: grows in any climatic conditions.

The hardy Lapot potato variety is not afraid of bad weather.


Among farmers there are supporters and opponents of the use of chemicals for pre-planting treatment of potatoes.The main argument in favor of their use is the ability to prevent infection by fungi and the spread of gnawing and sucking insects in the area.

The drug "Prestige" has a dual effect thanks to the active components imidacloprid and pencycuron. The working solution is used to treat tubers before germination or immediately before planting. The product belongs to the third class of toxicity and does not have a harmful effect on humans and the environment.

  1. Varechka

    I just dilute the solution in a container and dip a few tubers and let them dry on film. After a couple of hours, we plant them. I've been using it for 5 years now.

  2. Love

    I treated it on the street before landing and got severe poisoning. I won't recommend it to anyone.

    • Andrey Palych

      Don't forget about safety precautions!

  3. Lyudmila

    This year I foolishly treated all my potato seeds with Prestige. The potatoes didn't rise! Other people to whom I gave my seed material, and they did not treat it with anything, my potatoes are growing. Before this, throughout
    For 40 years I have not had any problems with growing potatoes, except for the Colorado potato beetle. Now I got rid of the beetle - along with the potatoes!

  4. Irina

    The absolute lie is that potatoes will not grow!
    Unless you burned it with the drug.
    I do as my mother did. I just dip it in the solution. I dilute the drug more; it’s not clear how you can sprinkle a bucket of potatoes with a glass of water. And then all the potatoes, including the sprouts, are carefully washed, I let them drain, and I put them back in the box to dry. It won’t save you from wireworms, but you’ll forget about the Colorado potato beetle.

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