The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

To fill pantry shelves with delicious jam and healthy compote, gardeners grow a variety of berries on their plots. One of the most beloved and popular berries among Russian summer residents is raspberries. There are red, yellow, orange varieties. Some of them bear fruit 2-3 times per season - one bush produces about 5 kg of tasty and beautiful berries. The yield largely depends on the growing region. In the article, we will look at the names and descriptions of the best raspberry varieties for the Urals, and learn the secrets of their cultivation.

Raspberry varieties for the Urals

The Urals have a harsh climate and changeable weather - in the morning it can be +10°C and sunny, and in the evening it can be 0°C and precipitation in the form of snow. Therefore, it is recommended to choose frost-resistant varieties with strong immunity.

When it's time raspberries in the Urals and which varieties to choose for landings, we will consider further.

The best remontant varieties

The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

Remontant varieties are ways to produce a harvest several times during the season - the early harvest is formed on last year's shoots, the late harvest on newly formed shoots. To get a lot of berries, gardeners follow special agrotechnical rules.

Unlike traditional varieties, which are guaranteed to ripen once a year, remontant varieties require protection from weather conditions and need additional fertilizers.

The best varieties of remontant raspberries for the Urals:

  1. Shelf. Mid-early raspberries ripen at the end of July and bear fruit from the beginning of September. One cluster produces about 10 large pink-red berries.The weight of one berry varies from 3 to 5 g. The variety is universal in use; the berries have a rich taste and sweet aroma. Productivity is from 3 to 7 kg per bush.
  2. Caramel. The first harvest appears in early August. The variety is unpretentious in care - the main thing is to follow the watering regime. The berries are large, the weight of one can reach 6 g. The color is rich, the taste is sweet. Gardeners consume raspberries fresh or use them to prepare winter preparations - they make jams and compotes, preserves and jellies. Productivity is about 5 kg per bush.
  3. Orange miracle. An original remontant variety with golden yellow berries. The bushes are small, shoots form simultaneously. The weight of the berry is from 4 to 6 g, the taste is sweet and sour. The variety has excellent transportability and long shelf life. The yield is stable - about 5 g per bush.

Varieties with large berries

The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

Large berries are most often consumed fresh - they are juicy and sweet. They are also added to desserts - even a simple scoop of ice cream, thanks to raspberries, will turn into a beautiful and healthy treat.

  1. Eurasia. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, and immune to sudden climate changes. Great for growing in the Southern Urals. The bush grows straight up, reaching a height of 1.5 m. It blooms in July, and the berries ripen in August. The weight of one is about 4-5 g, the shape is conical. The color is dark crimson, matte. The pulp is sweet and sour, the aroma is moderate. About 3 kg of crop is harvested from one bush.
  2. Penguin. About 6 kg of ripe and aromatic berries are harvested from one bush. The shape is round-conical, the color is rich red-pink. The pulp is dense, sweet and sour, there are small seeds inside. The weight of one is from 4 to 5 g.The variety is universal in use, the crop is perfectly stored fresh and frozen.
  3. Golden autumn. The weight of raspberries is from 4 to 7 g, the berries are large, golden-orange in color. The harvest has an attractive presentation, so Golden Autumn is grown not only for personal consumption, but also for sale. The fruit has a sweet, slightly sour taste. About 3 kg of crop is harvested from one bush.

The sweetest

Varieties with sweet pulp are used in cooking - raspberries are dried and frozen, and processed fresh. It is rich in vitamin C - the berries make tasty and healthy jam for the winter. This dessert will protect against flu and colds and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Early sweet. The large-fruited variety is ideal for growing in the Ural region - it suffers little and bears fruit in all weather conditions. The berries are of the same shape and size, the pulp is dense. The weight of one is about 5-8 g, the taste is honey, the aroma is rich. 3-4 kg are collected from one bush.
  2. Polana. Frost-resistant variety with stable yield. Raspberries are grown in the shade - this will not change the number of ripe and large berries. The ripening period is extended - from the first half of July to the beginning of October. The taste and aroma are sweet, about 5 kg of crop is harvested from the bush.
  3. Bell. The self-pollinating variety is drought-resistant, therefore it shows excellent yield even with minimal watering. The berries are medium in size, weighing from 3 to 5 g per one. The taste is sweet and honey, without sourness or bitterness. The color is classic crimson. Gardeners collect from 3 to 6 kg of ripe and beautiful berries from a bush.

