Lasunok potatoes are an old-timer on the domestic market, which has not lost its popularity to this day, despite the abundance of new, improved varieties. The tubers have a pronounced potato taste and aroma and are widely used in ...
Do you want your hair to stay fresh and clean for as long as possible, be easy to comb and look well-groomed? No, this is not an advertisement for expensive products, but the result of using potato masks at home...
It is useful for every gardener to know what Fitosporin is, how and when it is used. The drug is in steady demand among farmers - it is an environmentally friendly plant protection product. "Fitosporin" is used to treat...
Pumpkin fruits are used in cooking as an independent dish or an ingredient in complex recipes. Pumpkin juice is extremely healthy and in terms of richness of composition it surpasses many other fruits and vegetables that are more familiar to us...
Potatoes Kurazh are suitable not only for growing at home. It is used in large quantities for processing by large enterprises. This indicates the versatility of the variety and its demand. Entrepreneurs prefer...
Vega potatoes produce a rich harvest even in short summer conditions. The variety is resistant to a number of diseases dangerous to the nightshade family and quickly adapts to sudden temperature changes. Culture does not require application...
The greenhouse is characterized by high humidity and a special microclimate, due to which diseases occur more often in it than in open ground. Peppers also get sick due to improper care and non-compliance with agrotechnical rules. As a result...
Dill is a universal seasoning with worldwide popularity. In the pharmaceutical industry, this greenery is widely used in medicines: the plant contains a rich set of health-promoting substances and microelements. During ...
The human body is constantly exposed to negative influences. The main factors include poor nutrition, unfavorable environment, medications, stress, and bad habits. All this negatively affects the appearance and condition of the body. General...