What is good about the Baltic gooseberry variety and why it is worth growing it
Gooseberries are called northern grapes - their berries are not inferior to the southern culture in taste, content of vitamins and mineral salts. Even in Ancient Rus', wounded and sick people were treated to gooseberry fruits, and entire plantations were planted in monastic and princely gardens.
In the time of Yaroslav the Wise, gooseberries were called “bersen”. The modern Bersenevskaya embankment was named so not by chance - in its place there was the largest grand-ducal berry plantation. Northern grapes have many varieties and hybrids for the northern regions of the country. The Baltic variety is considered one of the best among them.
Description of the Baltic gooseberry variety
Baltic gooseberries are rightfully called one of the best varieties for the North-West region. The plant produces high yields, is resistant to diseases, adverse weather conditions and is easy to care for.
History of origin and distribution
The breeding of the variety was carried out by scientists Alekseeva N. M. and Studentskaya I. S. at the Leningrad fruit and vegetable experimental station in 1947. By crossing Mysovsky 17 and Industry, breeders have developed a new berry bush that is promising for risk farming. The Baltic gooseberry has not become widespread among amateur gardeners, but scientists predict a great future for the culture.
Characteristics and description of bushes
The Baltic gooseberry has a spherical crown no more than 110 cm high. The shoots are erect, with a large number of large thorns.The leaves do not differ in appearance and color from other varieties of the crop. They are heart-shaped, oval-shaped, with 3-5 lobes, dark green in color, wrinkled and leathery. The top of the leaf blade is covered with a waxy coating. The leaves and petioles are completely devoid of pubescence.
Baltic gooseberry is a mid-season variety.
Temperature resistance
In the regions of central Russia, the variety shows high frost resistance - it is not afraid of temperature drops to -30°C. In frosts down to -35…-38°C, plants’ growth for the current year freezes. Therefore, in the gardens of Siberia and the Urals, gooseberries are grown with light shelter for the winter.
Moisture and drought resistance
The plant has average drought tolerance. In the absence of soil moisture for a long time, the gooseberry sheds some of its foliage. If drought occurs during the period of formation and filling of fruits, this will affect their presentation and taste. The berries will be small, without a pronounced taste and aroma.
Resistance to diseases and pests
The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose. These diseases are common in central Russia in years with unfavorable, rainy summers.
Characteristics and description of fruits
During the fruiting period, the branches of the bush are abundantly covered with large (2.5-3.5 cm long) oval greenish-yellow berries. The weight of one does not exceed 4 g. The pulp of the fruit is refreshing, sweet and sour. When fully ripe, they acquire a honey color and taste.
The berries ripen in the 1st decade of August. The average yield per bush with proper agricultural technology is 8-10 kg.
Application area
If not 1-2 bushes are planted on a plot, but an entire plantation, it is important to think about the rational processing of the collected raw materials. Baltic berries produce:
- jam;
- jam;
- confiture;
- candied fruit;
- dried fruits (berries are dried in the sun or in a convection oven).
For the most sophisticated connoisseurs, you can prepare “royal jam”: each berry is filled with hazelnuts, and after the preparatory work, the fruits are boiled with sugar, like regular jam.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The northern variety is gaining popularity thanks to a large list of positive qualities:
- Even a summer resident without experience can cope with cultivation;
- high productivity with minimal labor costs;
- resistance to severe frosts, short-term drought and powdery mildew;
- The fruits have a universal purpose in cooking.
The variety has one drawback - all the shoots of the plant are covered with sharp, large thorns. This complicates the care and collection of berries.
Growing technology
Baltic gooseberries are not picky about the location and growing conditions, but in order to achieve abundant fruiting (as the producers promise on the label), it is advisable to adhere to the recommended agricultural practices.
Optimal conditions
Gooseberries of any variety are best planted in spring. During the summer season, the shrub will grow a good root system and will be more prepared for winter than a plant planted in the fall.
The condition of the bush depends on where it will grow. For normal growth and fruiting, Baltic needs:
- Sunny place, protected from through and northern winds.
- Good drainage if there is close groundwater in the area.
- Fertile, light, aerated soil with a slightly acidic reaction. On depleted soils there will be lower yields.
Read also:
An easy-to-care variety of gooseberry “Yarovaya”.
Landing dates and rules
The optimal planting time is chosen depending on the climatic zone in which the site is located:
- in the middle zone - in mid-April;
- in the south - at the end of March;
- in the Urals and Siberia - at the end of April - beginning of May.
For planting, 1-2 year old seedlings or perennial bushes, divided into parts, are suitable. Planting technology is traditional for all types of gooseberries:
- When planting a plantation, planting holes measuring 1 m³ are dug. For annuals, it is more rational to dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide.
- The distance between plants, taking into account further growth, is 80-120 cm.
- Drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole.
- The soil for planting is prepared in advance: humus, sand and long-term mineral fertilizers (for example, AVA Universal or Osmokot) are additionally added to the garden soil.