The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation


Early varieties are suitable for regions with short summers - they ripen quickly and do not have time to get sick. They are distinguished by moderate fruiting and require special care in the form of additional fertilizers.

  1. Faith. A variety with small bushes and semi-spreading shoots. To keep the berries juicy and sweet, abundant watering is recommended. The yield is about 4 kg per bush, the taste is pleasant, the flesh is dense. Harvesting takes place in several stages - the first is the most massive. Vera raspberries are universal in use - they love to eat them fresh and processed.
  2. Brilliant. Compact berries with a sweet and sour taste. The bushes are medium-sized, the shoots are strong. The pulp is slightly watery, the aroma is bright. Raspberries hang on the branches for a long time and do not fall off. The crop is harvested 4-6 times per season. Brilliant is resistant to diseases and pests, shows stable yield.
  3. Patricia. The variety is popular among all gardeners. The pulp is tender and sweet, the weight of one berry is about 5 g. The color is bright red, the shape is slightly cylindrical. Productivity is from 4 to 8 kg per bush. The Patricia variety is not intended for long-term storage - it does not tolerate transportation well. It is recommended to consume the berries fresh.


The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

Among the mid-season raspberry varieties there are many dessert varieties - they are ideal for preparing and decorating dishes. The berries are large, rich in color. The taste and aroma are bright.

  1. Monomakh's hat. The shape is pyramidal, the tip is slightly rounded. The weight of one berry varies from 7 to 20 g. The taste is sweet, with a light refreshing sourness. The structure is dense, does not fall apart or crumble during harvesting. About 6 kg are collected from the bush. The frost resistance of the variety is above average, however, to obtain a rich harvest, Monomakh's Cap needs additional fertilizing.
  2. Hercules. The bush is cone-shaped. Berry weight is from 5 to 15 g. The color is bright, raspberry-red.It is resistant to diseases and pests, easy to care for - suitable for growing not only in the Urals, but also in Siberia. The yield is stable, about 5 kg per bush. One of the disadvantages is the presence of sharp thorns on the bushes.
  3. Kuzmina News. Excellent for growing in regions with short and cold summers. The weight of the berry is from 2 to 5 g, the aroma is weakly expressed. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is dense. Novosti Kuzmina is not suitable for long-term storage and transportation. The yield is average; gardeners collect about 3 kg of small berries from a bush.


The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

Late varieties are distinguished by large fruits and a sweet taste.. They ripen by early to mid-August and do not require special agrotechnical rules for care.

  1. Diamond. Remontant raspberries are planted in sunny areas to obtain a rich harvest. The weight of one berry is about 7 g, the color is rich, the pulp is dense. Raspberries have a sweet taste and a slightly pointed shape at the bottom. Diamond bears fruit until winter, delighting gardeners with a bountiful harvest. About 4-5 kg ​​of berries are harvested from one bush.
  2. Polka. The variety has an appetizing appearance - large berries ripen in clusters of 5-10 pieces. Resistant to major crop diseases and unpretentious in care. There are few thorns on the bushes, so gardeners are not afraid to scratch their hands during harvesting. The taste is moderately sweet and juicy. Productivity 3-7 kg per bush.
  3. Taganka. The bushes are semi-spreading and compact. The weight of the berry is 5 g, the color is bright raspberry-burgundy. Raspberries are easily separated from the stalk, the pulp is not watery, and the taste is rich. One bush produces up to 5 kg of harvest. Taganka raspberries are universal in use.

