
How to get rid of crown rot: proven drugs and folk remedies

The tomato is rightfully considered the king of garden beds. The plant produces tasty, healthy fruits and decorates garden plots. How pleasing to the eye are even, pouring pinkish or bright ripe tomatoes! But what if the tops...

Top 10 best recipes for pickling tomatoes in a pan: the fastest, simplest, but delicious cooking options

Every housewife has her own recipe for how to pickle tomatoes in a saucepan. This method of preservation is always popular because it saves time, and the vegetables themselves retain a maximum of vitamins and beneficial...

Let's get acquainted with the Irishka F1 tomato and try to grow it on our plot

For decades now, the hybrid tomato Irishka has been conquering the Near Abroad and Russian regions. Externally, the fruits are ordinary, with a typical tomato shape, but with the unique taste of a real tomato. Many gardeners, having tried exotic...

An amazing variety for experimental summer residents - the Banana Legs tomato and recommendations for growing it

Every gardener wants to grow tomatoes that differ from others not only in terms of ripening, but also in their exotic appearance. Breeders willingly provide this opportunity to everyone, breeding varieties that produce fruits of unusual colors...

A fairy tale on your site - the Princess Frog tomato: reviews and recommendations for proper cultivation

Most people are used to seeing red, pink and yellow tomatoes on their tables.They are available on almost every gardener’s plot and are presented in abundance on store shelves. However, it is far from...

New hybrid Love: planting scheme and care features for a good harvest

Tomatoes with the romantic name Love f1 are suitable for growing even for beginners. Summer residents speak positively about this hybrid due to its unpretentiousness and good yield. What are the features of tomatoes and how to get a rich...

A budget-friendly remedy that experienced gardeners use to treat tomatoes: calcium nitrate for blossom end rot.

Tomatoes are susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, and one of them is blossom end rot: a dark spot appears on the tops of the fruit, the tomatoes stop growing, rot and disappear. It is important to catch yourself in time and protect your...

What to do if there are white midges on tomatoes and how to deal with them: the most effective methods

Tomato beds often attract pests. The most dangerous of them is considered to be the whitefly - it sucks the juice of the plant, which leads to its drying out and death. Both adult moths and larvae are pests. What to do if there are white midges on tomatoes...

How to cook the most delicious green tomatoes for the winter: a selection of the best recipes

Many varieties of tomatoes are picked while still green to protect the crop from diseases and insect pests. Green tomatoes are not consumed raw, but are left until fully ripe or used as a base...

An unpretentious tomato Marusya with excellent taste: we grow it ourselves and enjoy the harvest

We present to your attention a variety of tomatoes with the original Russian name Marusya. The culture is unpretentious in care - even a lazy person will get a decent harvest.But the most important advantage lies in the unusual fruits in the form of...

