
Let's preserve the taste and benefits: how to freeze zucchini fresh for the winter and what to cook from them later

Freezing is the easiest way to prepare food for the winter. Zucchini is great for freezing - this vegetable is used in the winter to prepare hundreds of different dishes. So that the taste is not lost and the vitamins are preserved, ...

Saving the harvest until spring: how to properly store zucchini for the winter and what conditions need to be created for vegetables

Zucchini, the pulp of which is rich in vitamins and minerals, is a decoration for everyday and holiday tables. This vegetable contains potassium, iron, fiber, and vitamins. This vegetable is 95% water. Thanks to its properties...

What is the difference between zucchini and squash: the difference in appearance, taste and other parameters

Zucchini and squash belong to the same family and are varieties of the common pumpkin. Patisson is also called a plate pumpkin. In many respects, both cultures are similar to each other. Both are rich in vitamins and microelements and have hypoallergenic properties, so...

How to cook delicious crispy lightly salted zucchini in a bag: a quick recipe in 5 minutes

Among modern housewives, culinary recipes are especially popular, thanks to which you can quickly and tasty feed your family. And if the dish turns out to be healthy, the recipe will become indispensable and will live forever...

