
The section is dedicated to shrubs such as currants, honeysuckle, raspberries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, and viburnum.

Why gooseberries rot on the bush and what to do about it

Gray rot and powdery mildew are the most common fungal diseases of gooseberries. With gray rot, dry gray-brown spots appear on the stems, which spread over the entire surface of the berries, and the stalk becomes covered with fluff...

Compatibility of gooseberries with currants and other crops in the garden

Gooseberries (lat. Ribes uva-crispa) are not a capricious plant, but to increase productivity it is important to choose a suitable environment for it. Experienced gardeners know that proximity to the same crops contributes to their proper and ...

How to properly prune green young shoots of grapes in summer: diagram and step-by-step instructions

The main pruning operations of the vine are carried out in early spring and late autumn, but the bush is formed throughout the summer. To do this, remove excess shoots. The procedure for the plant is safe and positive...

How many calories do grapes have and how are they good for health?

Grapes are a popular and healthy berry. It is sold all year round - clusters are imported from Turkey, Greece and Egypt, where the plant bears fruit all year round. According to nutritionists, ripened grapes contain a lot of...

Guide to propagating grapes from green cuttings in summer

To expand the area of ​​the vineyard, as well as update old favorite varieties, there is a way to propagate grapes using green cuttings. This simple and common method can be easily mastered even by novice winegrowers.It is important to follow the procedure correctly...

Features of honeysuckle care after harvesting in July

Honeysuckle is a spring crop, as its fruits ripen in late May or early June. After harvesting, most gardeners stop paying attention to shrubs in summer and autumn...

Review of the Early Violet grape variety and features of its cultivation

Early Violet grapes are valued by winegrowers for their resistance to frost, unpretentiousness, compactness and excellent taste of berries. The proportion of juice during extraction is 85%. Grapes are used for making wine and raisins, fresh consumption, ...

How and with what to treat gooseberries for scab: the most effective methods of combating the disease

A disease called scab often affects gooseberries. Fungal spores are small in size and easily carried by the wind, making it very difficult to protect the plant. How to treat gooseberries for scab and what preventive measures will help...

How, when and with what to treat gooseberries against caterpillars if there are already berries

Gooseberries are a delicious berry that is eaten fresh or used for preservation. But in order to reap a rich harvest at the end of the season, you need to ensure that the plant does not get sick and...

How to properly use soda against powdery mildew on gooseberries: recipes and processing recommendations

High humidity and elevated air temperatures favor the appearance of one of the most common and dangerous diseases on gooseberries, called powdery mildew. It is characterized by a light coating with drops of liquid on the foliage...

