
How to feed cucumbers with ash in open ground and greenhouses, and what this will give to the future harvest

For full growth and development, cucumbers need loose soil rich in humus and minerals. With annual cultivation, garden soil gradually becomes depleted and depleted. To prevent this from happening, it is important to fertilize regularly...

What kind of soil do cucumbers like and how to properly treat it before and after planting

To get a bountiful harvest of cucumbers, you need to choose the right place for sowing. The key role is played by knowledge of suitable soil characteristics, the ability to cultivate it and prepare it for planting. How to do it right...

Description and characteristics of yellow watermelons

Green striped watermelon with sweet flesh is one of the most popular summer delicacies. But did you know that its color is not limited to the usual hot pink? Lately, they are becoming more and more popular...

When do watermelons ripen and how to determine their degree of ripeness?

Watermelon is loved for its unique taste and healthy qualities. Its regular use has a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, improves digestion, skin and hair condition, relieves inflammation, supports the immune system, helps...

How to store lightly salted cucumbers after pickling so that they do not spoil or become oversalted

In the summer we eat cucumbers fresh, add them to salads, salt them for the winter and pickle them according to our favorite recipes. Lightly salted cucumbers are one of the popular winter preparations. Housewives often ask questions about how...

Mid-season hybrid of cucumbers Prestige from domestic breeders

Among the many varieties of cucumbers, the first generation hybrid Prestige stands out for its long-lasting and high yield, excellent fruit taste and resistance to temperature changes. Planting a crop and caring for it requires compliance with certain...

Yield hybrid of Mirabella cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground

The seeds of hundreds of varieties of cucumbers are available on the seed market. However, for beginning summer residents, choosing a productive, unpretentious and disease-resistant crop is the easiest among hybrids. One of them, Mirabella f1, was...

The best recipes for crispy pickled cucumbers with lemon for the winter

If you suddenly want to add variety to ordinary preparations, try adding lemon. It will not only improve the taste of cucumbers, but also extend their shelf life. We will tell you why to add lemon to...

How to water a pumpkin in open ground: step-by-step instructions for beginner gardeners

Pumpkin is a moisture-loving crop that requires moisture at all stages of growth. Thanks to irrigation, the plant receives nutrients, microelements and oxygen. But many beginning gardeners neglect the rules of agricultural technology, so they don’t get...

The best recipes for preparing sweet and sour cucumbers for the winter

Sweet and sour cucumbers come to the rescue when ordinary pickled and spicy vegetables begin to get a little boring. The advantage of cucumbers with a sweet and sour taste is that they cannot be oversalted, they do not cause thirst and...

