Celery for weight loss: how much can you eat per day
The uniqueness of celery is that all parts of this vegetable are suitable for food - leaves, roots and stems. By including it in your diet, you can not only benefit your body, but also lose a few extra pounds. The main thing is to observe moderation in consumption and follow the recommendations of specialists. So how much celery can you eat per day to lose weight without harming your health?
Chemical composition, vitamins and microelements of celery
Celery is one of the natural antioxidants. It is a source of useful microelements, vitamins and minerals. Among them:
- iron - 1.3 mg;
- calcium - 72 mg;
- magnesium - 50 mg;
- potassium - 430 mg;
- fiber - 1.8 g;
- phosphorus - 77 mg;
- sodium - 200 mg.
Vitamin composition of the vegetable:
- B1 (0.02 mg), B2 (0.1 mg), B6 (0.08 mg), B9 (21 mcg) normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
- C (38 mg) strengthens the immune system;
- PP (0.5 mg) supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
- E (0.5 mg) and A (750 mcg) improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Energy value of celery:
- proteins - 0.9 g;
- fats - 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates - 2.1 g.
Beneficial features
Celery has beneficial effects on human health. It is especially necessary for those who suffer from the following diseases:
- Diabetes. The leaves of the plant normalize blood sugar levels.
- Obesity. The vegetable speeds up the digestive process.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- Oncology. Microelements in the vegetable neutralize carcinogens that provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.
- Skin problems. An infusion from the plant promotes rapid healing of abrasions, wounds and hematomas, and also cleanses blood vessels, which improves the general condition of the skin.
In addition, celery is effective for insomnia, rheumatism, prostatitis, and vitamin deficiency.
The low-calorie vegetable is often used for weight loss. The substances and elements contained in it tone and heal the entire body:
- remove excess fluid from the body;
- prevent the accumulation of fat reserves;
- slow down the aging process;
- normalize metabolism;
- help with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
- strengthen the immune system;
- stimulate mental activity and increase performance;
- cope with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
- help with diseases of the kidneys, intestines and stomach;
- increase libido (especially in men);
- relieve shortness of breath, heartburn, flatulence;
- cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
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How much celery should you eat per day to lose weight?
Due to its low calorie content, the plant is recommended for those who want to lose weight:
- raw vegetable contains 13 kcal per 100 g;
- fried or boiled - 25-26 kcal;
- steamed - 9-10 kcal;
- celery root - 32 kcal.
The vegetable contains virtually no fat, and the amount of carbohydrates in it is negligible. If you use the plant every day, you will lose 2-4 kg every 1-2 weeks.
To lose extra pounds, it is enough to replace one meal with a low-calorie celery dish (lunch or dinner).They start by snacking on the stems of the plant. However, there are also diets developed by specialists based on this vegetable.
Advice. Eat a small amount of celery before meals. This will reduce the risk of overeating and suppress the feeling of hunger.
The main principle of the celery diet is freedom in the number of meals. You only need to eat the permitted daily amount of vegetables, but how many times is up to everyone’s discretion (3 times for breakfast, lunch and dinner or 6-7 times).
The raw, fresh plant is most beneficial. However, you can lose weight by consuming it in other forms:
- Regularly add the vegetable as a side dish (stewed or raw). Celery goes well with fish and meat, which cannot be said about high-calorie foods such as potatoes, white rice or pasta. This side dish is much harder for the body to digest.
- Drink celery juice daily - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. It is prepared from the stems. The content of nutrients in it is so high that it can easily replace an entire vitamin and mineral complex. Celery juice should be consumed 1-2 hours before meals.
- Along with kefir. In tandem with a fermented milk product, this is an ideal means for losing weight. Beat 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 400 g of plant stems in a blender. The resulting mixture should be drunk throughout the day. The drink is ideal for a fasting day or as an alternative to dinner.
- Use celery in various dishes - soups, stews, salads. This option is suitable for people who do not like the taste of vegetables. Combinations with other products will interrupt its specific taste.
Mechanism of action on fat cells
Celery speeds up metabolism, activating the fat burning process.Weight loss occurs not only due to the removal of excess fluid, but also due to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. The body spends a lot of energy to digest the plant. This ensures that the weight you lose will not come back after a few days or weeks.
The stems, leaves and roots have equally positive effects on weight loss, so it is better to eat all parts of the plant.
Most often, the stems of the vegetable are used to make juice, but they are often added to salads. The stems are consumed raw and thermally processed.
This part of celery is a natural aphrodisiac for both sexes. In addition, the stems help increase potency in men. They relieve pain in women during PMS, have a beneficial effect on sleep. However, the most effective effect of the stems is burning excess fat.
Daily consumption of the most beneficial part of celery (raw, in soups, salads or main courses) has the following effects on the human condition:
- normalizes water-salt balance;
- eliminates constipation, flatulence;
- fights insomnia and allergies;
- improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- has wound healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
The leaves of the plant are used for preventive and medicinal purposes. Among the beneficial properties of celery tops:
- prevention of the formation of kidney stones;
- getting rid of vitamin deficiency;
- stimulation of intestinal motility and improvement of digestive processes;
- cleaning of blood vessels;
- infertility treatment;
- prevention of gout, atherosclerosis and rheumatism;
- eliminating dryness and restoring the structure of the skin.
The high content of vitamin C in the leaves allows the use of celery as a prophylactic against infectious diseases.
The juice has a tonic effect, cleansing and nourishing the body. The combination of useful components in a drink from the plant stem helps:
- for urolithiasis, gout;
- remove excess salt from the body;
- for hypertension.
Celery juice eliminates the feeling of hunger and reduces the desire to eat sweets.
What happens if you eat celery every day?
Daily consumption of celery is beneficial for the body, unless there are individual contraindications. However, despite the benefits of the vegetable, overeating it is fraught with unpleasant consequences. The most common is prolonged diarrhea.
You should not eat celery on an empty stomach or make the vegetable the basis of your diet. Several glasses of drink from the plant per day in the absence of any other food will cause problems with the digestive organs.
Consumption rate
How much celery can women and men eat per day? Experts do not recommend exceeding the norm of 150-200 g. The best option is to combine the plant with other vegetables or use it as a side dish. You can make a juice that will not only preserve the important properties of celery, but also help you lose weight. However, here too the norm should be observed - no more than 0.5-1 tbsp. per day.
Give vegetables to children, especially young ones, with caution. Before one year of age, the daily norm is 30 g, after - up to 100 g. Any part of the plant is suitable for puree - leaves, roots and stems.
Harm and contraindications
Celery should not be consumed by pregnant women or nursing mothers. It is not recommended to include it in the diet if:
- large kidney stones;
- serious gastrointestinal problems;
- diseases of the thyroid gland;
- epilepsy;
- varicose veins and thrombosis;
- individual intolerance;
- uterine bleeding;
- viruses in the body.
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Celery is a storehouse of useful minerals and elements. The vegetable will help you easily lose a few extra pounds, normalize the body’s condition and cure some diseases. The main thing is to eat no more than the prescribed amount per day. Then the plant will not harm your health.