
The benefits of eating buckwheat with kefir on an empty stomach in the morning

Kefir with buckwheat in the morning is an excellent option for a healthy and tasty breakfast. This simple recipe has a variety of positive effects on the body - from maintaining a figure and getting rid of extra pounds...

What is long grain rice called - popular varieties and their uses

There are about 10,000 species of rice in the world, which are divided into two main subspecies, Oryza sativa indica and Oryza sativa japonica, where the former is long grain and the latter is short grain. Indica...

Unpretentious potato variety Early morning: even beginners can grow

Early Morning Potatoes are an early-ripening variety for table use. Its advantages attract both garden owners and large agricultural enterprises. Taste and product indicators are rated very highly by experts. With the cultivation of this unpretentious...

How to cure cucumbers in a greenhouse from white rot

White rot is a dangerous disease that affects many crops and leads to complete or partial loss of crops. Getting rid of fungus on cucumbers is not so easy. There are many methods, but to choose...

Mid-early potato variety Krasavichik with amazing taste

The Handsome potato received its name for the visual attractiveness of the tubers. The bright red peel attracts the attention of buyers and vegetable growers. This variety is able to quickly adapt to any climate and different soil composition. He's long...

How parsley helps with puffiness under the eyes and how it can be used

A problem that is familiar to every woman in the modern fast pace of life is puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes. Insomnia, preparing for exams, difficulties at work, a small child – lack of sleep and...

Onion hair masks for the treatment of baldness

Hair is prone to damage and breakage. But the worst thing is when they begin to fall out beyond the norm. There are different reasons: improper care, health problems, lack of vitamins or heredity. In the fight against...

A woman’s faithful friend is watermelon: how is it good for the body?

Watermelon season begins in August. It is difficult to deny yourself the aromatic, soft, sweet and pinkish pulp of watermelon. Moreover, the berry is very useful: it is a dietary product, quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, contains...

We understand the varieties of eggplants: what are their differences

The fast and persistent King of the North, the cold-resistant Black Handsome, the big Sailor and the solid Sophia. These are not TV series characters, but varieties of eggplants - each with its own character, preferences and advantages. We have collected...

Early ripening and unpretentious potato variety Molly

Early Molly potatoes are the result of German selection, characterized by ease of care and rapid adaptation to climatic conditions and soil type. Gardeners fell in love with the crop for the opportunity to get ripe, aromatic potatoes already...

