A selection of the best methods for preserving garlic at home throughout the winter
After the bow garlic - the second widespread onion crop. With its spicy taste and aroma it makes dishes extremely appetizing. It is actively used as a seasoning for pickling and salting. It has been written about its medicinal properties more than one article.
But in order for the beneficial properties of garlic not to be lost for a long time, it must be stored. Therefore, we devoted the article to the question of how to properly organize garlic storage at home.
Garlic varieties suitable for storage
The widespread use of garlic and its popularity throughout the world have contributed to the development of many varieties. However, not all of them are suitable for long-term storage. For storage to be successful, it is important to select varieties that have good shelf life. First of all, spring garlic is suitable for this. Winter (winter) stored a little worse.
Below are the most common varieties suitable for long-term storage.
- Abrek. Refers to mid-season non-shooting varieties. Plant height – up to 55 cm. The bulb is round-flat, weighing up to 26 g. Number of cloves – from 12 to 21 pcs. The pulp is white and has a pungent taste. Shelf life – up to 8 months.
- Aleysky. This is also a non-shooting variety. Height - up to 30 cm. Large bulbs - up to 17 g, have a round-oval shape. The number of cloves varies from 15 to 18 pcs. It has a crispy texture and a bright spicy taste. Known for excellent keeping quality (will last until the end of May).
- Victorio. Refers to mid-season non-arrowing species. The leaves grow up to 25 cm. The heads are large, rounded-flat, weighing 38-43 g. The number of cloves is 13-15 pieces, the flesh is white. The taste is semi-sharp. Excellent storage for 8 months.
- Gulliver. Medium late bolting variety. One of the most common. Its leaves reach 55 cm. The head is pear-shaped, weighing 100-120 g. Contains from 3 to 5 cloves. The pulp is white, crispy, and has a sharp taste. Keeping quality – up to 8 months.
- Elenovsky. Mid-season variety, does not shoot shooters. The leaves grow up to 30 cm. The bulbs have a flattened round shape and weigh up to 25 g. The head contains up to 16 cloves, which have white flesh and a semi-sharp spicy taste. Characterized by high keeping quality.
Winter crops:
- Lyubasha. Tall - stem up to 120 cm. Mid-season. The bulb is round, slightly flat (4-7 cloves). Weight – up to 120-130 g. It has a bright pungent taste, suitable for canning. Excellently preserved.
- Dobrynya. Late, less frost-resistant than Lyubasha. The heads are round, the taste is not too spicy. Resistant to diseases, has excellent keeping quality.
- Sofievsky. Shooting variety. Its varietal characteristics are similar to Lyubasha. Plant height is about 70 cm. Frost-resistant. The onion is large - up to 100 g. The taste is moderately spicy. Excellent preservation.
- Gribovsky 60. Early ripening, resistant to drought and frost. Medium sized bulb. It is characterized by increased resistance to fungal diseases. Weight – up to 60 g (5-12 pcs). Characterized by a very pungent taste. Has a long shelf life.
- Saved. Mid-season, high-yielding, suitable for long-term storage. Heads weighing up to 100 g (7-10 cloves). Resistant to fusarium and nematode. Universal in use.
Favorable storage conditions
There are two storage options for this spicy vegetable:
- cold — at -2..+2°С;
- warm - at +18…+22°С.
This is due to the biological characteristics of the plant. The temperature range from +2 to +16°C creates favorable conditions for its growth. And up to +2°С and above +16°С these processes are inhibited.
Effective ways to store garlic
It is not enough to grow a good harvest; it is very important to preserve it properly. To do this, it must be dried well. The temperature regime must be observed. Do not forget that when temperatures fluctuate, the bulbs lose their taste and beneficial properties. Now we will look at how to preserve garlic for the winter. Experienced housewives have come up with a lot of interesting ways.
In a wreath, bun or braids
For long-term storage, garlic is woven into braids, a wreath, or tied into a bun. The finished braids are hung in a cool and dark place. In this form, the vegetable is provided with sufficient air circulation.
In a refrigerator
When storing in the refrigerator, do not put garlic in a plastic bag. It's best to fold it in a glass jar and close the lid. You can also put it in a cardboard box or clothes bag, pre-soaked in a strong saline solution and dried. Up to +7 degrees, the shelf life is from 3 to 12 months, from +8 to +10 degrees - from 2 to 9 months.
How to store garlic in a jar
The question often arises: how to properly store garlic in an apartment? In this case, this option is ideal. You can store whole heads or disassemble it into cloves. Pre-dry the jars. In the first option, we clean the heads from the soil and the top layer of husk and put them in a jar.In the second, we take the heads apart and check that there is no mold, rot or damage. And we also put it in jars. There is no need to close the lids. The best storage option is in the room, on the floor.
The disadvantage of storing whole heads is that damaged cloves may not be noticed. Then, over time, the garlic will begin to deteriorate. Also, smaller quantities are included in the jar as whole heads.
In boxes
Garlic can be stored at room temperature for a very long time. Lattice plastic or wooden boxes are filled with a layer of 20-30 cm and sent to the storage location.
Attention! Spring garlic can be stored for up to 5-6 months at +15... +17°C (“warm storage”). Winter garlic requires “cold storage” – +2...+4°C.
