The incredible benefits of barley for the human body

Barley is a nutritious grain that promotes health and well-being. The most ancient finds of the culture date back to the early Neolithic period. In the modern world, cereal grow for the production of pearl barley and barley croup, as a raw material for the brewing industry and a feed crop for animals.

What is barley needed for, what are its medicinal properties and contraindications for use - read on.

Nutritional value, chemical composition and calorie content of barley

Corn barley is divided into two types: unpeeled (whole) and peeled from the shell and sprout. Manufacturers also produce it in the form of barley, flour and flakes. Whole grains, or pearl barley, have the greatest value because they retain the most vitamins and fiber.

The incredible benefits of barley for the human body

Vitamin content per 100 g of product:

  • A - 13 mcg;
  • E - 0.57 μg;
  • K - 2.2 μg;
  • B1 - 0.646 mcg;
  • B2 - 0.285 mcg;
  • B3 - 4.604 mcg;
  • B5 - 0.282 mcg;
  • B6 - 0.318 mcg;
  • B9 - 19 mcg.

Mineral content per 100 g of product:

  • potassium - 452 mg;
  • calcium - 33 mg;
  • magnesium - 133 mg;
  • phosphorus - 264 mg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • copper - 498 mg;
  • iron - 3.6 mg;
  • manganese - 1.943 mg;
  • zinc 2.77 mg;
  • selenium - 37.7 mcg.

Percentage of BZHU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 14%;
  • fats - 8%;
  • carbohydrates - 77%.

Calorie content is 281.6 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of barley for women

Sprouted barley grains, if introduced into the diet on an ongoing basis, have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system.Indications include breast diseases, as well as thrush, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fibroids and endometriosis.

Nursing mothers with a lack of breast milk are recommended to include barley dishes, infusions and decoctions in their diet. The cereal contains lignans - phenolic compounds that prevent the development of hormone-dependent breast cancer.

In cosmetology, barley is used as a source of vitamin E. It protects cells from lack of oxygen and activates the production of collagen, which is so important for the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

Baths with the addition of barley decoction nourish the epidermis, relieve inflammation, reduce wrinkles, restore elasticity and smoothness. Regular procedures help in the fight against age-related changes.

The benefits of barley for men

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, cereal is used in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.. Barley is indicated for people who are actively involved in sports and maintain physical fitness. Eating a variety of grains, malts and flours increases stamina and provides energy.

Building muscle mass and faster reactions are the result of the constant presence of barley in the menu. Phosphorus and B vitamins even in adulthood help a man stay strong and lead a full life.

Recommendations for older people

Due to its balanced composition, barley grain strengthens bones well. This is very important in adulthood, when they become fragile and the cartilage tissue in the joints wears out. Decoctions of barley are recommended to be used externally as a lotion on joints and internally to improve mobility.

Sprouted barley restores the strength of weakened and seriously ill people.It is completely absorbed and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. Low calorie content helps control weight. Barley grain contains magnesium and potassium, necessary for the heart muscle, as well as silicon, chromium and manganese, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Barley in children's diet

Barley porridge is an excellent source of energy for a growing body. Natural immunostimulants protect against infections and influenza viruses. Easily digestible fiber normalizes digestion and prevents allergies.

Important! If the doctor has recommended a gluten-free diet for the child, barley is excluded from the diet.

Barley infusions and lotions with them help mothers treat childhood diathesis, dermatitis, and urticaria. It alleviates the condition of such serious diseases as fungus and psoriasis. Herpes can also be treated faster if you take baths with barley decoction. For childhood asthma, barley dishes are included in the menu as an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial and healing properties for the body

Barley is a medicinal plant. Proper use of traditional medicine recipes and a properly formulated diet help in solving many health problems. Let's look at the benefits and harms of barley.

The incredible benefits of barley for the human body

Weight loss

Chem. The composition of the cereal is rich in substances beneficial to health. The amino acid lysine stimulates collagen production, fiber reduces appetite and restores digestion.

Vegetable protein maintains energy balance and is easily and completely absorbed by the body. The calorie content of pearl barley is low. Barley decoction normalizes blood sugar levels and reduces bad cholesterol.

Digestive tract

Barley is rich in plant fiber. This is an important source of dietary fiber, which promotes quick satiety and prevents overeating. Fiber is also needed to maintain intestinal microflora.

The synthesis of necessary substances and the digestion of food are improved, which has a positive effect on intestinal function, preventing constipation and diarrhea. Barley is used in the treatment of ulcerative inflammation and restoration of the intestinal mucosa.

Prevention of colon cancer

Barley contains natural antioxidants and is therefore beneficial for the prevention of colon cancer. These substances support and strengthen the immune system, helping to successfully cope with atypical cells.

The plant fiber contained in barley normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes waste and toxins, and prevents constipation - one of the main causes of colon cancer.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Barley contains the entire spectrum of B vitamins, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese and phosphorus. These nutrients are needed to maintain overall health, especially for strong bones and joints.

