Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

It is useful for every gardener to know what Fitosporin is, how and when it is used. The drug is in steady demand among farmers - it is an environmentally friendly plant protection product. “Fitosporin” is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of cucumbers and disinfection of seed material before germination.

We bring to your attention instructions for using “Fitosporin” for cucumbers and the features of its use in summer cottages.

Description of the drug

"Fitosporin" is a biological fungicide for protecting plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Its basis is living cultures. Effective in treating all types of rot and many other diseases of cucumbers. It is used at all stages of plant formation.

Many summer residents are interested in the question of when can they eat cucumbers after treatment with Fitosporin. The natural fungicide is not a pesticide; there is no waiting period for harvesting cucumbers - the crop can be picked immediately after treatment with the product.

The drug has a long shelf life of 4 years, it retains its qualities at temperatures of –50...+40°C.


There are several types of “Fitosporin” found in garden centers; their active ingredients are the same. The most popular is “Fitosporin-M”, the properties of which are enhanced by the additive “Gumi”. There is “Fitosporin-K Olympic”. Fungicides have a low content of additional components.

"Fitosporin-M" is produced in the form of:Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

  • gray-white powder, packaged in 10 and 30 g (disadvantage – the need for preliminary dilution in water);
  • pastes of dense mass, brown in color, in a package weighing 10-20 g;
  • liquids - ready-made substrate, facilitated effect on fruits.

"Fitosporin-M", produced in the form of a powder or paste, is odorless. The liquid solution of the product emits a pungent odor of ammonia, which disappears when diluted with water.

Composition, active substance

The main active ingredients of the bacteriological agent are live spore culture and cells (2 billion/g) of soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis - strain 26D (bacillus subtilis). These bacteria are perfectly preserved at sub-zero temperatures and can withstand heat.Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

In case of negative impact, they quickly turn into a spore state. When the powder reacts with water, the spores are activated, and when treating sick cucumbers, the effect of pathogenic bacteria is completely neutralized.

Additional substances of "Fitosporin-M":

  • “Gumi” additive is a natural growth stimulator, contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium;
  • chalk – used as a thickener;
  • microelements - copper, zinc, manganese, boron.

In what cases is the medicine used?

"Fitosporin-M" is used when infected with pathogenic fungi that cause bacteriosis, rot, phomosis, and late blight. Effective against powdery mildew. "Fitosporin-M" is used for yellow leaves on cucumbers of unknown origin. It is used to disinfect seed material and to disinfect the soil before planting seedlings. The product is used to regenerate plant microflora after treatment with pesticides.

The preparation contains humic acids, so it is used as a growth stimulant for fertilizing and as an immunomodulator.

Attention! The presence of humic acid stimulates the development of the root system. The drug is suitable for root feeding and is not suitable for irrigation in the morning and daytime, since living spores die under the influence of sunlight.

How to use correctly

Depending on the form of release, the drug is diluted with different concentrations.


Fitosporin powder is soaked an hour before use, dormant spore cultures should be activated.

Directions for use:Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

  • seeds cucumbers are soaked for 1.5-2 hours before sowing in a solution composed of 1.5 g of dry matter per 100 ml of water;
  • for pre-treatment of the root system of cucumber seedlings before planting, to prevent rot, soak for two hours in a solution made up of 2 g of powder and 1 liter of water, before planting the cucumbers, water the soil for disinfection;
  • when affected by pathogenic fungi, cucumber seedlings are sprayed in the evening in the same concentration, treatment is carried out 3 times every 10-14 days.

It is not recommended to dissolve Fitosporin-M in running water. Chlorinated tap water will kill living bacteria. It is better to dissolve the drug in settled water.


The paste contains the additive “Gumi”, so it is used as a growth stimulant. The paste is diluted with water at the rate of 50 g of paste per 100 ml of water. Immediately before processing, additionally dilute:

  • for soaking cucumber seeds - 2 drops of solution per 100 ml of water, keep in solution for 1.5 hours;
  • spray the vegetative parts of cucumbers for the prevention and treatment of various lesions - 4 drops of solution per 250 ml of water.