In paraffin
We select the largest and juiciest bulbs without damage. If there are roots, you need to burn them over a fire. Next, melt the paraffin in any container and, holding the head by the tip of the stem, dip it. The resulting film dries in a matter of seconds. It prevents the evaporation of moisture and does not allow pathogens to pass through. In this form, we put the garlic in a cardboard box or box.
In the cellar
To successfully store garlic, the cellar must meet certain conditions:
- be relatively warm (+2…+5);
- humidity ranging from 50 to 80%;
- absence of fungi and pathogenic bacteria;
- good ventilation.
Storing garlic together with other vegetables is not advisable, but it is difficult to avoid. Therefore, it is worth storing it at least not in close contact with them. It is best to place the heads in a suspended position.
In salt
With this method, both boxes and jars are used. The jars are sterilized or dried well. The main condition: there should be a thick layer of salt on both top and bottom - 2-3 cm.Layers of garlic are alternated in a box with salt or the empty spaces of jars already filled with garlic are filled with it.
In vegetable oil
Only peeled cloves are suitable for this type of storage. Place in dense layers in prepared jars, then fill with vegetable oil. Shake the jar and add more if necessary.
During storage, the filling becomes saturated with the aroma of garlic, so it is also used in cooking. To make the oil even more aromatic, add peppercorns, various herbs, and salt.
On the grid
Regular nylon nets will do. The garlic is placed in them and hung higher. It is compact and provides good ventilation. It is only necessary to inspect and select spoiled garlic from time to time. This storage option does not prevent drying out and germination.
In flour
Store garlic in regular flour. The thing is that it absorbs excess moisture very well and does not allow the heads to come into contact with each other. Take any dish, add a layer of flour, roll each onion in it and place it tightly. Add another layer on top. The top and bottom layers should be at least 3-5 cm. Garlic will retain its freshness until summer.
Freezing and canning
Freezing garlic is not the best storage method, as the vegetable partially loses its aroma and taste. There are several options:
- Grind in a blender and add herbs. Makes an excellent dressing for various dishes.
- Mix chopped garlic with olive oil and freeze into balls.
- Just cut into slices and freeze.
Garlic is also preserved by canning. For this purpose, whole heads, cloves or arrows are used.The vegetable is fermented, pickled, garlic seasoning is prepared and much more.
Recipe “Classic pickled garlic”
- 1 kg garlic;
- 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
- 1 liter of water;
- 3 dill umbrellas;
- 0.5 cups sugar;
- 50 g 9% vinegar.
Peel the garlic, scald with boiling water and immerse in cold water.
Marinade: mix water, sugar, salt, vinegar and bring to a boil.
Place dill in sterilized jars, fill them with garlic, pour marinade and roll up.
Difficulty in storage
Even if you follow all the storage tips, garlic still often begins to spoil. There are several reasons for this:
- High humidity. Very common. For this reason, it does not stay in the refrigerator for a long time.
- All damaged or frozen bulbs were not noticed. Black rot and green mold develop on them very quickly.
- In dry air, garlic quickly loses moisture and dries out. To avoid losing it completely, you can grind it in a coffee grinder and add it to dishes as a seasoning.
- Often the roots begin to grow. It is better to clean them and place them in the refrigerator for immediate consumption.
Useful to know
Let's look at the most common problems when storing garlic and ways to solve them.
The garlic turned black and began to rot
The quality and keeping quality of garlic depend on the condition of the plant during the growing season. Most often it suffers from fungal and bacterial diseases. They do not appear immediately. If at least one head was infected at the time of harvest, the disease will soon spread to the entire crop. It is necessary to send undamaged heads for storage, otherwise pathogens get inside through cracks, as a result of which it most often turns black.
Storing onions and garlic together
Garlic and onion are close relatives; they belong to the onion genus. Therefore, they have similarities in both cultivation and harvesting and storage. However, despite similar storage conditions, it is advisable not to put them together in the same box. The most suitable option for the neighborhood is to hang them in nets or place braids of onions and garlic nearby.
What to do with sprouted teeth
Under no circumstances should you throw away sprouted garlic. It can be added to your favorite dishes in the same way as non-sprouted. It contains substances that are not even found in freshly harvested vegetables. During the germination process, new enzymes appear in it with a powerful effect against many diseases. It is useful to use for reduced immunity, viral and colds, for the prevention of stroke and blood clots. It helps with poisoning and stops diarrhea, prevents the development of malignant cells, and cleanses the body of carcinogens. The antioxidants formed in it stop premature aging of cells.
If the garlic starts to spoil
If, despite all efforts, the garlic still begins to deteriorate, immediate action must be taken. You can clean the good teeth from the bad ones, grind them in a meat grinder and add salt. Place this garlic mass in a jar and store in the refrigerator.
When to dig up garlic for storage
It is best to dig it up on a dry, sunny day. When garlic is suitable for harvesting, its stems begin to fall to the ground, the foliage withers, and the false stem softens. The heads, cleared of soil, together with the stems, are dried for about 5 days. After drying, cut off the roots and stem. Garlic, planted before winter, they are harvested at the end of July, and in the spring - in the second half of August.
Garlic is not just a vegetable, it is a spicy seasoning for various dishes, which has an extraordinary taste and proven medicinal properties. And although it is difficult to keep it fresh in winter, it is worth it. Try to use the suggested tips and be smart - then the garlic you grow will be juicy, and the beneficial qualities and bright taste will be preserved.