Planting and growing

How to cook pickled peppers in oil for the winter: simple recipes from experienced housewives

Sweet or hot peppers in oil with the addition of garlic, herbs and spices will decorate the holiday table and add a touch of piquancy to everyday dishes. The material presents simple recipes for preparing snacks from blanched,...

What to plant after pumpkin next year: rules of crop rotation and useful recommendations for creating beds

Pumpkin has been known to mankind for more than five thousand years. It contains many vitamins and is very beneficial for the body, in addition, this fruit is very tasty, which is why it has gained such popularity. It is grown...

How to grow Courage cucumbers on your site and why they are good

No garden is complete without a bed of crunchy and prickly cucumbers. Many gardeners prefer to grow hybrids, since the latter are characterized by increased resistance to disease and ease of care. Hybrid Courage...

What is Dungan pepper and how can it be used?

Anyone who has been to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan has probably come across a strangely corrugated green vegetable in the markets. This is a relatively new variety of hot pepper, whose name is Dungan. This product has already...

What vitamins are in bell peppers and how are they good for the body?

Bell pepper is one of the most versatile vegetables with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. At one time, he traveled a long way from the hot countries of Central America before getting to ...

A selection of the top 20 most delicious ways to pickle zucchini in jars for the winter

Almost every kitchen in the world has recipes for how to pickle zucchini in jars for the winter. By its origin, zucchini (also known as long-fruited squash) belongs to pumpkins and is considered a variety of it. More often ...

A variety with an attractive name and extraordinary taste - the Paradise Delight tomato: growing and tasting

The Paradise Delight tomato has been known to gardeners for decades. Despite the latest breeding achievements, it retains its leading position not only in summer cottages, but also in markets. Large fruits with...

Mesmerizing in appearance, bicolor fruits with amazing taste: Alice's Dream tomato

Experienced gardeners love to experiment with exotic varieties. Modern selection pampers its consumers with tomatoes of unusual colors. There are yellow, black, green, orange, brown and multi-colored tomatoes on sale. Among the most unusual...

Step-by-step instructions on how to grow a Currency tomato: description and secrets of proper care

The “Valutny” tomato was created by Siberian breeders specifically for the cool Russian climate. The creators of the variety were faced with the task of creating a tomato that could take root and bear fruit in the northern regions of the country. As time has shown, with this...

What and how are bean seeds formed?

Humanity has been cultivating beans for about five thousand years. However, this culture came to Europe and Russia only in the eighteenth century. The seeds and pods of beans, rich in proteins, are eaten...

