
What are the benefits of green beans, how to grow and cook them correctly

Increasingly, supporters of a healthy diet are choosing green beans for their diet. It is also often called "pod". However, few people know exactly why it is useful. In this article we will tell you what it is...

A selection of the best methods for preserving garlic at home throughout the winter

After onions, garlic is the second most common onion crop. With its spicy taste and aroma it makes dishes extremely appetizing. It is actively used as a seasoning for pickling and salting. About him ...

Pros and cons of the hybrid tomato Snowman F1

Are you looking for an unpretentious, productive and disease-resistant tomato variety? Pay attention to Snowman F1. This is a young, attractive hybrid that even a novice gardener can grow. Origin of the variety Tomato Snowman F1 – ...

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Katya

Tomato Katya is one of the leaders among early ripening tomato varieties. Summer residents and gardeners fell in love with the tomato for its resistance to various diseases and adverse weather conditions. Even a novice gardener “Katya” will have to...

Features of growing tomatoes Sanka

The first tomatoes of the season - what are they? These first-rates were in a hurry to get to our table and had not yet had time to turn bright red. They still have little flavor and are a little tasteless. But we all...

Features of growing and caring for the Bison black tomato

The Black Bison tomato stands out not only for its exotic dark color, but also for its unusual, slightly fruity taste.This variety has won the hearts of many gardeners. It grows quite intensively and does not require specific care...

A whole palette in the garden in one variety - the De Barao tomato and the secrets of growing it

The choice of variety for planting in the garden is influenced by such characteristics of tomatoes as resistance to the climate in which they will grow, soil tolerance, features of plant care, and the taste of the variety. U...

How to care for a tomato Parsley gardener

Surely you know and remember the classic puppet character Parsley. But what is the connection between this doll and the Parsley Gardener tomato variety? It turns out that the variety owes its humorous name to this hero. All because...

Features of growing peas

Recently, an interesting survey was conducted on the Internet. Gardeners were asked which crop on their site needs the least care. More than half of the respondents answered that it was for peas. It turns out that ...

How to grow beans at home: a step-by-step guide

Beans are a unique plant. It can be used both as a main dish and as a side dish. The beans are canned and added to salads. The calorie content of beans is about 90 kcal per 100 g, in ...

