
Are there any vitamins in watermelon and what kind?

Fragrant watermelon is a classic summer treat. The crunch of a ripe berry being cut opens your appetite and lifts your spirits. Huge fruits, green on the outside and bright red on the inside, are loved for their fresh, incomparable...

Why pickled cucumbers shriveled and how to make preparations correctly to avoid this

Pickled cucumbers according to your own recipe are good as a side dish, they can be added to salads or eaten just like that. But even experienced housewives don’t always turn out perfect pickled cucumbers. That ...

Rules for planting peppers: preparatory stage, timing and nuances of the process

With the gradual increase in temperature on the planet, temperate latitudes are becoming more favorable for growing peppers. This vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, for which it is called a storehouse of health. ...

What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow: effective folk remedies

Cucumbers are one of the most unpretentious vegetables. Even an inexperienced gardener can grow them, adhering to simple rules of agricultural technology. The main problem that beginners face is yellowing of leaves, which can lead to death...

Dangerous gluten: is it in oats?

If previously ordinary oats were used as feed for horses, cattle and poultry, today the share of the product in the human diet is increasing. The popularity of the cereal is due to its high content of protein, amino acids, vitamins, ...

Why watermelon is not sweet: causes of the problem and methods of preventing it

Many gardeners in our country have tried to grow watermelons on their plots. It turned out that even in Siberia you can get huge striped fruits weighing 15-17 kg. But the resulting harvest is not always pleasing...

How to properly grow the Dutch hybrid cucumber Trilogy f1 to achieve a good harvest

The Dutch hybrid cucumber Trilogy F1 appeared on the market recently. Its distinctive features are early fruiting, high yield and pleasant taste. In this article we will look at the characteristics of a hybrid, advantages and disadvantages, and...

The earliest varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground

Early ripening varieties and hybrids of cucumbers ripen within 30-40 days from planting. They are cold-resistant and easy to care for. Some crops are more suitable for growing in a greenhouse, others - for open...

Instead of ovaries on a pumpkin, there is a barren flower - what to do and how to deal with it: we identify the causes of the problem and solve them

Pumpkin is a favorite of many summer residents: its fruits grow large, have high nutritional value, and at the same time look bright and impressive. But not every gardener manages to grow a decent harvest. Often thick...

What is black rice and what are the benefits of it?

In Ancient China, only the emperor and his entourage consumed black rice. The product was extremely expensive and was considered privileged: if a mere mortal dared to taste the valuable cereal, he would face a painful...

