Unpretentious to grow and highly productive potato variety El Mundo
Farmers who cultivate vegetables for sale value Dutch potato varieties for their high productivity and stable immunity to most fungal and viral infections. We have collected information about early potatoes El Mundo (Elmundo) with a description of the variety and photos. You will learn about the intricacies of agricultural technology, its advantages and disadvantages.
Description of the variety
The early-ripening potato variety El Mundo was developed by Dutch biologists from the STET HOLLAND company. The culture was included in the State Register of Russia in 2013.
Pictured are El Mundo potatoes.
The table summarizes the distinctive features of the variety.
Indicators | Characteristic |
Ripening period | 70-80 days |
Bush | Tall, leaf type, erect |
Number of tubers in a bush | 10-28 |
Weight | 106-135 g |
Form | Oval with small eyes |
Coloring | Yellow skin and flesh |
Leaves | Medium size, green color |
Corolla color | White with purple tint |
Starch content | 11-13% |
Taste | Great |
Cooking class/group | A/B (light or medium crumbly) |
Productivity | 248-345 c/ha |
Marketability | 79-98% |
Keeping quality | 97% |
Purpose | Dining room |
Sustainability | To cancer, golden nematode, common scab |
Transportability | High |
Chemical composition of potatoes
The table shows the vitamin and mineral composition of raw, unpeeled tubers.
Element | Content | Norm |
Beta carotene | 0.001 mg | 5 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.081 mg | 1.5 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.032 mg | 1.8 mg |
Vitamin B4 | 12.1 mg | 500 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.295 mg | 5 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.298 mg | 2 mg |
Vitamin B9 | 15 mcg | 400 mcg |
Vitamin C | 19.7 mg | 90 mg |
Vitamin E | 0.01 mg | 15 mg |
Vitamin K | 2 mcg | 120 mcg |
Vitamin PP | 1.061 mg | 20 mg |
Potassium | 425 mg | 2500 mg |
Calcium | 12 mg | 1000 mg |
Magnesium | 23 mg | 400 mg |
Sodium | 6 mg | 1300 mg |
Phosphorus | 57 mg | 800 mg |
Iron | 0.81 mg | 18 mg |
Manganese | 0.153 mg | 2 mg |
Copper | 110 mcg | 1000 mcg |
Selenium | 0.4 mcg | 55 mcg |
Zinc | 0.3 mg | 12 mg |
Calorie content 100 g of raw tubers with peel - 77 kcal, boiled without salt - 86 kcal.
Growing regions and planting dates
The variety gained access to cultivation in the regions:
- Northwestern (in the second ten days of May);
- Central (early May);
- Central Black Earth (mid-April);
- North Caucasus (early May);
- Srednevolzhsky (in the first ten days of May).
Advantages and disadvantages
- early ripeness;
- high productivity;
- the ability to grow on any type of soil;
- immunity to most diseases;
- excellent taste characteristics;
- keeping quality and ability to be transported over long distances.
Disadvantage: susceptibility to late blight of tops and tubers, viruses that cause leaf curl, wrinkled and striped mosaic.
Features of planting and growing
El Mundo potatoes are undemanding to soil type and climate. Shows the best results when grown in the middle zone and southern regions. The rules of agricultural technology are standard and provide for watering, loosening, weeding, hilling and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
Preparing for landing
Any type of soil is suitable for growing El Mundo potatoes: loam, black soil, sandy loam. It is important to take into account the acidity of the soil. It is preferable to plant potatoes in slightly acidic soil with a pH level of 5.1-6.0.
To determine acidity, litmus papers and a special device with a long probe are used. To determine pH using improvised means, soda and vinegar are most often used. To do this, take two bowls and throw a handful of earth into each. Add 9% vinegar to one container and soda to another. The characteristic hissing and bubbles when reacting to vinegar appear if the soil is alkaline. A similar phenomenon upon contact with soda indicates increased acidity.
To deoxidize the soil, dolomite flour, chalk, and slaked lime (400-500 g/sq. m) are used. Adding manure, compost, sawdust and pine needles will help increase the acidity of alkaline soil.
