Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of cucumbers “Merengue”, resistant to diseases and weather conditions

Hybrid Merengue F1 was bred by Dutch breeders. The culture quickly took root in Russian regions. It is resistant to many diseases, unpretentious, produces a stable harvest with excellent commercial qualities.

One of the main qualities of the hybrid is the genetically determined lack of bitterness even when overripe. Read about these and other advantages of Meringue F1 in the article.

Description of cucumbers

The hybrid was bred by the Dutch company Monsanto, and the Seminis company produces its seeds. In 2007 it was included in the state register of Russia. Over the past years, it has shown excellent results both in terms of yield and sustainability in the Russian climate.

Distinctive features

Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of Meringue cucumbers, resistant to diseases and weather conditions

Basic indicators:

  • parthenocarpic hybrid;
  • resistance to deformation and overripening;
  • early fruit ripening;
  • resistance to transportation;
  • immunity to powdery mildew and peronosporosis;
  • a small amount of seeds;
  • lack of bitterness.

Composition, properties, benefits, calorie content

Like other cucumbers, 90-95% of the fruit is water. The composition also contains beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, PP, group B, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, chlorine, iodine, chromium, phosphorus, sodium, folic acid. Due to their high fiber content, cucumbers enhance intestinal motility and gently cleanse it.

The average calorie content is 10-15 kcal per fruit.


The hybrid is parthenocarpic, that is, it does not require pollination by insects.Suitable for growing both outdoors and indoors. Tall plants with few vines. The leaves are small, bright green, slightly pubescent, and are produced in small numbers, making harvesting easier. The flowers are bright yellow, female, up to 3-4 in one node.

The fruits are cylindrical, smooth, without curvature, with large tubercles and white spines. The color is dark green at the stem and lightens to soft green towards the flower. The average length is 8-10 cm, the average weight is 80-100 g. The pulp is sweet, without bitterness, even with prolonged growth. Not prone to yellowing, overgrowth and wrinkling. There are few seeds, all of them do not bear parental characteristics.

Productivity depends on the type of cultivation. In open ground it is 10-12 kg per square meter. m, in greenhouse conditions - 13-15 kg per square meter. m.

How to grow this cucumber yourself

Like most varieties and hybrids, Meringue F1 has a number of requirements for planting and care. It prefers clay soils that have previously grown onions, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage.

For better growth and fruiting, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with a large amount of humus (100 kg per 10 sq. m) or add superphosphate and nitrogen (420 g and 270 g, respectively, for the same area). It is not worth using organic and mineral fertilizers at the same time; it is better to give preference to one or the other. Top dressing is applied in the fall during digging or in the spring after the snow melts.

Reference! Some gardeners spread fertilizers on melting snow - the melt water will carry the fertilizer with it to the required depth.

Planting by seeds and seedlings

There are two ways to plant Meringue F1 cucumbers.The seed method, also called the direct method, saves effort and time, and with seedlings, farmers get the harvest 1-2 weeks earlier.

When sowing seeds directly, prepare small holes 2.5-3 cm deep at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The minimum distance between rows is 50-60 cm. Place 1-2 seeds in one hole and sprinkle with soil. To speed up germination, the hole is covered with film or a plastic jar to create a greenhouse effect, as well as in case of danger of night frosts.

Reference! You can use the nesting method of planting, in which four seeds are planted in one hole around the perimeter.

The seedling method speeds up the vegetative and fruiting periods. Seeds are planted in containers at least 10 cm in height. These can be either plastic containers for seedlings or peat pots. The latter are more acceptable - the variety does not tolerate transplantation and interference with the root system.Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of Meringue cucumbers, resistant to diseases and weather conditions

For sowing, use special soil or prepare a substrate from sawdust, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:2:2. For 10 kg of substrate, add two tablespoons of wood ash and the same amount of Nitroammophoska. The containers are filled two-thirds with the substrate, and one seed is sown in each compartment or pot.

Seedlings are planted in the ground 25-30 days after the first leaves appear.

Growing in stages and care

The first loosening is carried out after the germination of 1-2 leaves. The greenhouses are removed and the soil is loosened at a distance from the crops so as not to disturb the root system. Loosening is carried out both in the holes and in the distance between them.

The first feeding after planting the seeds using the direct method is carried out after the first true leaves appear. Mullein or mineral compounds are used as fertilizer - the choice depends on what type was applied in autumn or spring. If organic matter was already added before planting, minerals are added and vice versa. Before feeding, remove weak or damaged shoots.

The working solution is prepared from one part mullein and five parts settled water. Use rainwater or pre-prepared melted snow. Use 0.5 liters of solution per plant. For mineral feeding, use 20 g of saltpeter and 20 g of potassium phosphate, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution consumption is the same as in the case of organic fertilizer. The second feeding is applied after 14-17 days.