Calcium is the main mineral of bone tissue. Copper is involved in the synthesis of collagen, the lack of which weakens the skeleton. Barley helps avoid fragility and brittleness of bones, improves regeneration processes in the body.

To maintain joint health, barley malt infusion is used, both externally and internally. Soothing baths with barley decoction speed up healing and relieve joint pain.

Skin, beauty and youth

The beneficial properties of barley are very useful for people who take care of their appearance.. Masks made from barley flour cleanse problematic skin, have a calming effect, relieve inflammation and irritation.

Barley extract, used in cosmetology, moisturizes and refreshes the skin. Natural collagen contained in cereals protects it from fading. It becomes denser and receives protection from ultraviolet rays.

The incredible benefits of barley for the human body

Endocrine system

Barley is also useful for preventing type 2 diabetes. The beneficial properties of the culture will balance nutrition and maintain stable body weight. A competent menu helps to completely eliminate the risk of diabetes.

But if the disease has already been diagnosed, fiber in combination with beta-glucan reduces blood glucose and insulin levels. A therapeutic diet selected by a specialist will make life easier even for a seriously ill person.

Anti-inflammatory qualities

Decoctions and infusions of barley grain are well suited to relieve inflammation in the respiratory system. A dry cough and sore throat can be effectively treated with a decoction of barley mixed with hot milk. As an additional therapy, barley infusions are used for bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. They have a general strengthening effect and support the immune system.

Barley infusion is also used as an external remedy. Sulfur and silicon in combination with B vitamins have an anti-inflammatory effect. Barley decoctions and infusions promote faster healing of wounds.


Barley is high in beta-glucan, a special polysaccharide that activates white blood cells. Their task is to remove foreign proteins from the body. Beta-glucan strengthens them, helps to quickly reach the site of inflammation and fight infection.

The regular presence of cereal in the menu significantly strengthens the immune system.This effect is achieved thanks to a record amount of vitamins and minerals, natural antioxidants and amino acids, and a harmonious combination of proteins and starch. Multivitamins and fiber help to recover in the postoperative period.

The cardiovascular system

People suffering from hypertension will benefit from barley-based kvass. Drink lowers blood pressure, and vitamins A, D and E support normal blood clotting and saturate it with oxygen. The risk of blood clots, which means heart attacks and strokes, is reduced.

Iron and B vitamins help prevent anemia. Sprouted barley improves the condition of patients with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Harm and contraindications

The incredible benefits of barley for the human body

Weak and seriously ill people with gastrointestinal problems are contraindicated in eating raw or whole grains. In dietary therapeutic nutrition, there are specialized recipes for pureed porridges, soups and decoctions that maintain strength and heal internal ulcers.

Problems with flatulence and diarrhea also require careful use of barley. In this case, decoctions and infusions are useful. Honey and vinegar are considered unsuitable products for barley dishes. For people with intolerances gluten free barley consumption is excluded.

Recipes with barley

Cooking and traditional medicine have developed hundreds of delicious and healthy recipes based on barley. We use whole and refined grains, cereals made from them, flour and malt. We offer several recipes for health, diet and beauty.

Barley infusion for joints

One of the pressing problems, especially in adulthood, is joint diseases. Barley infusion is used as part of complex therapy.

For malt:

  • 1 tbsp. l. barley grains;
  • 1 tbsp. water.


  1. Brew clean grains with hot water.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Apply the infusion externally as a compress.
  4. Take 1 tsp orally. 2 times a day.

Barley decoction for baths

Therapeutic baths relieve aching joint pain, have a relaxing effect, and relieve skin irritation.


  • 5 tbsp. l. pure grain;
  • 3 l. water.


  1. Pour cold water over the grains.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth.
  4. Strain thoroughly into the bath.
  5. Take a bath for no more than half an hour.

Salad "Barley mix"

If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, diversify your menu with dishes made from barley cereals.


  • 1 tbsp. boiled barley groats;
  • 50-100 g boiled shrimp;
  • 1 piece each fresh cucumber, tomato, bell pepper;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sunflower or olive oil;
  • salt, curry.


  1. Cut vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Add cereal and diced shrimp.
  3. Season with salt and curry to taste.
  4. Pour in oil and mix gently.

Barley flour mask

Barley mask is indicated for problematic skin prone to inflammation, irritation, acne and increased oiliness.


  • 2-3 tsp. barley flour;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. hot water;
  • 0.5 tsp. softened avocado or olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. honey


  1. Pour hot water over the flour and bring to the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Let it brew for 5 minutes.
  3. Add honey and avocado or oil.
  4. Stir thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Apply to cleansed skin.
  6. Keep for 20 minutes under a paper towel.
  7. Remove the mask with a napkin or cotton pad, and rinse off any remaining residue with water.
  8. Give the skin a little rest and apply the cream.
  9. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.


Barley is a unique cereal that humanity has found application in various areas of life and culture. Grains are used to make cereals, flour and bread. The nutritional and medicinal qualities of barley are invaluable: it helps to maintain good shape, maintain youth, strengthen the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

The constant presence of barley grain in the menu protects against many chronic diseases. This is a widespread and affordable product with virtually no contraindications.

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