15–20 days before planting, the tubers are brought out into the light and left to germinate in a room with a temperature of +14…+20°C. To ensure optimal moisture levels, potatoes are sprayed with water daily.
Soaking in disinfectant solutions is an integral part of the preparatory work. It prevents infection with fungal diseases. In practice, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate and Fitosporin are used.
Disinfectant composition option:
- 5 g copper sulfate;
- 40 g urea;
- 10 g boric acid;
- 60 g superphosphate;
- 1 g potassium permanganate.
The components are dissolved in 10 liters of hot water, cool the solution to room temperature and soak the tubers in it for 20 minutes.
24 hours before planting, the seeds are treated with a growth stimulator - Epin or Zircon. Large tubers are cut into pieces, the sections are sprinkled with wood ash.
Planting scheme and technology
The landing site should be located on the sunny side, without groundwater. A month before planting, the area is sown with green manure (lupine, flax, rye, wheat or peas), which are then mowed and buried in the ground.Plants loosen the soil, saturate it with useful substances, and prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora.
The ground temperature should be +6...+8°C, the air temperature during the day - +13...+16°C, at night - +5°C.
Scheme potato planting El Mundo standard. The holes are dug 10-15 cm deep at a distance of 35 cm. The row spacing is 60-70 cm.
The holes are filled with a solution of potassium permanganate, and a handful of wood ash is added to each. To repel the Colorado potato beetle, tubers are soaked in the Matador preparation according to the instructions.
Rules of care
Early maturing El Mundo needs sufficient watering more than other mid-season and late potato varieties. The maximum moisture requirement of the plant is observed during budding and flowering. During periods of prolonged rains, watering is not carried out, and during drought, plantings are watered at least twice a week. Installing a drip water supply system helps solve the problem of moisture deficiency over large areas.
Loosening and weeding are carried out regularly. Shallow loosening prevents the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface and provides better aeration of the root system. Hilling is carried out for the first time when the first shoots grow 5–7 cm; repeat when reaching 15 cm and during budding.
In regions with dry summers, it is not recommended to hill up potatoes, since the tubers will simply bake in dry soil. Regular loosening is enough here.
It is advisable to feed Elmundo potatoes with complex fertilizers with a minimum amount of nitrogen. This substance provokes rapid growth of green mass, while the tubers remain small. Organic matter is added in the fall after digging up the site, and the potatoes receive the next portion of nitrogen from rotted green manure.
Experienced farmers recommend fertilizing potatoes with Nitrophoska, superphosphate, wood ash, and Kemira. When planting seeds, add 1 tbsp to each hole. l. any of these fertilizers.
During the growing season, the plant best accepts foliar feeding. The simplest and most effective way to increase productivity is superphosphate extraction. To prepare it, take 3 tbsp. l. dry matter, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours and dilute with 10 liters of water. Consumption per bush - 0.5 l.
Wood ash is an excellent way to protect plants from fungal diseases and accelerate tuber growth. It contains magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Take 200-300 ash per 10 liters of water, mix thoroughly and spray the bushes until the suspension settles. The procedure is carried out in the afternoon or evening so that the moisture has time to evaporate before noon.
Interesting fact. At the beginning of the 17th century, potatoes became known as “earth apples.” At first, doctors recognized the overseas product as poisonous, since it was then edible ate really toxic potato berries. Therefore, in 1630, parliament banned the cultivation of crops in the country.
Nuances of cultivation
To grow El Mundo, an alternative method is used - planting in the grass without digging up the ground. The area is sown with green manure, after a month it is mowed and even rows are formed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The prepared tubers are laid in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 20-30 cm and mulched with hay on top. Throughout the season, mown grass, leaves and weeds are dumped onto the site, renewing the mulch. There is no need to feed or water such plantings. Mulch retains moisture and provides plants with nutrients.
Disease and pest control
According to the manufacturer, the El Mundo variety is immune to cancer, golden nematode, common scab, moderate resistance to the fungus that causes late blight, leaf curl viruses, wrinkled and banded mosaic.
In the case of viral diseases, it is useless to fight infection during the growing season. There is still no effective treatment, and control methods are aimed at prevention:
- selection of high-quality planting material;
- timely removal of weeds;
- destruction of virus carriers - aphids, cicadas, Colorado potato beetles;
- treatment of tubers with a disinfectant solution;
- crop rotation.
