How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

Currants come not only black, white and red, but even yellow, purple and orange. This is one of the most common berry crops on the plots of Russian gardeners. At the same time, getting a harvest of large, tasty berries is not so easy, because currants are demanding on the presence of nutrients in the soil.

In June, berry bushes, in particular black currants, begin to form a harvest. Therefore, at this time it is especially important that the plants receive enough nutrients and moisture. You will find detailed information on what and how to feed currants in June in our article.

The goal of fertilizing in June

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

Applying fertilizers to blackcurrant bushes in June is the key to obtaining sweet and large berries. After all, it is during this period that active shoot growth and fruit formation occur.

Of the berry crops, black currants, gooseberries and raspberries are the most demanding of nutrients in the soil. Only young shoots bear fruit intensively.

Important! Mineral and organic fertilizers are alternated, maintaining an interval between fertilizing of about 2 weeks.

To ensure the growth of young branches, fast-acting nitrogen fertilizers are optimal, as well as organic matter (for example, a solution of slurry or bird droppings and water). Feeding combined with abundant watering of shrubs.

Optimal timing

If the berry garden was not fertilized in the fall, the first fertilizing is carried out at the very beginning of spring, along with the snow melting, when the plants wake up and begin to grow.

If fertilizers have already been applied in the fall, a new portion is applied after the start of flowering - in the second half of May - early June. Another feeding is carried out during the formation of ovaries.

Types of fertilizers

The crop is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as using folk remedies.

Mineral fertilizers

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

They contain concentrated fast-acting salts. Based on the active chemical element, mineral additives are divided into phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. There are also polyfertilizers on sale that contain several components at once.

For the first spring feeding (during the snow melting period), dry nitroammophoska is used. The dosage is observed in accordance with the instructions for the drug (10-15 g for black currant bush and 8-10 g for red currant).

The plants are fed the second time during the flowering period (late May - early June). Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used in the following dosage: 8-10 g of potassium sulfate or 10-12 g of dissolved superphosphate for each plant.

The third application of nutrients coincides with the period of ovary formation (as a rule, it occurs in June). This time they use wood ash (100-150 g for black currants and 200 g for colored ones).

The fourth and fifth feedings are carried out after harvesting and before the plant goes into hibernation. The fourth time - again with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (5-10 g of potassium sulfate or superphosphate in dissolved form per bush). Fifth - 300 g of wood ash for each plant.

Interesting fact! Russia ranks first in the world in terms of currant cultivation.

Organic fertilizers

Organic matter is of natural origin (animal or plant). This type of fertilizer includes manure, litter, humus, compost, peat, etc. As they decompose, they form compounds that stimulate the development of microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that help plants absorb nutrients from the soil.

Attention! Organic fertilizers provide air-water balance in roots, stems and leaves of plants.

A common natural organic fertilizer is manure and bird droppings. It is used in spring and June.

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

Rotted manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. When watering, use 1 bucket for an adult bush or 1/2 for a young one. If the manure is fresh, it is filled with water and left for 3-4 days. Then dilute and water.

Bird droppings are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:12. The consumption is the same: for an adult bush - 1 bucket, for a young bush - 1/2.

Compost and humus do not contain nitrogen, so they are used throughout the summer. With these fertilizers it is convenient to mulch the soil around currant bushes after watering or loosening in a layer of about 1 cm.

Folk remedies

For feeding Blackcurrant is also used in folk recipes. They are good as a supplement to mineral and organic fertilizers, but cannot completely replace them.

Potato peelings

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

The benefits of infusion from potato peelings are due to their high starch content. The raw materials are poured with water in a 1:1 ratio and infused for a month. The resulting concentrate is diluted with water 1:10 and watered the plants (1 bucket per bush). This feeding is good during the period of berry formation.

If potato peelings It is inconvenient to collect, they use ready-made starch.In this case, jelly is boiled from 100 g of starch and 2.5 liters of water, diluted in a bucket of water and watered.


Another effective folk remedy is bread fertilizer. One of the main components of baked goods is yeast. They contain nutrients that stimulate plant growth. This fertilizing improves the soil structure, enhances the activity of living microorganisms, and increases the efficiency of previously applied organic matter (manure and droppings).

Advice. Use grain fertilizer no more than 2-3 times per season, otherwise the acidity of the soil will increase.

Both fresh bread and stale bread collected throughout the winter are suitable for preparing a nutritious mixture. Before use, the peels are placed in a bucket, filled with warm water, covered with a lid and placed in a warm place for a week. The finished fertilizer is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and the bushes are watered.

Weed infusion

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

Common weeds that have just been removed from the beds are suitable for preparing fertilizer. The grass is placed in a barrel 1/2 full, filled with water, covered with film and placed in the sun. To speed up fermentation, add 3-4 tbsp. l. urea.

