How and when to sow basil for seedlings - terms, conditions and rules
Basil is a southern and heat-loving crop. To get an early harvest, gardeners resort to growing plants through seedlings. This method allows you to immediately identify non-viable seeds and obtain maximum yield in a short period.
When to sow basil for seedlings
In different regions, depending on the climate, the timing of planting basil seedlings differs.. On average, the most suitable period is April. In northern regions with a risk of spring frosts, these dates are postponed until the beginning of May; in southern regions they can begin as early as March.
- middle lane, Moscow region and Volga region - the first ten days of April;
- south – first ten days of March;
- Siberia, the Urals - the second ten days of April, during a long winter - the first ten days of May.
How to sow basil at home
To get strong seedlings that can withstand sudden night cold when planted in the ground, you need to sow the seeds correctly and on time, and also provide proper care to the seedlings.
Sowing steps include:
- preparation of seed material;
- soil treatment;
- direct sowing and provision of greenhouse conditions.
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Preparation of planting material
It is best to purchase seeds from trusted stores rather than random retail outlets.. The packages always indicate the expiration date (germination) of the seeds - be sure to check them before purchasing.
Reference. You should not purchase seeds by hand, in dirty, wrinkled packaging, with traces of moisture, or goods with a suspiciously low price or on promotions.
In general, basil seeds germinate well even without pre-sowing treatment.. Before packaging, industrial seed already goes through all the necessary stages of preparation. However, to obtain faster germination or when using your own seeds, you can treat them with growth stimulants (Zircon, Espin-Extra).
Important. When using stimulants, strictly follow the instructions on the package.
What soil is needed for seedlings
A loose, light substrate with good air and water conductivity is most suitable for basil.. Suitable universal soil for vegetable seedlings. It is better to treat the finished soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or an antifungal agent, for example, Fitosporin.
Also you can prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, take in equal proportions:
- garden soil;
- compost or humus;
- peat.
The soil mixture can be made with the addition of river sand:
- compost – 2 parts;
- peat – 4 parts;
- river sand – 1 part.
Soil mixtures made independently must be sifted and steamed in a water bath for an hour to destroy spores of pathogenic fungi and weed seeds.
In addition to soil, the use of peat tablets is allowed. They are convenient because when transplanting into the soil, the root structure of the seedlings is not disturbed, and the process is painless. The tablets are soaked in rain or melt water for several hours to swell.
Sowing seeds
For sowing, choose small glasses, a common container or special seedling boxes.Before sowing seeds, the container is treated with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for prevention. Further adhere to the following algorithm:
- A drainage layer 1 to 1.5 cm thick is placed on the bottom of the prepared containers. Expanded clay, perlite, and brick fragments are suitable for this.
- The container is filled 80% with the prepared substrate, lightly compacted and leveled.
- The soil is moistened with warm, settled water (melted snow or rainwater is better) using a spray bottle. Direct watering is not suitable - it unnecessarily compacts the soil.
- When sowing in a common container, grooves are made in the soil with a depth of 0.5 cm and a distance between two furrows of at least 3 cm. In individual containers, a depression of 0.3-0.5 cm is made.
- The seeds are placed in the furrows at a distance of 3-5 cm using tweezers or a toothpick. In containers, two seeds are placed in one cavity.
- Sprinkle the top with a thin layer of soil - no more than 5 mm.
- Moisten the added substrate from a spray bottle.
- Cover the container with a plastic bag, glass or an opaque lid and put it in a dark, warm place with a temperature not lower than +23°C.
Read also:
Is it possible to plant basil before winter and how to do it?
Growing and caring for seedlings
Until the first leaves appear, the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at +23…+25°С. Every day the greenhouse is opened to ventilate and remove condensation. This is necessary to avoid mold and provide fresh air to the soil and seedlings, respectively. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle as the top layer dries. Water for irrigation is used at a temperature of +28…+30°C.
After emergence of seedlings (after about 10-12 days), the greenhouse is removed. For seedlings, maintain a temperature of +16...+20°C - this reduces the risk of sprouts stretching. For the proper formation of healthy seedlings, maintain a light regime of 12-14 hours. If there is not enough natural light, use phytolamps.
7-10 days after the appearance of the first shoots, the soil is fertilized with a solution of wood ash (10 g per 1 liter of water). Fertilizing replaces one of the waterings. As in a greenhouse, water as the soil dries by spraying.
Important. When feeding, spraying is carried out almost at the root so that the ash does not get on the young leaves.
Picking is carried out when sowing in large containers. After the first two leaves appear, the same soil mixture that was used during planting is added to separate containers, with an additional 1-2 tbsp. l. wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. nitroammophoska per 5 liters of substrate.
What to do if basil seedlings have stretched out
Seedlings can stretch when there is insufficient sunlight and excessively high air temperatures.. Elongated sprouts have a thin, weak stem and an underdeveloped root system. A similar problem occurs when there is too much nitrogen in the soil and dense planting.
Do not delay picking if the basil seedlings begin to stretch. Nitrogen is not added to the soil for transplanting long shoots. Picked plants are placed in a south-facing window for better illumination and prolong daylight hours. At high temperatures in the room, provide more frequent ventilation.
When to plant basil seedlings in the ground
The optimal time for planting basil in open ground is when the soil warms up to +15°C and the risks of spring soil frosts are eliminated.Depending on the region and annual climatic conditions, the dates may range from mid-May to mid-June.
How to properly plant basil seedlings in open ground
One and a half to two weeks before planting, containers with basil are taken out into the fresh air for hardening for 1-2 hours. A few days before the intended planting, watering is stopped and no fertilizing is applied.
Before planting directly into the soil, water the soil thoroughly.. Transplantation is carried out together with an earthen lump or in a peat tablet. The distance between the bushes should be at least 15-20 cm, between the rows - at least 20 cm. Immediately after transplanting, the bed is watered abundantly.
The process of growing basil through seedlings will not be difficult even for beginner gardeners. The main problems can only be encountered at the first stage from sowing to the first shoots and consist in maintaining the required temperature. Otherwise, this growing method is simple and gives quick results.