Hybrid Merengue F1 was bred by Dutch breeders. The culture quickly took root in Russian regions. It is resistant to many diseases, unpretentious, produces a stable harvest with excellent commercial qualities. One of the main qualities of a hybrid is...
The variety of varieties and hybrids often complicates, rather than simplifies, the gardener’s choice. Among the positive characteristics, Satin f1 cucumbers have advantages that can interest any vegetable grower, regardless of the scale of cultivation. And increased demand...
Rice is a valuable agricultural plant; it feeds more than half of the world's population. On the shelves of supermarkets and stores, cereals are presented in a wide range of varieties, differing in taste, nutritional and beneficial properties. What are there...
Often the leaves of tomatoes planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse begin to curl. They curl up like a tube, twist up or down. By the different positions of tomato leaves, you can understand what errors in care...
Ecole cucumber is a universal hybrid crop. Due to the early ripening of the fruits, it is popular among farmers and gardeners.Gherkin fruits are great for both canning and making salads. Ecole...
When choosing a cucumber variety, gardeners are increasingly paying attention to self-pollinating varieties. The hybrid Patti is in particular demand. This is an excellent option for growing in open and closed ground. Why so...
Every gardener wants to grow his own, the most fragrant and crunchy cucumbers “straight from the garden.” To ensure that the result does not disappoint, experienced summer residents advise purchasing proven, well-proven varieties and hybrids. One ...
Dill began to be cultivated around ten thousand years BC. e., as evidenced by archaeological excavations. He is mentioned in the works of Dioscorides, who was considered not just a doctor and pharmacologist, but was listed as the father...
Cucumber is one of the most common vegetables on the planet. Recently, many summer residents prefer the hybrid Lyutoyar F1. It was bred by Turkish breeders, but this culture quickly gained popularity in...