Is it possible to eat celery during pregnancy?
Unlike most other vegetables, there is more harm than good from eating celery during pregnancy. It contains a substance that can cause miscarriage or premature birth, as it causes a strong rush of blood to the smooth muscles of the uterus. We will tell you in detail in the article how to properly consume vegetables during pregnancy and whether it is worth doing.
Properties of celery
Celery - one of the lowest-calorie herbaceous plants. The vegetable contains beneficial phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Greens contain 90% of the daily requirement of beta-carotene (provitamin A), and there are flavonoids: zeaxanthin and lutein, which have immunostimulating functions.
The leaves and seeds contain many essential volatile oils, which include terpenes, mainly limonene (75–80%), and sesquiterpenes such as β-selinene (10%) and humulene.
Chemical composition
The plant stem is rich in minerals, including sodium and chlorine.
Main components:
- D-limonene (60%);
- selinene (10%);
- a number of related phthalides (3%) - 3-n-butylphthalide, sedanenolide and sedanonic anhydride.
Celery contains potentially toxic polyacetylenes, including falcarinol.
The nutritional value of 100 g of vegetable is presented in the table.
Organic compounds | Content | Percentage of Daily Value |
Calorie content | 16 kcal | <1% |
Squirrels | 3.46 g | 6% |
Fats | 1.12 g | 4,5% |
Carbohydrates | 3 g | 5,5% |
Cellulose | 2.1 g | 5,5% |
Vitamin complex | ||
Folates | 36 mcg | 9% |
Niacin | 0.320 mg | 2% |
Pantothenic acid | 0.246 mg | 5% |
Pyridoxine | 0.074 mg | 6% |
Riboflavin | 0.57 mg | 4% |
Thiamine | 0.021 mg | 2% |
Vitamin A | 85 mg | 15% |
Vitamin C | 3.1 mg | 5% |
Vitamin K | 29.3 mcg | 24% |
Minerals | ||
Sodium | 80 mg | 5% |
Potassium | 260 mg | 5,5% |
Calcium | 40 mg | 4% |
Copper | 0.35 mg | 4% |
Iron | 0.20 mg | 2,5% |
Magnesium | 11 mg | 3% |
Manganese | 0.103 mg | 4,5% |
Phosphorus | 24 mg | 3% |
Zinc | 0.13 mg | 1% |
Benefits for women
Celery is one of the most useful vegetables for the female body:
- The stem contains phthalides, which reduce the level of stress hormones, cholesterol, and dilate blood vessels. Potassium acts as a vasodilator and lowers blood pressure.
- The vegetable prevents urinary tract infections. The seeds eliminate uric acid. Celery extract has an antibacterial effect.
- Regular consumption of plant juice before meals helps reduce weight.
- The juice is used to maintain youthful skin, giving it softness and elasticity.
- Polyacetylenes prevent cancer. Biologically active flavonoids contain apigenin and luteolin, which fight free radicals and stop cancer cells in the body.
- Phytoestrogens relieve menopausal symptoms.
- Celery is rich in fiber, which prevents constipation.
Can pregnant women eat celery?
In order for the use of the product while expecting a baby to be beneficial, it is important to first consult with your doctor. Only after this can you include the vegetable in your diet.
In the early stages
During early pregnancy, when the embryo is not yet firmly fixed in the uterus, there is a high probability of miscarriage. The substances contained in the vegetable increase blood circulation in the pelvis. Together with gases formed in the intestines, this leads to stimulation of the uterus and an increase in its tone, increasing the risk of miscarriage.
Second trimester
At this stage of pregnancy, progesterone slows down the digestive system. Combined with the pressure of a growing baby, this increases the risk of stomach acid pushing up, causing heartburn. The enlarged uterus presses against the abdomen, pushing stomach acids upward.
Important! Alkaline foods, such as celery, can help relieve or stop symptoms by neutralizing the acid.
In the later stages
When eating vegetables at this stage of pregnancy, flatulence, bloating, and pain in the umbilical area occur. After 22 weeks of pregnancy, celery can cause an allergic reaction in the child, which will continue after birth.
Why pregnant women should not eat celery
The vegetable contains uterotonic and emmenagogic substances: apiol, apigenin, myristicin, which can provoke uterine contractions, causing bleeding. This will lead to miscarriage or premature birth, which is dangerous for both mother and baby.
The plant causes increased gas formation, which creates discomfort in the well-being of the expectant mother. Saturated essential oils often become allergens during pregnancy.
Contraindications and precautions
Main contraindications to eating vegetables:
- varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
- kidney and gastrointestinal diseases;
- enterocolitis and colitis;
- severe form of allergy;
- uterine or heavy menstrual bleeding.
Because celery is rich in oxalates, it is not recommended for people suffering from inflammation or other bladder problems. These substances also interfere with calcium absorption.
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The consumption of celery during pregnancy should be limited. Without consequences, a woman is allowed to eat no more than 3 tsp daily. vegetables in any form.
Attention! It is not recommended to drink green juice during pregnancy. Only in rare cases and only for medicinal purposes is it drunk 50–75 ml per day.
The plant is used as a seasoning for various dishes.
Celery normalizes metabolism and water-salt balance, improves digestion. The substances contained in it (apiol, apigenin, myristicin) cause uterine contractions and often provoke premature birth and sometimes miscarriage. Therefore, during pregnancy, vegetables are eaten with caution and only after consulting a doctor.