Late blight of foliage and tubers, which causes dark spots and a whitish, pubescent coating, rarely occurs if the rules for pre-planting treatment and care of the bushes are followed. Tubers are disinfected with “Fitosporin” or copper sulfate, plantings are fed with potassium and phosphorus, and the level of nitrogen in the soil is monitored.
For treatment, use whey with iodine (1 liter of fermented milk product and 10 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water), Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil Gold, Oksikhom, Bravo.
The Colorado potato beetle loves to feast on potato leaves. The larvae of the click beetle (wireworm) grind the tubers.
One of the best means for combating the Colorado potato beetle is the biological product “NO Colorado potato beetle!” The liquid contains organic Azadirachta indica oil. The composition is safe for plants, humans and bees. The substance prevents the reproduction of adult Colorado potato beetles and stops the development of larvae. Spraying with an aqueous solution is carried out three times in a ratio of 1:40. The tubers are soaked before planting, then the first shoots are irrigated and the procedure is repeated after two weeks. The consumption rate per 1 m³ is 10 ml.
To combat voracious insects, chemicals “Prestige”, “Bankol”, “Konfidor”, “Commander” are used.
When the affected area is minimal, beetles and larvae are collected manually into a jar with soap or saline solution.
Wireworms hide in young shoots of corn, barley, and wheat. Two weeks before planting potatoes, the area is sown with these crops, having previously treated the seeds with any insecticide. Then the plants are dug up along with the larvae.
Ground eggshells on the beds, a pink solution of potassium permanganate and an infusion of dandelion with nettle (0.5 kg of fresh grass per 10 liters of water) help to repel the pest. Plants are watered at the root.
Harvest and storage
The first digging of potatoes is carried out 46 days after germination. With proper care, it is possible to collect about 350 centners of selected tubers from 1 hectare. The second harvest is harvested after 10 days.
Potatoes are cleared of soil, sorted, discarding damaged specimens, and laid out in one layer to dry for 3-4 days in a shaded place.
The harvest is stored in boxes, nets, bags in the basement at a temperature of +2...+3°C and a humidity of 70-80%. On the balcony, tubers are stored in boxes insulated with foam plastic, or in special thermal containers that resemble a hiking backpack, with a heating system powered from an outlet.
Potatoes last until the beginning of the next season, do not spoil and withstand transportation well due to their dense structure. The product is suitable for frying in oil, cooking whole, baking, making soups and salads.
Reviews of Elmundo potatoes are positive. Gardeners value this variety for its high productivity, immunity to most nightshade diseases and excellent taste.
Maria, Kislovodsk: «El Mundo is a new potato variety, but already quite popular in our country.I planted it for the first time last year and was amazed at the yield. On one bush, about 30 potatoes of approximately the same size with yellow skin and pulp are formed. The taste is excellent. You can fry, bake, boil in their skins, and the potatoes won’t get soggy. Before planting, I cut large tubers lengthwise, not crosswise. This is an important point, allowing you to get two equal halves, and, accordingly, a good harvest, otherwise the strong plants will crush the weak ones.”
Olga, Ulyanovsk: “I love experimenting with potato varieties. Every season I try to plant new ones, in addition to those that have been proven over the years. The choice fell on the Dutch El Mundo. I'm happy with the result and will grow it on an ongoing basis. The crop is very productive and rarely gets sick. The tubers do not spoil for a long time, they are good to cook and tasty.”
The Dutch variety El Mundo appeared on the market quite recently, but has already gained fame as a high-yielding crop. Potatoes are valued for their resistance to cancer, golden nematode, and common scab. If the rules of care are followed, the plant is rarely affected by late blight and viruses that cause leaf curling, wrinkled and striped mosaics. Crop rotation, weed removal, pre-planting treatment of tubers, sowing green manure, and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers increase the protective powers of potatoes.
Potatoes have an amazing keeping quality - 97% - and are stored in a cool place until the next season. The product is suitable for frying, boiling whole, baking. To prepare purees, varieties with a high starch content are used.