
How to make delicious and healthy carrot-apple juice

Refreshing carrot-apple juice energizes and is pleasant to drink. This fruit and vegetable drink is rich in vitamins, beta-carotene and antioxidants, which cleanse the digestive system of toxins and help the body fight various diseases. Cook it...

Sweet mid-season carrot variety Nantes 4

Nantes 4 carrots are popular among farmers due to their ease of care, excellent taste, and high carotene content. The variety is in demand in all regions of the country. If you follow the correct agricultural cultivation techniques, you get a rich...

How to determine when to remove carrots from the garden for storage

Timely harvesting of root crops is the key to their long storage in winter without loss of taste. This statement is also true for carrots. If you dig it up too early, the vegetables will quickly become flabby and...

How to prepare carrot caviar for the winter: a selection of the best recipes

Carrots are firmly entrenched in the list of basic products in the kitchen of every housewife. It has long become an integral ingredient in many everyday and holiday dishes. Let's share recipes for carrot caviar, the taste of which will be appreciated...

Why boiled carrots are healthier than raw ones

Proponents of a healthy diet promote the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, citing the fact that after heat treatment, vegetables lose their beneficial properties. But it is not always the case. The exception is boiled carrots. Why ...

Can carrots help with heartburn and how?

Heartburn develops due to the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation in the chest area. If discomfort occurs no more than twice a week and goes away on its own...

Step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners: how to properly thin carrots and why it is needed

Carrots are an unpretentious crop that is not too demanding on soil composition and climatic conditions. However, it is important to thin out plant seedlings on time, and this is a painstaking and tedious task. Let's look at when and how to thin out...

Calories, vitamins and nutritional value of fresh and cooked carrots

The fact that fresh vegetables are healthy is a well-known fact. But not everyone knows that some vegetables become even healthier after heat treatment. Today we'll talk about carrots. The main advantage of raw root vegetables is...

How to properly use carrot juice for a runny nose: recipes and recommendations

A runny nose often comes by surprise, especially in autumn and winter. Traditional medicine offers a simple remedy for inflammation of the nasal mucosa - carrot juice. It is used both for colds and rhinitis...

How much starch is in carrots?

Carrots are one of the most popular root vegetables in our latitudes. It is impossible to imagine first and second courses, fresh salads and holiday snacks without it. Nutritionists recommend including the product in your daily diet...

