
Who grew the largest potato in the world and what it looks like

Gardeners and farmers often compete to grow the most outstanding fruit or vegetable. Some achieve incredible success in this matter - the whole world begins to talk about them. Their record-breaking giants are simply amazing...

Mid-early resistant potato variety Satina, which does not require special efforts when growing

Work on creating the Satin potato variety lasted several years. German breeders spent a lot of effort to obtain a crop that could quickly adapt to different climates and soils. However, the result even exceeded expectations...

Mid-season table potato variety Volat

Belarusian potatoes Volat are grown both for personal use and for sale. Farmers respect the crop for its high fruiting rate, and in households vegetables are valued for their excellent taste, high content ...

Early ripening, low-maintenance potato variety Latona with yellow tubers

In world agriculture, potatoes are recognized as the most important vegetable crop. In the overall ranking, it is second only to wheat, rice and corn. Thanks to the work of Dutch breeders, the early-ripening Latona potato variety was developed. ...

Potato variety Krasa with excellent presentation and excellent taste

Krasa potatoes enjoy deserved popularity among lovers of their own vegetables due to their high adaptability to climatic conditions and the absence of difficulties in care. In the article we will look at the characteristics of the variety, the features of agricultural technology and find out that...

Medium-early, unpretentious Red Fantasy potato variety with bright oval tubers

German potato varieties are valued for their high productivity, strong immunity and impeccable presentation. Red Fantasy (Red Fantasy) - fully meets these criteria. The culture is undemanding to watering and is often content with atmospheric ...

Is dill a vegetable or not: characteristics and description of the plant

Dill is a common garden plant, unpretentious and easy to grow. It belongs to the category of green and spicy-flavoring crops; it is a valuable food and dietary product. The spice gives the first and second courses a unique...

Watermelon guards male power: what is it good for the body

Watermelon is a juicy and ripe berry that can not only quench thirst, but also have a beneficial effect on the body. The healing effect of the product was known back in Ancient China, and in particular, beneficial...

At what temperature and how long can watermelon be stored?

You can enjoy sweet and juicy watermelon not only in summer, but also in autumn and winter. To do this, you need to select in advance a suitable fruit that can withstand long-term storage at home. With the right...

Planting radishes in August - when to plant and is it possible to do it?

Radishes are not light-loving crops. In bright and prolonged light, the plant shoots out an arrow, and the root crop stops growing. Experienced summer residents recommend planting radishes in mid-spring, when the sun is not shining...