Features of growing raspberries in the Urals

To get a tasty and rich harvest, it is recommended to follow the rules of planting and care. Every stage is important - seed preparation, site selection, planting, care requirements, protection from diseases and pests.

When is it better to plant - spring or autumn?

The timing of planting depends on the variety. Remontant varieties are suitable for spring planting - they manage to ripen by mid-summer and produce the first harvest. How to plant raspberries in spring? The soil is prepared in advance - a month before the onset of spring. The ground is cleared of debris and weeds, dug up and loosened to get rid of hard and large lumps.

To plant ordinary raspberries in the fall, the soil is prepared 2-3 months in advance. It is recommended to choose a spacious and sunny area - raspberries, like other berries, love the sun and warmth. The area for raspberries should be located away from swamps, flooding and groundwater. Otherwise, there is a high risk of fungus.

Attention! You cannot choose for planting places where potatoes, eggplants, peppers and other nightshade crops previously grew. It is also not recommended to plant raspberries in the same place for more than 5 years in a row - the soil “gets tired” and loses its vitamins and mineral components.

Landing rules

Raspberries are planted in individual bushes or rows. For the first option, holes are required - they are made in advance and placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. The roots of the bush are moistened in mullein solution and lowered into the hole, sprinkled with dry soil on top and gently patted with palms. The recommended distance between rows is 2 m.

For the second planting method, prepare a trench measuring 45 x 50 cm. The distance between the bushes should be at least 50 cm.The trench is filled with a nutrient mixture - double superphosphate and liquid mullein are perfect.

It is too early to add nitrogen-containing elements at the planting stage - they can negatively affect the development of young bushes. The seedlings are placed in a trench, covered with soil and humus is sprinkled on the soil.

Features of care

The main stage of care is proper watering. It is not recommended to give the plant too much moisture - this will lead to the development of rot and disease. The optimal watering schedule is once every 20 days, in dry weather - once every 15 days. Before each moistening, gardeners loosen the soil, this nourishes the roots and stimulates their development. When loosening, it is important not to damage the root system - go no more than 5 cm into the ground.

2 years after planting, gardeners apply mineral fertilizers to the soil. Particular attention is paid to nitrogen-containing fertilizers - raspberries do not tolerate their absence well. It is also recommended to water the bushes once a month with a solution of liquid mullein or burdock infusion. These simple remedies strengthen the plant's immunity and protect against insect pests.

Attention! The garter of shoots plays an important role in care. It is carried out so that the bushes do not break under the weight of the fruit. The fan method is common - a trellis is driven between the bushes, to which part of the shoots of one and the other bush is tied at different heights. Externally, this design looks like a fan.

When do the berries ripen in the Urals?

Early and mid-ripening varieties ripen by mid-July to early August. Their fruiting period is extended - they feast on ripe berries until the beginning of October.

Late varieties ripen by mid-August and continue to bear fruit until the first frost - in the Urals this is mid-October.It is important not to overexpose ripe berries on the bushes - the branches break under their weight. Experienced gardeners harvest raspberries immediately after they have gained color and shape.

When to transplant

Malina transplanted every 5-6 years. This increases the yield, improves the taste and appearance of the berries. Gardeners do this in spring, summer or autumn - there are no strict rules or restrictions.

It is recommended to plant raspberries in a bed where onions, herbs or legumes previously grew. Choose a trench or single (in bushes) type of planting. The seedlings are transplanted, covered with soil and mulched. In order for the plant to quickly adapt to a new place, it is sprayed with a solution of wood ash from a spray bottle.


For cultivation in the Urals, gardeners choose varieties that are resistant to weather changes. These are raspberries Eurasia, Diamond, Shiny, Polka. For planting, choose a sunny and spacious area, away from underground and groundwater.

Plant berries in rows or bushes, after digging up the ground and removing debris. Raspberries love mineral supplements, especially those with nitrogen-containing components. Ripenes by July or August - the timing depends on the variety. Most varieties are suitable for fresh consumption, for preparing dessert dishes, jams and compotes.

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