Liquid “Fitosporin” is a ready-to-use solution that does not require dilution with water.Designed for processing cucumber bushes leaf by leaf during the growing season. Cucumbers selected for storage are also subject to treatment with the liquid preparation. The seeds are soaked in the liquid before sowing.

Liquid fungicide is available under various names: “Golden Autumn”, “Storage”.

Processing methods

Plant protection is recommended at all stages of development. The natural fungicide has a mild effect: it can be sprayed and water the soil no limits.

Soaking the seeds

To disinfect cucumber seeds, before sowing, soak them in a solution of 4 drops of the drug and 250 ml of water. The procedure is carried out for 1.5-2 hours, washed with running water and sown in peat pots.

Soil disinfection

The product is applied to the soil for disinfection. The drug contains substances that increase resistance to the negative effects of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The soil is treated with a solution consisting of 15 g of powder and 10 liters of water. Soil disinfection is carried out before sowing and after harvesting in the fall.

Treatment for diseases

For treatment diseases 30 g of fungicide is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The prepared mixture is used to treat infected cucumber bushes on one hundred square meters. Depending on the type of disease, root treatment or spraying is carried out. In case of severe damage, the volume of concentrate and the frequency of treatments are increased.

“Fitosporin” is a real “reanimator”, capable of bringing even a withering plant back to life.


At the first signs of damage, the powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Treatment is carried out every week. The number of procedures depends on the intensity of the disease.

In case of severe damage to cucumbers, dilute 1 part of the powder in 2 parts of water.Treatments are carried out every 7 days until the bushes are completely cured.

Rules of use, seasonality and frequency of processing

"Fitosporin" is used to process cucumbers at all stages of development. In early spring, seeds and seedlings are prepared, and the ground is prepared before sowing. In summer, vegetative and fruiting bushes are treated. In late autumn, the soil is disinfected in preparation for the next season.

Irrigation is not carried out on rainy days, as rain will wash away the protective film formed during spraying. For foliar treatment, add 10 ml of liquid soap to the working solution for better adhesion of the drug to the green mass. Powder not diluted with water has no effect.

Important! It is not recommended to treat cucumbers with a natural fungicide in sunny weather. Living bacteria die in the light.

How many times can you spray cucumbers with Fitosporin? The frequency of foliar treatments is every 7-10 days, depending on the degree of damage. Watering the solution at the root is carried out once a month.


According to reviews from gardeners, the drug “Fitosporin-M” is superior in effectiveness to many other products and is indispensable for cucumbers.Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

Ilya, Volkhov: «When the cucumbers turned yellow, I immediately remembered Fitosporin. I always buy pasta, it’s more convenient. It is better to leave the diluted solution in the room for a day; in a couple of hours, as stated on the package, the bacteria do not have time to wake up.”

Irina, Orsk: “Before planting cucumbers, 3-4 days before, I treat the soil with Fitosporin. The product has time to activate and begin to act during this time. The cucumbers don’t get sick all season, the harvest is good.”


"Fitosporin" is used as a prophylaxis in early spring to disinfect the soil before sowing, planting cucumbers in the ground and in late autumn, to prepare for the new season.

“Fitosporin-M – cucumber” restores the microflora of cucumbers after treatment with strong chemicals and introduces the necessary macroelements for full fruiting of the bush.

Toxicity and precautions when working with the drug

The product is safe for humans and has a hazard class of 4. Can be used in an apartment. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it causes minor irritation.

When working with the drug it is recommended:Instructions for use of phytosporin for cucumbers

  • protect your hands with rubber gloves;
  • use a respirator and safety glasses when spraying;
  • if the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them with running water;
  • when swallowing the drug, it is recommended to drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Storage conditions

"Fitosporin-M" is stored in a dry place. Recommended storage temperature is from –5 to +25°C. The product solution is stored at 15-25°C in a place protected from light.


Organic fungicide "Fitosporin-M" is a common drug used in the treatment of cucumber diseases caused by fungi. The special composition of the drug allows you to remove harmful substances from fruits after treatment with chemicals. Vegetables are suitable for consumption immediately after treatment with Fitosporin.

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