What are the benefits of basil essential oil and how to use it correctly

Oil basilica have been used for several thousand years. Translated from Greek, “basil” means “king”. Previously, this oil was one of the components of the mixture for anointing royalty. Read more about the beneficial properties and uses of basil and its oil.

Features of basil oil

Basil essential oil is produced only from the Ocimum basilicum variety. It is an annual plant grown in the Comoros Islands, Egypt and Southern France. The largest amount of derivatives - 0.1% - is found in the inflorescences of the plant. Select the best parts of the basil and steam distill it.

At the end of the growing season, plants use all the greens for production. The oil obtained is of the same quality, but the yield is less - 0.065%.

Important! Basil varieties such as Ocimum gratissimum, Ocimum minimum and Ocimum canum are also used to make essential oils. But their composition differs from real basil.

Description and characteristics

What are the benefits of basil essential oil and how to use it correctly

Colorless or yellowish basil oil has a viscous consistency. The aroma is pleasant, slightly tart and spicy-sweet, with woody, balsamic hints of camphor and tarragon.


Basil oil contains many beneficial components. Their combination is unusual and exclusive:

  • fragrant eugenol (up to 70% of the composition) is included in the pharmaceutical industry in painkillers and antiseptics and is used in dentistry;
  • camphor has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local irritant, analgesic and expectorant effects;
  • linalool is involved in metabolic processes;
  • bioflavonoids provide an antioxidant effect;
  • cineole is a natural antiseptic;
  • ocimene is used in perfume compositions;
  • vitamins A, B2, C, PP have a general strengthening effect and improve skin nutrition;
  • tannins help restore the body.

Medicinal properties

The components in basil have a healing, cosmetic, and healing effect on the human body. The plant has immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Basil oil has analgesic, antipyretic, antidepressant, expectorant, antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, and anthelmintic effects. This essential concentrate is used in aromatherapy, cosmetic purposes and cooking.

Uses of basil oil

What are the benefits of basil essential oil and how to use it correctly

Like other essential oils, basil causes positive changes in the body if used correctly. This is taken into account when eaten and used externally.

In cosmetology

This versatile product plays a major role in the fight for clear, healthy skin and luxurious hair. It is easy to use and can be used daily.

Effect on the skin

Cosmetologists use basil oil as part of face masks and advise making them at home yourself, adding 1-2 drops to any mask base. Basil-based products cleanse the skin, tighten pores, get rid of sebum and puffiness, and restore elasticity. The face looks fresh, toned, rosy.

Essential oil fights minor inflammations and acne.If you drop it on the site of inflammation, it will dry it and relieve redness.

Using oil, warts are removed: drop undiluted product locally onto the wart. After 7-10 days, the wart disappears, and a layer of healthy skin remains in its place.

To make an aromatic massage product, add 5 drops of basil ether to 20 ml of almond oil. This massage has an active warming effect.

Effect on hair

The simplest use of ether for healthy hair is adding 2-3 drops to shampoo. Do this before applying shampoo to your hair, but not in a tube. Wash your hair in the usual way. As a result, the oiliness of the scalp decreases, the thickness and density of the hair increases, and the structure of the hair shaft improves.

Those who are accustomed to mask care use the following recipe: beat 2 egg yolks with banana pulp, add 5 drops of basil ether to this mixture, apply to hair and scalp, rinse after 30 minutes. After this procedure, the hair holds its style well. The mask is done regularly, but not more than 2 times a week.

In cooking

What are the benefits of basil essential oil and how to use it correctly

Basil oil is used to give dishes a spicy and delicate aroma. If you use it regularly, you can get rid of flatulence and bloating, improve digestion and absorption of food, and strengthen the immune system. Basil goes well with cheese, tomatoes, any meat and fish. It is added to salt dough to add a spicy and fresh flavor.

Attention! 1 drop of basil ether replaces 1 tsp. with a heap of fresh chopped basil.

Ways to use basil oil

When adding 2-3 drops to a 3-liter pan of finished soup, the broth becomes clear in appearance and delicate in taste.

To eliminate the unwanted smell of boiled carrots, add 2 drops of ether 2 minutes before the end of cooking directly into the pan where the vegetable is cooked.

When preparing baked tomatoes, vegetable salads, pizza, add 1-3 drops per 500 g of product. This gives dishes a unique spicy aroma and tart taste.

Adding to 2 tbsp. l. salt 3-5 drops of basil oil, you get a flavored seasoning. It is mixed and store in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

To prepare basil sauce for dressing vegetable salads, take 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add 1-2 drops of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Add 2 drops of basil oil to this mixture and mix.

In aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to alternative medicine and means treatment with aromatic essential concentrates. This method includes adding oil:

  • in face and hair masks;
  • into the massage mixture;
  • when taking a bath;
  • for inhalations: hot, when basil oil is dripped into slightly cooled boiled water, and cold - drip it into aromatic pendants and carry it with you, hanging it around your neck;
  • in aroma lamps, stones, sticks.

