
Hybrid tomato for canning and salads: tomato Anastasia

For gardeners who dream of getting a good harvest in open ground, breeders have developed the Anastasia tomato variety. This hybrid has strong immunity to major crop diseases and tolerates cold and prolonged absence of sun. ...

Unusual-looking and amazingly tasty Honey Drop tomato

In Italy, the tomato has long been called the golden apple. This is not without reason, because the shape of the vegetable really looks like an apple, and juices and jam are made from the sweet and sour pulp. Next we will talk...

A gift to farmers from Russian breeders: the Velmozha tomato is an early ripening variety with a bountiful harvest

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. They help a person fight depression and improve the functioning of the cardiac system. There are beds with tomatoes in almost every garden. Vegetables taste different from each other...

Grow an Idol tomato on your plot and enjoy an early, abundant harvest

Every gardener who grows tomatoes dreams of finding a fruitful variety that does not require complex care, and at the same time is tasty. It’s not easy to find one, but the Kumir tomato meets these characteristics. In the article you...

A universal variety of tomatoes for salads, pickling and drying - Metelitsa tomato

The tomato variety for your garden should be selected taking into account your harvest plans. When planting, it is important to know whether you are going to use the tomatoes in salads and other dishes, or whether you will be salting or drying them. What to do if you have a small...

Why do you love Peach tomatoes?

Today there are tomato seeds on sale that easily tolerate drought and heat and are suitable for growing in Siberia. New varieties are becoming increasingly popular. Among the wide variety of such varieties, many gardeners prefer...

What are indeterminate and determinate varieties of tomatoes: differences between them, advantages and disadvantages

The terms “determinate” and “indeterminate”, indicated by manufacturers on tomato seed packages, can puzzle even an experienced summer resident. Progress does not stand still and sometimes surprises with new and unknown things. Meanwhile, behind the unusual...

Rich harvest even in cold regions: Snow Tale tomato

Growing tomatoes is not an easy task, but it is rewarding. A good harvest requires fertile soil and a mild climate. But not all regions can boast of this. For areas with other conditions, an ideal option...

The most delicious tomato for lovers of large fruits: the King of Giants tomato - how to grow it yourself and where to use it

The tomato variety King of the Giants was developed relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among vegetable growers. The variety is loved by gardeners both in the southern latitudes of Russia and in the northern latitudes. And although the King of Giants is whimsical...

How to make dried tomatoes with your own hands: a selection of the best ways to prepare tomatoes at home

What a variety of dishes are prepared from tomatoes! This juicy and tasty fruit allows both an experienced and a novice cook to realize the flight of imagination, because there is nothing complicated in their preparation. Despite the variety of recipes, in Russia the main...

