What is white asparagus and why is it this color?
The popularity of asparagus is increasing every day due to its taste and benefits for the body. There are three varieties: green, white and purple. White asparagus deserves the highest tasting rating. Let's talk about its beneficial qualities, planting and care features, and find out whether a healthy vegetable can cause harm.
What is white asparagus
The first mentions of white asparagus are found among the ancient Egyptians and date back more than 4 thousand years ago. At some point, the plant was appreciated at the courts of European kings. For a long time, asparagus was considered the food of aristocrats, but gradually began to enter the diet of less noble people. Asparagus appeared in Russia during the Tsarist Empire. It has only recently been appreciated, so the popularity of asparagus is only growing.
White asparagus (asparagus) is a frost-resistant dioecious plant. Asparagus blooms in the second year, subsequently forming red ball-shaped fruits. An adult plant has a powerful root system. Roots form at each new shoot. Under favorable conditions, asparagus lives up to 20-25 years. Young shoots up to 12 cm long are eaten.
How is it different from green and why is it white?
The color of asparagus depends on the degree of its growth. White shoots are the youngest, located underground, delicate in taste and soft. After the shoots break out, they begin to change color under the influence of the sun, acquiring a violet or lilac hue.Gradually the color darkens and turns green. Many people believe that harvesting is only possible at this point, but asparagus is edible at all stages of growth.
How white asparagus grows can be seen in the photo.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins
Asparagus has a rich chemical composition and contains many useful substances.
- vitamin PP - 1 mg;
- beta-carotene - 0.5 mg;
- vitamin A (VE) - 83 mcg;
- vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.1 mg;
- vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.1 mg;
- vitamin C - 20 mg;
- vitamin E (TE) - 2 mg;
- vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) - 1.4 mg.
- calcium - 21 mg;
- magnesium - 20 mg;
- sodium - 2 mg;
- potassium - 196 mg;
- phosphorus - 62 mg.
- iron - 0.9 mg;
- copper - 0.17 mg;
- manganese - 0.15 mg;
- selenium - 6.1 mcg;
- fluorine - 21.9 mcg;
- zinc - 0.6 mg.
Calorie content and BZHU
The plant is suitable for dietary nutrition due to its low calorie content - only 20 kcal per 100 g of product.
Composition of BJU:
- proteins - 1.9 g;
- fats - 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates - 3.1 g.
Beneficial properties for the human body
Asparagus is valuable to humans due to a number of useful qualities:
- this low-calorie product is suitable for proper and dietary nutrition;
- removes excess fluid from the body;
- supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system due to the high content of asparagine;
- cleanses the intestines;
- enhances potency;
- strengthens bone tissue, builds connective tissue, therefore recommended for baby food;
- regulates cholesterol levels in the blood;
- recommended during pregnancy, helps the fetus to form correctly.
Features of planting and growing
In order for asparagus to please you with a good harvest, you must adhere to the rules of planting and caring for it. Asparagus is planted in two ways: seed and seedling.The second is considered the most effective.
When is the best time to plant
Asparagus seeds take a long time to germinate, so it is recommended to prepare seedlings in advance, from mid-March.
Seed preparation
First of all, exclude damaged seeds. Inspect them and discard any that show obvious signs of damage, rot or mold. Place the seeds in water. Full ones suitable for planting will sink to the bottom of the container, while infertile ones will remain on the surface.
Soak the selected seeds for 2-3 days in warm water with the addition of a growth stimulator (a few drops of a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, Epin Extra, Energen). Place them in a warm place and change the water twice a day. Next, wrap the swollen seeds in a damp rag or burlap (it needs to be moistened regularly) and keep them in this form for 5-7 days, until the first 1-3 mm shoots hatch.
This is interesting:
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Preparing the container
For asparagus seedlings, you need special boxes or plastic cups with a volume of 100-200 ml (several holes must be made in them to drain the water).
The soil
Grow asparagus in loose and light soil. A mixture of garden soil, manure, peat and sand in equal parts is best.
Sowing in containers
Seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of 2 cm. Place one seed in each glass. If boxes are used for seedlings, a distance of 5-6 cm is maintained between the seeds. The containers are placed in the sun, maintaining a temperature of +25°C. The soil is moistened every day. As soon as the seeds germinate, they are sprinkled with peat, and the temperature is reduced to +20°C.After two weeks, the seedlings are fertilized, and the soil is regularly loosened for a month (before each watering). To ensure uniform growth, the container with seedlings is turned towards the sun every day.