Various methods of aromatherapy with basil oil have a healing effect on the human psyche. With daily use, the patient thinks more clearly, neuroses disappear, the emotional background is restored, the mood rises, and concentration improves.

If you use the ether 2-3 times a week, tension from mental activity goes away, vitality is restored, and self-esteem increases.

Doctors recommend basil mixtures when fighting stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.The aromatic oil stimulates physical activity, copes with insomnia, relieves anxiety and helps to think clearly.

In magic

Basil essential oil has long been used in home magic. To cleanse and protect from all evil, 3-5 drops of the miraculous remedy were dripped into a saucer and placed near the front door of the house. To protect against dark forces and get rid of entities, bags filled with any herbs with 1 drop of basil ether were placed under the pillow.

People still use some methods today. For example, in order to cleanse from negativity, basil oil is added to the evening bath if they feel that they have been adversely affected by an unkind person. To attract wealth and new opportunities, drop oil into your wallet or pocket. Before the day begins, some vendors scent their counters to attract customers.

Basil essential oil is believed to induce sympathy between people. They keep a small bottle with them so as not to quarrel with anyone.

Basil is a powerful aphrodisiac and increases sexual desire. For passionate relationships, place a saucer with 3-5 drops of this oil under the bed.

Directions for use and dosage

What are the benefits of basil essential oil and how to use it correctly

Basil oil is not used in its pure form, only as an additive to the main components. This is due to the high concentration of essential substances, which, if they come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, stomach (if swallowed), cause severe burns.

Essential oil application table.

Purpose of application Dosage Duration and features of use
Enrichment of hair masks, addition to shampoos 5 drops per 10 ml


Do not add to the tube for a long time until the effect is achieved.
Adding to face masks 2 drops per dose Straightaway
Hot inhalation 1-2 drops per 1 liter of water


5 minutes.
Cold inhalation 2-3 drops on a scarf or aroma pendant


Carry constantly in your pocket or purse until recovery
Taking a bath 4-7 drops with the addition of sea salt, cream, milk 10-15 min. at a temperature of +38°C
Massage cream 4-7 drops per 10 ml of base oil During the massage course
Oil burner 3-7 drops until complete evaporation 3-5 days in the evenings
Eating 1 drop 3 times a day with linden tea or honey 3 weeks


Basil essential oil has contraindications, so you should consult a therapist before use. If this is not possible, do a test for an allergic reaction yourself: add 1 drop to the base and then apply it to the wrist or elbow. If in 10 min. the application site did not turn red, which means there is no allergy.

There are a number of contraindications for which concentrated essential oil should not be used:

  • thrombosis;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy.

Possible side effects from the use of basil - rapid heartbeat, hypertension, increased irritability, swelling and burn of mucous membranes, skin rash, bleeding during pregnancy - develop within 20-30 minutes. If such symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately.

How to make basil oil at home

To make your own oil, follow certain rules.

Method 1

For preparation you will need a distiller. The unit works like this: under the influence of high temperature, essential components are released from a fresh plant and enter the filter, where they are separated from the water. The temperature in the distiller is maintained at +180°C.

The duration of distillation is 2-3 hours.The resulting concentrate is filtered through thick gauze and stored in a screw-on dark glass container.

Method 2

The result is not pure basil oil, but a mixture of oils, since a base is taken for distillation - natural second-press olive oil (¾ tbsp.). Basil will need 2 bunches.

The leaves of the plant are washed, doused with boiling water, left for 10 minutes, then cooled and dried with a napkin. Basil is mixed with base oil and blended in a blender until smooth.

This paste is passed through a sieve: first the dark basil juice drains, and then the oil is dripped in. Store it in a dark container in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 1 month.

How to choose a ready-made

For those who do not have the time and opportunity to make the oil themselves, the essential product is sold in stores and pharmacies.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • container - opaque glass;
  • the cover is screwed tightly, the integrity is not broken;
  • volume - highly concentrated essential oils, they are sold in bottles of 10 ml.

Diluted oil is sold in containers of 100-200 ml, which is intended for food purposes. It is important not to confuse it with aromatic.

What is the price

Basil oil is an expensive remedy. The price of a real aroma product made from Ocimum basilicum starts from 400 rubles. for 10 ml.

If you are not satisfied with the price in a pharmacy or store, keep an eye out for discounts in online stores that provide retail delivery of oils.

Read also:

When to collect and how to properly dry basil.

Plant compatibility: what to plant basil next to and why it is important.

How to properly freeze basil for the winter: a selection of the best methods.


Basil oil is valued for its medicinal properties. Its uses are varied: in cooking, cosmetology, medicine.The aroma product is a highly concentrated product that, when used correctly, is very beneficial for the body. Buy only certified products from a pharmacy or specialty store. This is the only way to be sure of the quality and safety of the product.

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