- Plants are planted in a hole on a small mound, straightening the roots.
- Cover with soil up to the root collar and compact the soil.
After planting, the plants are watered abundantly. During the week, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the new plantation, shading the plants from the bright sun during the midday hours.
Further care
When the adaptation period has passed, the gooseberries are given the standard care for this berry crop: systematic feeding, watering, and weeding are carried out regularly. In the first year of planting in hot weather, seedlings are shaded from direct sunlight. If persistent cold and rainy weather is observed, the gooseberries are watered with a “HOM” solution (70 g per 10 liters of water).
Possible problems, diseases, pests
The Baltic variety is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose, but can be affected by various pests. The most common are:
- Aphid.This insect always spreads quickly and has a large population. By sucking the juices from the leaves, the pest greatly inhibits the plant, weakening its immunity.
- Caterpillars of butterflies (gooseberry moth, moth).
- Glass butterfly caterpillars. A dangerous pest is common not only on black currants, but also on gooseberries.
- Gall midge. Affects all plant organs. The pest is noticeable only when its larvae have already laid eggs.
To prevent the invasion of pests and diseases, it is important to carry out preventive procedures annually:
- In early spring, as soon as above-zero temperatures are established, the plantings along the crowns are watered with hot water heated to +75°C. At this temperature, most of the larvae overwintering in the soil and parts of plants die.
- For fungal diseases (powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose), the bushes are regularly, once a month, treated with Bordeaux mixture. To prepare the solution, take 300 g of copper sulfate, 300 g of quicklime and dissolve them in 10 liters of hot water. After the liquid has cooled to an acceptable temperature, they begin to process the plantation.
In addition to diseases and pests, gooseberries can suffer from lack of nutrition and drought. These reasons can be easily eliminated by adjusting agricultural practices.
Many gardeners living in areas with harsh winters are concerned about how the Baltic variety will survive the winter. In regions with little snow and harsh winters, the plant needs to be provided with light shelter. After autumn sanitary pruning, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (35-50 g/m²) are applied to the soil under the bush. The entire surface around under the crowns of bushes is mulched with peat.
Reference. In the north, it is recommended to use light shelters (thin white spunbond).
Features of cultivation depending on the region
The care technology is determined by the climatic characteristics of a particular region:
- In the Urals and Siberia, the crop is planted only in the spring, when the soil has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. The plantation needs to be covered with white spunbond and mulched around the trunk area. In winters with little snow, snow is thrown from the paths onto the crowns.
- In the Moscow region and Leningrad region, regular preventive treatments against fungal diseases and intensive feeding are required.
- In the south, the variety can be planted even in October. Shelter for the winter is not required.
Pollinator varieties
The high yields of Baltic gooseberries are due to the fact that the variety is 50% self-fertile. This means that the flowers of the crop are able to pollinate themselves without the help of insects. To increase the number of ovaries, other yellow-fruited varieties are planted next to the plantings: Russian Yellow, Masheka, Russian.
The most productive propagation method for the Baltiysky variety is the use of green cuttings or layering from 2-year-old shoots of the mother plant. For green cuttings, choose the young growth of the current year. Cuttings are cut into 3-4 buds and rooted in a mixture of humus and sand (1:1).
Attention! To quickly form roots, the lower sections of the cuttings are immersed in Kornevin powder.
Reproduction by layering is simpler and gives 100% rooting. Long lashes are tilted to the ground as much as possible and pinned with an iron bracket (piece of wire). A small mound is made at the top where the stem touches the ground.
Reviews from summer residents
Gardeners note the high yield, frost resistance and pleasant taste of Baltic gooseberries.
Anastasia, Voronezh region: “A neighbor recommended a variety with beautiful large yellow berries - Baltic. I bought it and cared for it like other varieties (I have 2 of them - Russian Yellow and Warsaw). I was pleased with the result - in the first year I collected half a bucket from a small bush.”
Mikhail Petrovich, Omsk: “I am an experienced gardener. I am cautious about new varieties. I was looking for a productive gooseberry that can withstand the harsh Siberian winters, and I found it! Baltic withstood the March frost (-32°C) with little snow.”
Anna, Moscow region: “I love collecting interesting new berry bushes - my children love eating garden berries from the bush. I added to my gooseberry collection by purchasing the Baltic variety. The whole family liked the honey taste with a slight sourness. The only caveat is that it’s better to harvest while wearing fabric gloves.”
Read also:
How can you treat gooseberries to remove white plaque on the berries?
Powdery mildew on gooseberries: signs, causes.
Diseases and pests of gooseberries and methods of combating them.
Thanks to the characteristics of the Baltic gooseberry variety, its popularity will increase every year. Increased frost resistance and easy adaptation to any conditions allow the crop to be planted in any climatic region of the country. Even in areas with an unfavorable climate, the shrub consistently bears fruit.