How to plant tomatoes before winter

It happens that we sow plants involuntarily - we accidentally drop the seeds on the garden bed, but they grow quite strong and healthy. It would seem that the land is not suitable for a certain varieties plant crop, and the tomato we threw away took it and grew. It is noteworthy that the tomato sprouted and began to develop. This means that the plant can be planted with seeds even before winter. The main thing is to cover it correctly, and you can expect shoots in early spring.

Tomatoes planted before winter grow hardened and have strong immunity. Such seedlings do not lag behind February and March sowings. Plants are very resistant to late blight and can easily tolerate temperature changes.

Planting and growing tomatoes before winter: advantages and disadvantages

At first glance, planting tomatoes in cool soil before winter is not the best way, but it will save time in the spring and give a good harvest. Autumn sowing of seedlings does not require special care and cutting of shoots. The culture grows quietly until the time of transplantation to a permanent location.

In this case, seedlings are not required, nor are seeds. Tomatoes are planted whole and grow their own seedlings in harsh winter conditions. Tomato seeds have a fairly high “self-preservation instinct.”

How to plant tomatoes before winter

Doing it right:

  • before frost approaches, dig holes with a diameter of no more than 20 cm;
  • when the first frost appears, place one whole tomato in each hole;
  • bury the tomatoes with soil and trample them a little;
  • fill the hole with dry leaves;
  • We place an inverted wooden box on top to protect it from the wind.

Until spring, all manipulations end here.

The tomato is a heat-loving plant, but hardening makes it more hardy.

Advantages of planting tomatoes in open ground before winter:

  • resistance to diseases, especially late blight;
  • ease of care: there is no need to prepare nutrient soil and transplant seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse;
  • rooting of plantings occurs quickly;
  • seedlings are well adapted to temperature changes;
  • the plant grows hardened and with strong immunity.

Like any other method of growing crops, autumn planting of tomatoes has its disadvantages:

  • it is not a fact that all seeds will germinate;
  • some seedlings may become barren flowers;
  • the procedure requires compliance with certain rules of agricultural technology for care, albeit to a small extent.

Judging by the fact that sowing tomatoes before winter has more advantages than disadvantages, it makes sense to use this growing method.

How to plant tomatoes before winter

Methods for winter sowing tomatoes

Planting tomatoes for the winter involves several basic methods. Although they are similar to each other, there are still certain differences. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Sowing under straw

A widespread method of planting tomatoes for the winter using straw. In this case, brown spot and root rot are not a problem for tomatoes.

You will need approximately 10 kg of straw per 1 sq. m. We disinfect the soil with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. We cover the bottom of the dug holes (15-20 cm deep) with rotted straw. Next we place large and ripe fruits.

Naturally rotten tomatoes are also suitable, but in no case diseased fruits. Then we lay down straw and compost.You can also cover the crops with burlap, agrofibre or spruce branches. Cover the surface of the bed with a 12 cm layer of straw and do not touch it until spring.

With the arrival of warm days, we install a mini-greenhouse over the planting. When ready, winter seedlings are transplanted to a place of permanent cultivation. At first, the seedlings lag behind the home seedlings in growth, but during the first month the discrepancy decreases.

Note. Most often, crops are covered with straw, because it is more accessible and warmer. Straw is better at protecting germinating seeds and future sprouts from frost than other materials.

How to plant tomatoes before winter

Sowing on compost

In a ready-made compost pit with compost made from household organic waste, you need to place whole ripe tomatoes and sprinkle them with soil or cover them with branches. Over the winter, the tomatoes will rot, leaving behind the seed material.

When the snow melts, the seedlings will need to be protected from morning frosts with garden agrofibre or film. When the first leaves form, the plants need to be temporarily transplanted into a greenhouse or covered with a greenhouse. After they get stronger, they can be planted in open ground.

Such cultivation gives the seedlings an advantage: a well-developed root system, normal perception of negative environmental factors.

Attention! For planting, it is better to use clean varieties tomatoes, since hybrid ones can disappoint with the result.

Planting a whole fruit

The process of planting tomatoes before winter occurs after the first frost. Holes are dug 15-20 cm deep, then one tomato is placed in them. After this, the holes are filled with soil and lightly slammed down. The planting is covered with dry soil, and a box with small holes is placed on top.In winter, the box is covered with snow. When the snow melts, the box and leaves are removed.

After emergence, tomato seedlings are protected from low temperatures with a special film. As the seedlings grow, they are transferred to greenhouse conditions. This is how seeds are sown in open ground.

What should the soil be like?

Tomatoes are planted in open ground before winter in mid-September or early October. This is done at least 14 days before winter sowing.

The earth is dug up as deep as possible, 1 square. m, add one bucket of humus or last year's compost, as well as fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus substances, each up to 25 g per 1 sq. m. m. Further preparation will be carried out depending on the type of planting.

Read also:

Why tomatoes are harmful and beneficial for humans.

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse before winter

When planting crops before winter in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you must adhere to certain rules of agricultural technology:

  1. One of the best planting methods is to plant tomatoes in a line at a distance of 65-75 cm from each other. The width of the beds should not exceed 60 cm.
  2. It is recommended to place tomato fruits in the holes in a northerly direction, starting from the southernmost point of the bed. This method of planting will give the plants more sunlight during the growing process.
  3. Plants are planted towards the end of November. In this case, the seeds will not have time to germinate in warm weather.

After the tomatoes have sprouted the first shoots, you can water them. Water The crop must be grown with the utmost care, trying to prevent moisture from getting on the shoots.

Note. To strengthen the immunity of planted plants, you can use sodium humate by dissolving one tablet in 10-12 liters of fresh, non-cold water.

In winter, tomatoes need to be watered as needed. There are no special instructions regarding the regularity and systematicity of the process, since winters are different everywhere. It is timely watering that will give the roots the opportunity to absorb moisture and strengthen in the ground. Excess water can lead to rotting of the roots.

When the temperature in the greenhouse reaches 30°C (and this happens around the end of March), the greenhouse will need to be ventilated.

Attention! If there are sudden changes in temperature, unhardened plants may die. Windows and doors should be opened one at a time, gradually reducing the air temperature in the greenhouse.

The optimal temperature for greenhouse tomatoes is 25 and 10°C (day and night, respectively).

Feeding tomatoes in greenhouse conditions

When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse in the fall, after the leaves begin to grow, you can begin to fertilize the crop. The procedure interval is 12-14 days. Both organic substances, such as manure or bird droppings, and mineral supplements can be used as fertilizer.

How to plant tomatoes before winter

Procedure for feeding tomatoes using bird droppings as an example:

  1. The contents are diluted in non-cold water in approximately the following proportion: 0.5 liters of litter per 10 liters of liquid.
  2. Plants should be watered between rows. Amount of nutrient mixture per 1 sq. m should not exceed 2-2.5 liters.

Experienced farmers do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers when planting tomatoes in the fall due to their low efficiency. Ammonium nitrate is used to feed crops in early spring.

Mineral fertilizers are used during the entire growth period. The substance has many varieties. Instructions for proper use are included in the supplement packaging.

Let's sum it up

Many people perceive innovations with doubt.Not everyone can dare to use the method of autumn planting tomatoes. The method of growing tomatoes we described was discovered relatively recently, but is already successfully used by many farmers and gardeners.

Its effectiveness lies in the unpretentiousness of the process and early harvest. It is worth thinking about the convenience of this method, analyzing its positive and negative aspects. Compliance with all rules and instructions will help you get a bountiful and early harvest. More information about planting and growing tomatoes before winter is presented in the video:

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