Why do currant leaves have pale leaves, what to do and how to fix it
Healthy red, black and white currant bushes should have rich green leaves. If they become covered with a white coating, become lighter or turn pale, this indicates disease, pest damage, or a lack of nutrients in the soil. We’ll look at what to do if currant leaves have pale leaves in this article.
Why do currant leaves have pale leaves?
There are no currant varieties that are 100% immune to diseases and pests. Even the strongest and healthiest shrubs become sick and damaged by insects. A sign of such lesions is pale leaves. This may also be due to a lack of microelements or errors in agricultural technology.
Micronutrient deficiency
The main elements that any garden plant needs are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become smaller, lose their rich green color, and fall off. Sometimes there is a color change to yellow or orange.
With phosphorus deficiency, the leaves dry out, the process of flowering and fruit set slows down, and the immunity of the root system decreases. It is easy to recognize a microelement deficiency by the lower leaves - it is on them that the first signs appear.
With a lack of potassium, the shoots weaken, the leaves become deformed, become curly and purple. Potassium is also responsible for the frost resistance of currants.
The plant suffers from a lack of other microelements:
- Magnesium deficiency causes premature leaf fall, weakening of the bush, and reduction in fruit size. Due to decreased immunity, currants are more susceptible to infection with mosaic and other viral diseases. Visible along the edges of the leaves red stripes and pale light green spots.
- Manganese deficiency provokes the appearance of pale and white-yellow marks, and sometimes brown spotting. Due to a deficiency of this microelement, the berries lose their sugar content and juicy taste, and the veins turn white.
- Symptoms of iron deficiency: small fruits, slower bush growth, reduced yield. On berry crops, complete whitening of leaf blades is observed.
- Zinc deficiency can be recognized by wrinkled and pale leaves, thin and brittle shoots, and the appearance of brown spots on the fruits.
- Due to lack of boron leaves fall prematurely, apical points slow down in development, fruits are poorly set.
Wrong landing site
Red and black currants prefer moist planting sites located in the sun and protected from drafts. Berry bushes are planted in both hilly and lowland areas.
Distance between bushes should be at least 1.5 m. Popular places for the plant are along the fence or in the corners of the site.
It is prohibited to plant currants:
- in wetlands;
- on lands located near underground groundwater;
- in holes and depressions.
When planted in the wrong place, the leaves of black and red currants become pale green, the shoots become weak, and the berries become small. It is not recommended to plant currants next to raspberries or fruit trees - these plants take nutrients from them and shade them. Suitable neighbors are honeysuckle or gooseberry.
Attention! Currants love fertile soils with a sandy or clayey composition and a neutral acidity level. If the soil is acidic, summer residents add lime. To increase the fertile qualities, the planting hole is fertilized with organic matter: rotted manure or chicken droppings, vermicompost, compost, peat.
Agrotechnical errors
Despite the fact that caring for currants consists of simple techniques and rules, some gardeners still make mistakes:
- Shrubs are watered irregularly;
- do not dig up the soil before planting;
- bushes are planted at a distance of less than 1.5 m from each other;
- choose dark and windy areas for planting;
- do not check soil acidity;
- cold water is used for irrigation;
- neglect mulching;
- loosen the ground to a depth of more than 7 cm;
- do not remove weeds and debris;
- contribute mineral and organic feeding in a chaotic manner;
- do not inspect shrubs for diseases or pests.
Leaves also lose their rich green color due to diseases - fungal, viral or bacterial. Most of them actively spread during periods of high humidity and high temperature, and are also transported by wind, rain, insects and animals:
- Powdery mildew - a fungal disease that affects old and young shrubs. Distributed in the regions of central Russia and in the south. The leaves turn from green to light green and then become covered with a white coating. Affected berries become deformed and fall off, the leaves become weak and dry.
- White spot easy to recognize by white spots on the surface of the leaf. Fungal spores overwinter in the soil, and with the arrival of spring they infect the plant.Excessive humidity and an excess of mineral fertilizers contribute to the development of the disease.
- Tuberculariosis - wilting of currants. Infection occurs in early spring, and the first signs are visible only in early June. If measures are not taken in time, the bush will die by autumn.