After a few days, foam appears on the surface, the mixture begins to ferment and increases in volume. When the liquid becomes lighter and foam stops forming, the fertilizer is ready. This usually takes 1-2 weeks. The solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and the bushes are watered.

Attention! The unpleasant odor that appears during the fermentation of the infusion is neutralized by valerian extract added to the container.

The prepared nutritional mixture is not stored, but used immediately. This feeding is useful not only for currants, but also for other crops (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens).

Green manure

The use of green manure allows you to supply black currants with the necessary nutrients. It is enough to sow lupine, peas, and vetch between the rows in the spring, and dig up the green manure along with the cut greens in the fall.

Coffee grounds

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

Coffee grounds are another organic fertilizer that saturates the soil with nitrogen and improves its structure. This fertilizer is suitable for berry bushes, as well as roses, hydrangeas, magnolias and violets. Before use, coffee grounds are mixed with soil in a ratio of 1:4 and applied to the soil near the plant stems.

Banana peel

Banana peel is rich in potassium and calcium, so it is excellent as a fertilizer for berry crops. The peel is buried in the soil next to the plant, where it quickly rots. The same is done with the bananas themselves, which are overripe and are no longer suitable for food.

Norms and volumes

When calculating the dosage of mineral fertilizers, they are based on the recommendations of the drug manufacturer. Excess of substances leads to deterioration in the quality of the crop, diseases, and the accumulation of nitrates in fruits.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

Lack of any nutrient affects on the condition of the foliage. Regular inspection of plantings helps to recognize the problem in time and take action.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, the foliage becomes smaller and yellower, covered with dark red spots. The flowers fall off and few fruits are produced. The plant weakens, new shoots grow short and thin.
  • Excess nitrogen, on the contrary, is manifested by intensive growth of green mass, dark green color of foliage and active formation of new shoots. However, flowering occurs late, and the fruits grow small and poorly colored.
  • With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves become smaller, dull, and turn bluish-green. The leaf petioles and veins turn red and fall off early. The fruits ripen slowly and have a sour taste. The shoots are underdeveloped.
  • A lack of potassium is indicated by a red border on blackcurrant leaves. Calcium deficiency slows down the growth of the root system, mucus appears on it.

Methods of application

There are 2 ways to apply fertilizers: at the root and foliar. Let's tell you more about each of them.

Under the root

When applying dry fertilizers, nutrients dissolve in the soil with irrigation water or rain.

Watering the bite area fertilizers dissolved in water allows nutrients to penetrate to the roots faster.

In early spring, when there is a lot of moisture in the soil, currants are fertilized with dry nutrient mixtures, and in dry summers - with liquid ones.

Foliar method

Foliar feeding is spraying foliage with weak nutrient solutions. In this case, the elements are absorbed by the leaf blades. Solutions are prepared weakly to avoid burns to the leaves.

For example, in June it is good to foliar fertilize currants with microelements. To do this, 5 g of potassium permanganate, 3 g of boric acid and 30-40 g of copper sulfate are diluted separately, in different containers, and then mixed in 10 liters of water. Currant bushes are sprayed with this solution.

Feeding depending on the type

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and rules for their application

The fertilizing plan is built taking into account the type of crop. Black currants are fertilized 5 times per season. For red and white, 4 feedings are enough. The fact is that colored varieties are distinguished by a more powerful root system, less demanding on the composition of the soil.

The general fertilizer application scheme is as follows:

  • For the first time in the season, currants are fed in early spring, along with the melting of the snow;
  • the second - during the flowering period;
  • the third feeding is carried out during the formation of the ovary;
  • fourth - after harvest;
  • the fifth - a month before the onset of persistent cold weather.

Tips on the topic

Advice from experienced gardeners will help you avoid mistakes when applying fertilizers and provide the whole family with a supply of tasty and healthy berries:

  1. Fertilizers are stored in original packaging in a dry room at a stable temperature. Solutions and mixtures are prepared according to the instructions.
  2. When working with drugs, observe safety precautions, use rubber gloves and safety glasses.
  3. Fertilize after the plants have rooted.
  4. Before applying fertilizing (especially dry soil), the soil is well moistened.
  5. Spraying is carried out in dry weather early in the morning or evening to avoid burns on the leaves.
  6. Mineral fertilizers will not harm if you enrich the soil with humus. You can determine whether there is enough of it on the site by the presence of earthworms. If they are, then everything is in order.


Feeding black currants in summer is an important stage in caring for the crop. In June, she needs nutrition and moisture. If you neglect these conditions, the harvest will not please you. Black and colored currants respond well to fertilizing. The main thing is to apply fertilizers on time, use different types and follow the recommended dosages.

It should be remembered that fertilizers prepared according to folk recipes do not replace mineral fertilizers. It is better to alternate them or add them together.

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