Rules for planting peppers: preparatory stage, timing and nuances of the process
With the gradual increase in temperature on the planet, temperate latitudes are becoming more favorable for growing peppers. This vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, for which it is called a storehouse of health. However, growing peppers is a process that requires a lot of attention, patience and effort.
When and how to plant pepper seedlings
Pepper fruits ripen 100-150 days after the first shoots appear. Seedlings are planted at the age of 60-80 days. Therefore, the best time to plant pepper seedlings is the period between February 20 and March 10.
Only high-quality seeds are suitable for seedlings, so they go through them and remove all the frail and damaged ones. After this, the seed material is prepared for growth in our latitudes, because the homeland of pepper is hot Central America. Seeds wrapped in cloth are kept in hot water for 15 minutes, after which they are placed in the refrigerator for a day.
This the procedure can be replaced by treating seeds with chemicals, which will also protect them from fungal and viral infections, for example, with a fungicide solution. You can soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
It is recommended to use a ready-made store-bought substrate for peppers as the soil for sowing.. The container is selected at the rate of 100 ml per 1 seed. Before sowing, you need to rinse and wipe the container. Fill three-quarters of the soil, plant the seeds and cover them with 1.5 cm of soil.Keep in a warm and humid place, wrapped in bags or old warm clothes.
Planting seedlings in open ground
Before planting seedlings, choose a place and prepare the ground. According to correct crop rotation, pepper seedlings should be planted in areas where onions, carrots or cucumbers were grown, since after them the soil remains saturated with useful substances.
In the fall, after harvesting, the soil is fed: humus, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are scattered over the area and distributed evenly with a rake, embedding the fertilizer into the surface layer of soil. A week before planting, the soil is disinfected with Fitosporin: 15 ml of the product per 10 liters of water.
Reference. To grow peppers, you cannot use soil that was used to grow potatoes, tomatoes or peppers.
Seedlings should be planted in late April - early May depending on the variety grown. If these are early ripening varieties, they need to be planted 60 days after sowing. Medium-time varieties require 70 days after sowing, and late-time varieties require 80 days. During this time, the plants manage to grow up to 20-25 cm.
Calendar dates vary depending on the region. In warmer regions, in the south of the country, where the soil has time to warm up faster, you can start planting seedlings from the second half of April.
Preparatory work
The holes into which seedlings are transplanted must be the same size as the pot or dish., in which the seeds sprouted. Before planting, place 1 tbsp in each hole. l. mineral fertilizers rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (superphosphate, ash). Fertilizers are distributed evenly throughout the hole.
It can be useful:
Landing technology
The day before planting, the seedlings are taken outside so that they begin to get used to the temperature and humidity.. The seedlings are replanted along with the soil in which they grew. When removing plants from a pot, the main thing is not to damage the soil lump if the root system has not had time to strengthen. Next, place the seedlings in the hole so that the entire root system is in its lower half. After this, the hole is filled with water, and when it is absorbed, it is covered with loose soil.
Important! It is better to plant one plant per hole.
Seedling care
Peppers are finicky plants that require constant care.:
- regular watering;
- weeding;
- spraying against pests with the preparations “Intavir”, “Karate”, “Confidor”, “Agravertin”, “Aktellik”;
- fertilizing with fertilizers containing phosphates and potassium 2 weeks after planting (Kemira Lux, Kristalon, Gumi Kuznetsova).
Constant access to sunlight is important for seedlings. If they were planted in places difficult to reach light, use artificial lighting.
It is important to do it on time stepsoning planted seedlings. Remove side shoots in wet weather, and lower shoots in dry weather. At the slightest tilt of the top, the main shoot is tied up as the plant grows. Watering is done in the mornings or evenings to prevent leaf burns.
Planting peppers in a greenhouse
Due to its demanding weather conditions, peppers are often planted in greenhouses, where their growing conditions can be controlled. To prepare for the greenhouse, seedlings are grown in a soil mixture with a large amount of peat, humus and turfy soils.The seedlings can be placed in the same greenhouse, which will allow the plants to quickly get used to environmental conditions after transplantation.
The ripening time of seedlings is 40-60 days, which is less than in open space. Before planting, the soil is heated with warm manure or hot water, and then the temperature is maintained at +21-28°C, which gives maximum yield.
It is recommended to plant in the evening or in cloudy weather.. After planting, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, and after 2-4 weeks they begin to feed it with fertilizers: infusion of mullein or bird droppings, infusion of ash.
Important! Fertilizer feeding is done only after watering, otherwise the roots will burn.
In the pot
Almost all varieties of peppers are suitable for growing in containers.. A 5-liter pot is enough for planting. Plants of tall varieties, for example, berry pepper or vegetable pepper, are recommended to be planted in 10 liter pots.
When purchasing, it is recommended to choose compact copies with many leaves, a thick stem and a developed root system. Before planting, prepare the soil. The substrate for indoor peppers is mixed with ash, and then 1 tsp is added weekly for every 5 liters of soil. dolomite flour. Since the stems of bell peppers cannot support the weight of the fruit, plants of tall varieties are tied to a support.
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Nuances of planting peppers
When planting peppers, it is worth considering the distance between the bushes and beds and the recommendations of the lunar calendar.
Favorable days according to the lunar calendar
When to plant peppers, taking into account the phase of the moon? Since pepper fruits grow on the surface, it is best to plant or sow peppers during the waxing moon according to the lunar calendar.
Favorable days in 2020:
- March 1, 4-6, 25-28;
- April 1-2, 24-25, 28-29;
- May 4-6, 25-26.
At what distance to plant
Seedlings cannot be planted close to each other. The optimal distance for most varieties of peppers: 25-30 cm - spaces between seedlings and 50-60 cm - between rows.
As for decorative varieties of pepper grown in pots, it is recommended to plant one bush in one spacious pot (5 kg of soil is required per plant) with a bar for future garter.
Is it possible to plant hot and sweet peppers side by side?
Because these plants reproduce through cross-pollination, which requires pollinating insects, different varieties cannot be planted nearby.
If you plant hot and sweet peppers next to each otherAs a result, you can get vegetables with mixed taste, unsuitable for further consumption. It is recommended to plant other vegetables between different varieties of peppers.
Growing peppers is a labor-intensive process. Growing seedlings in warm and comfortable conditions, transplanting into pre-prepared soil rich in minerals, caring for the plant, periodically staking, regular watering and pruning shoots is painstaking work. But rich in nutrients and tasty, peppers are worth the effort.