Insect pests cause metabolic disorders, take vitamins and microelements from the plant. Some insects feed on leaves and shoots, others on roots, and still others eat only fruits. Both adults and numerous larvae cause harm.
Pale color of leaves, drying out of shoots and decreased yield are caused by the following pests:
- Gall aphid lives on the inside of leaves, sucks juice from them. The eggs overwinter on shoots, are frost-resistant, and are difficult to get rid of.
Gall aphid
- Strawberry whitefly sucks the juice out of the plant, causing it to become weak. This affects not only the leaves and shoots, the fruits deteriorate - the berries become smaller, lose their taste and juiciness.
- Bud moth attacks white and red currants, eats their buds. The bush's fruit set decreases and flowering slows down.
Bud moth
What to do if currant leaves are pale
First of all, identify the cause of the problem. If it is a disease or pest, remove diseased shoots and burn them at a distance of at least 10 m from the garden plot, then prepare a solution and spray the bush.
Treatment of some diseases requires an integrated approach, so in addition to spraying, currants need watering and loosening the soil.
There are diseases (for example, terry), once infected, the plant cannot be treated.In this case, the bush is dug up and burned, and the remaining crops are treated with prophylactic agents: copper sulfate solution, Zircon, Fitosporin.
What to change in care
If the currant is constantly sick, this is a sign of improper care.. It is recommended to start with watering: moisten the soil every 5-7 days, use about 5 liters of water per bush. Do not get on leaves and shoots; the stream of water should be directed at the root. In order for the plant to bear fruit well, it is watered with an infusion based on tomato tops 2 times a month. A folk remedy strengthens the immunity of currants and protects it from diseases.
Problems with berry bushes also arise due to improper trimmings. Sometimes summer residents do not comply with the deadlines for the procedure or leave uneven cuts on the bush, and fungi and viruses appear in the wounds. It is important to remember that for trimmings Only sharp pruning shears are used, they are disinfected, and the cuts are lubricated with garden varnish.
Reference. What does the plant lack if all the rules and recommendations are followed? Perhaps the variety is not suitable for growing in a certain region or a diseased seedling was purchased. Also, the reasons lie in the characteristics of the soil, proximity to other crops, and incorrect selection of fertilizers.
What to feed
The choice of fertilizer depends on what stage of development the shrub is at and what elements it needs. For example, at the beginning of the growing season, currants need nitrogen. It is found in ammonium nitrate, urea, and slurry. When signs of phosphorus starvation are detected, superphosphate or potassium monophosphate is applied under the bush. If there is not enough potassium, fertilize based on potassium chloride, ash, and potassium salt.
After treatment for diseases or pests, currants need complex feeding. It contains mineral and organic substances. Such drugs include “Gumi-Omi”, “Magic Leika”, “Krepysh”. They are purchased at gardening stores.
Among folk remedies, summer residents choose fertilizers based on dry yeast. For preparation you need 30 g of dry yeast, 100 g of sugar, 5 liters of warm water. The solution is infused for 3 days, stirring occasionally. Then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and used for irrigation.
Useful tips from experienced gardeners
To protect currants, it is important to constantly monitor the appearance of the bush, inspect the foliage from the inside and outside. Since spring, gardeners have been spraying currants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
If the currant leaf begins to turn pale, this indicates a deficiency or excess of microelements or infection with a disease. In this case, gardeners immediately treat the bush with systemic fungicides.
The reasons for the pale color of the leaves are non-compliance with agrotechnical rules, inappropriate planting location, the appearance of diseases and pests. To quickly solve the problem and preserve the harvest, preventive or therapeutic measures are carried out.
If pallor is the result of a lack of microelements, apply suitable fertilizers to the soil. If the color has changed due to waterlogging, reconsider the timing of watering and their quantity.
General rules of care are described. There are no recommendations on a specific question. To feed or not to feed with phosphorus and potassium, to water or not to water, to treat with fungicides or not? Not a single sensible answer.It turns out that you need to conduct your own experiments on the diseased plant.. In this case, advice is not required and consultations are not needed.
I absolutely agree with Dim! I would like something specific
Agree. I was looking for an answer to the problem, but after reading the article, I just wasted my time. Just general phrases, nothing
Never pour water on the leaves. Ok, what should we do about the rain? Stand with an umbrella?