Is it possible to eat watermelon with gastritis with high acidity: arguments for and against and rules of consumption

Improper consumption of watermelon aggravates the course of gastritis, causing pain and heaviness in the stomach, especially if the acidity level is elevated. The fruit is allowed to be eaten depending on the person’s condition, the presence of other gastrointestinal pathologies and the stage of the disease.

Is it possible to eat watermelon for gastritis with high acidity?

Nutritionists do not prohibit eating the fetus during remission of the disease or relief of its symptoms. During the acute phase of gastritis with high acidity, watermelon is completely excluded from the diet.

For gastritis with low acidity, it is allowed to eat several small slices per day.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with gastritis with high acidity: arguments for and against and rules of consumption

Points for and against

Watermelon saturates the body with useful substances and improves the functioning of the excretory system. This is important for various problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis.

The berry contains ascorbic acid and other compounds that irritate the mucous membranes. With increased gastric acidity, the diet should be as gentle as possible, and in the acute phase of the disease, even a small amount of acid increases the pain.

In the remission stage, the gastric mucosa is no longer irritated. Regular foods are gradually introduced into the diet. The goal is to return the stomach “to function.” At this stage, watermelon juice will not harm, but do not drink it in large quantities so as not to worsen the condition.

Eating watermelon for gastritis with high acidity

In the stage of remission or when acute inflammation subsides, it is recommended to eat the fruit in moderation and in small portions. In order not to harm digestion, choose berries that are completely ripe and as sweet as possible.


What makes watermelon special is its sugar composition. Its pulp stores healthy and simple fructose, which is absorbed faster than other sugars and minimally irritates inflamed tissues. Therefore, eating watermelon for gastritis is more acceptable than other fruits, the sweetness of which is responsible for glucose.

Benefits and harms

Watermelon is useful for gastrointestinal pathologies because:

  • improves microflora;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • reduces general gastrointestinal acidity;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • enriches the body with B vitamins;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, when consumed frequently and in large quantities, watermelon causes:

  • allergic reactions;
  • impaired renal and excretory function;
  • poisoning of the body;
  • indigestion.

How does it affect the stomach?

Eating fruit always causes an increase in acidity. This is due to their composition: acids, complex sugars, fiber. Fruits actively stimulate taste buds, which increases the amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach.

Attention! Some nutritionists recommend eating berries to cleanse the body. on an empty stomach or a separate meal. This cannot be done with hyperacid gastritis.

With increased acidity, even without signs of inflammation, excessive consumption of the same watermelon can cause heartburn.The effect will be stronger if you eat several slices on an empty stomach. This is especially not recommended for erosive gastritis at any stage.

How to properly use watermelon when you are sick

It is allowed to include the fetus in the diet only during long-term remission. In the presence of other gastrointestinal pathologies (for example, with pancreatitis) berries are prohibited.

Nutritionists consider only the pulp from the center - the sweetest - suitable for consumption. The layers that lie closer to the crust are often filled nitrates and their derivatives. These substances are harmful to the body as a whole, and in case of gastrointestinal diseases, they further burden it.


The main rule: everything should be in moderation. Even during the period of remission of gastritis, do not be greedy: kilograms of watermelon eaten will only harm a weakened stomach. Often the pain and feeling of heaviness from such a diet return.

The daily allowance allowed by doctors should not be higher than 500 g. Ideally, eat 2-3 slices per day. This will speed up recovery and will not cause aggravation.

Attention! Do not eat watermelon on an empty stomach: it causes pain and bloating. It is better to eat the fruit as a dessert.

There is an opinion that for any gastritis, even hyperacid, a little watermelon can be consumed. If you really want it, there is no acute pain and the sweet piece from the center of the fruit does not weigh more than 150 g, you can eat it and evaluate your well-being.

Persistent heaviness in the stomach, belching, heartburn, dryness and bitterness in the mouth or pain are signs that it is better to wait for a stable remission.

Watermelon for gastritis with high acidity during remission

Even in the remission stage, you cannot overload the stomach. Doctors advise eating frequently and in small portions, even if there are no signs of indigestion.

For gastritis of the stomach, it is recommended to consume watermelon no more than once a day, up to 2 slices.

In chronic form

With chronic gastritis with high acidity, any violation can cause an exacerbation, especially if you repeatedly violate the diet.

Watermelon is allowed and healthy, but in moderation. It is not the mere fact of eating the berries that will bring the disease into the acute phase, but rather the large amount of food eaten.

In acute form

For acute gastritis, watermelon, like other fresh berries with a high content of acids, fiber and sugars, contraindicated. This rule applies until the symptoms disappear.

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In what cases is the fruit contraindicated?

In order not to harm the body, watermelon is prohibited in the following cases:

  • acute gastrointestinal diseases and exacerbations of chronic pathologies;
  • simultaneous occurrence of several digestive diseases (no matter at the stage of exacerbation or remission);
  • stones in the kidneys or ureters (the berry often provokes the movement of stones);
  • acute dysfunction of the digestive system, especially with nausea and diarrhea.

Precautionary measures

To avoid problems after eating watermelon, it is important to choose it correctly:

  1. The best berries are sold in Russia from mid-August to mid-September. At other times they are often unripe and with chemicals.
  2. A ripe watermelon makes a loud cracking sound when pressed. If this is not the case, the fruit is most likely green or has been brought to ripeness artificially.
  3. If you place a piece of pulp in water, it does not turn pink or reddish, but simply becomes cloudy.Coloring is a sign of high nitrate content.
  4. The cut flesh does not have sharply visible veins or inclusions of grains of sugar.
  5. If the veins are pale or yellowish, it means that the berry has been treated with chemicals more than once.

Watermelon slices or halves can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.

Is it possible for other gastrointestinal problems?

For gastritis with low acidity, watermelon is not prohibited, but beneficial. However, it is not recommended to overeat: no more than 3 slices per day and not at one time.

If a person has an acute phase of inflammation and the diet is strictly gentle, it is better to abstain from the fruit.

For ulcers

Many doctors believe that during an exacerbation peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum Watermelon should not be eaten because it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. Ingestion of the fetus often greatly worsens the patient's condition.

During the remission stage, watermelon is allowed, but only as a dessert, on a full stomach and in small quantities. In stable remission, it is allowed to eat up to 2 slices per day.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Is it possible to eat fruit with pancreatitis? Patients are allowed it only in fresh form and at the stage of remission.

Attention! If inflammation of the pancreas worsens, the berry will do harm. Even its one-time use in small quantities causes severe pain, heaviness, and increases the load on the diseased organ.

With cholecystitis, the fruit is eaten exclusively during the period of remission. Be sure to eat in small portions and fractionally, do not eat more than 250 g at a time.

If there are stones in the gall bladder, it is undesirable to eat watermelon: due to its choleretic properties, stones can begin to move along the ducts and clog them.


For hyperacid gastritis, it is allowed to include watermelon in the diet. During the remission stage, consume 2-3 slices from the sweet center of the fruit per day. During an exacerbation of the disease, the berry is prohibited, but if your health allows and there are no concomitant gastrointestinal pathologies, it is permissible to try up to 150 g and evaluate the effect afterwards. The main thing is not to overuse and choose a ripe product.

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