Before flowering begins, the crop is watered with warm, settled water in a volume of 2-3 liters per plant. It is important to ensure that the soil is well aerated and drained, and that water does not stagnate for a long time - this can cause rotting of the roots. From the beginning of flowering and during the fruiting period, the volume of water is increased to 5-6 liters per plant.

Important! Water in the evening and at the roots.

When plants reach a height of 1 m, they are provided with support in the form of a trellis. With the nesting method, a support is installed in the center of the hole, to the upper end of which long twines are tied according to the number of plants in the hole. The loose ends are pulled and tied to small pegs, which are inserted into the ground next to the trunk.

Pinching and pinching is left to the discretion of the vegetable grower. For better illumination of the bushes, it is recommended to pin them and thin them out. Side shoots and flowers are removed from an adult plant at a height of 50-60 cm. Pinching is carried out on lashes 1.5 m long.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of Meringue cucumbers, resistant to diseases and weather conditions

The hybrid grows poorly in salty soils with poor aeration and prolonged stagnation of water. In case of excessive watering the roots begin to rot, and the plant begins to hurt and may die.

With excessive fertilization with nitrogenous fertilizing the fruits lose their taste and acquire a bitter taste. These cucumbers are not suitable for canning. In addition, when there is an excess of nitrogen, leaves and shoots grow, rather than flowers and fruits. If there is a lack of minerals or organic matter, the shoots grow slowly and flowering practically does not occur.

The hybrid responds well to regular loosening and weed removal. It is advisable to pull out weeds by the roots, rather than tearing off the top part. Simultaneously with weeding, deeper loosening of the soil occurs, since substances useful for the crop are carried closer to the surface along with the roots of the weeds.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, peronospora and some other diseases. However, Meringue F1 has poor resistance to root rot, anthracnose, white rot and attacks by spider mites, aphids and whiteflies.

Methods of control and prevention:

  1. When attacked by a spider mite A characteristic white cobwebby coating appears on flowers and leaves. The pest feeds on plant juices. It is almost impossible to notice with the naked eye. The leaves begin to turn yellow and curl, and the flowers do not form an ovary. To combat insects, insecticides such as Apollo, Nisoran or Oberon are used. Most often it affects plants in greenhouses.
  2. Anthracnose – a fungal infection that manifests itself when temperature and watering conditions are violated.Signs of damage: the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the leaves, darkening and wrinkling of the fruits, and rotting on the vine. To treat the plantings, all bushes are treated with a bleach solution. The solution is prepared from 40 g of the substance diluted in 10 liters of water. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 10-12 days.
  3. Root rot - a fungal disease that affects the root system and causes its death. Appears when the soil is infected with fungal spores, poor-quality seed material or lack of proper pre-planting treatment. A characteristic sign is darkening of the root collar of the plant. Affected seedlings are removed and burned, and the soil is treated with a bleach solution. The hole of the removed plant is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Harvesting and application

The fruits can be collected already at the gherkin stage. More mature fruits are harvested every 2-4 days as they ripen. Despite the fact that the hybrid is resistant to overripening, fruits that are ready for harvest take away nutrients from young cucumbers and inhibit their growth.

Gherkins and ripe fruits are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling and pickling. Fresh fruits can be stored for up to 2-3 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros:Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of Meringue cucumbers, resistant to diseases and weather conditions

  • insects are not needed for pollination;
  • early ripening and smooth ripening of fruits;
  • stable yield;
  • high transportability;
  • good taste.

Main disadvantages:

  • instability to anthracnose;
  • fruitless seeds.


Crops of Dutch origin are deservedly popular among Russian farmers.

Maria, Tula: “I’ve been planting Meringue in the greenhouse for quite some time. I am always satisfied with the hybrid - fast and friendly ripening, good yield and tasty fruits.I always grow through seedlings, but I make sure that the sprouts do not overgrow or stretch out.”

Alexander, Barnaul: “I don’t really trust the new hybrids - they are not designed for the Siberian climate. I tried Merengue as an experiment and was pleasantly surprised. The yield is incredible, the taste is excellent. My wife used part of the harvest for preservation - the cucumbers are crispy, aromatic, and do not soften in the marinade. I will definitely continue to plant.”


Meringue F1 is an optimal hybrid for cultivation, with good health and unpretentiousness. With its qualities, it is gradually conquering Russian garden plots, even despite the prejudices of some vegetable growers regarding hybrids.

A stable harvest with good commercial qualities will allow you to eat fresh cucumbers all summer and make preparations for the winter.

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