
The best recipes for the winter without sterilization: eggplant caviar You will lick your fingers

Eggplant caviar is one of the most delicious appetizers, which is served immediately after preparation or stored preserved all winter. The product is prepared quickly and easily, and is eaten instantly. Combined with ...

The best recipes for preparing leaf celery for the winter

Leaf celery resembles parsley in appearance, but has a richer aroma with nutty notes. Such greens are considered a universal spice that can change for the better the taste of meat, fish, ...

Sugar and onions protect children's colds: the most effective cough recipes

A child's body is easily susceptible to viruses and colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. The child’s illness develops rapidly: in 2-3 days a mild cold can develop into a cough. Despite the fact that...

What to do if potato tubers become crumbly during cooking, and why this happens

Potatoes are among the most popular foods around the world. It is consumed both as an independent dish and as an additional ingredient. Some varieties become crumbly when cooked, but this...

How to get a rich harvest of onion: cultivation and care, photo of the vegetable

Onion has excellent taste. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. The vegetable is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Let's figure out how...

What is the glycemic index of watermelon, and what nutritionists think about it?

Watermelon consists mainly of water and sugars. From mid-August to the end of September, nutritionists recommend consuming watermelon, including for weight loss. Despite the high glycemic index -...

What to do if potatoes rot in the cellar, why this happens and how to prevent the problem

Quite often, vegetable growers are faced with the problem of potatoes rotting after harvesting. This occurs due to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. If planted, harvested and stored incorrectly, the harvest will be lost. Therefore it is important to know that...

Recipes for crispy cucumbers without sterilization for the winter

Crispy canned cucumbers are popular not only on the holiday table, but also on weekday lunches. To prepare delicious cucumbers, we recommend remembering a few rules, then they will turn out crispy, and guests will certainly ...

How to pickle large cucumbers: the most delicious recipes for preparations from experienced housewives

Housewives prefer to pickle medium-sized gherkins or cucumbers, but you can also make a tasty winter preparation from large fruits. How to pickle large cucumbers, prepare the brine and choose the right ingredients...

A guide to growing and caring for heirloom onions for beginning gardeners

Family onion is the popular name for a multi-bud onion, in the nest of which four to eight bulbs are formed. The culture is characterized by strong immunity, long shelf life and early ripening. When planting in April...