Important! Before planting, you need to harden off the seedlings. To do this, seedlings are taken outside in warm and sunny weather. Start with 30-60 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 12 hours.
If the seeds are planted in boxes, the seedlings must be planted. As soon as it grows to 15 cm, it is moved to separate spacious containers. The root is shortened. Maintain a distance of 10 cm between bushes.
Site preparation
Asparagus is a perennial plant. In order for it to consistently please you with a good harvest, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a site:
- the area should be well lit and protected from drafts and wind;
- stagnation of water is unacceptable, therefore groundwater is no higher than 1.5 m;
- the beds are cleared of weeds and debris;
- in the fall, the soil should be dug up and fertilized with compost (15-20 kg per 1 sq. m), potassium sulfate (40 g per 1 sq. m) and superphosphate (70 g per 1 sq. m);
- in early spring, after the snow melts, the land is harrowed and every square meter. m are fertilized with 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 60 g of wood ash. This will destroy overwintered pest larvae and pathogenic bacteria.
Rules for planting seedlings in the ground
When planting asparagus, follow the following algorithm:
- Move the seedlings into open ground after they grow to 15 cm.
- Plant in late April - early June (depending on the region), when the ground has warmed up sufficiently.
- For seedlings, prepare holes 30 cm deep and 40 cm wide. Leave a gap of 50-60 cm between the bushes.
- Loosen the bottom of the furrow to 20 cm.
- At the bottom, form a slide of loose soil.The height of the slide should coincide with the edge of the hole.
- Reduce the root of the seedling by 4 cm, then place the seedling on the top of the hill.
- Fill the hole, compact the soil and water.
- Wait for the moisture to be absorbed and sprinkle dry soil on top.
- After planting, form a bed with a height of 6 to 8 cm, and next year raise it to 60 cm.
Growing White Asparagus
The rules for caring for asparagus cannot be called complicated. They consist of simple agricultural techniques.
Water asparagus frequently as the soil dries out. Use small portions of warm water. Stagnation of moisture is unacceptable, this will lead to rotting of the root system.
Attention! During periods of drought, the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely, otherwise the shoots of white asparagus will be tough and bitter.
Top dressing
Asparagus needs to be fed regularly throughout the entire growth period:
- A month after planting the seedlings, the soil is watered with mullein solution (5-6 liters of water per 1 kg).
- At the end of June, after harvesting, asparagus is fed with urea, potassium salt and superphosphate (30 g of preparations per 1 sq. m).
- In early July, organic fertilizers are applied (chicken manure at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water).
- Before the first night frosts, potassium salt and superphosphate are re-applied in the same proportions.
Loosening and weeding
Asparagus loves light soil, so loosening is carried out often, after each watering or rainfall, at least 8-10 times per season. Weed the beds to remove weeds once every two weeks to avoid damage by diseases and pests.
Protection from diseases and pests
The main diseases that are dangerous for asparagus:
- Root rot. It is not dangerous if the site is properly selected and watering rules are followed.In case of minor damage, watering the soil with “Fundazol” (10 g per 10 liters of water) will help. If the disease has spread greatly, the plant is dug up and burned outside the site.
- Rust. It is formed due to stagnation of water and is very dangerous. They fight the disease with timely preventive measures: regularly removing weeds, hardening off seedlings, destroying affected shoots at the first appearance of yellow spots with black dots in the center. After harvesting diseased shoots, the plant is sprayed with solutions of “Topaz” (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water) and “Fitosporin-M” (diluted according to instructions).
- Fomoz. Fungal disease due to high humidity. Appears as brown spots with red edging. It can be eliminated with the drugs “Fundazol” and “Fitosporin-M”.
- Cercospora blight. Gray spots with a dirty coating. It is important to remove diseased shoots and treat the plants with Fundazol.
- Asparagus flies. Young shoots suffer, inside which adults place eggs. Diseased shoots are cut off and burned, and in the fall the soil is deeply loosened, preventing the larvae from overwintering.
Asparagus flies
- Asparagus leaf beetle. Eats leaves and shoots of asparagus. Before harvesting, the plant cannot be treated with drugs, so protection consists of daily morning collection of beetles and their subsequent destruction. After harvesting, asparagus is sprayed with Karbofos (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).
- Shield. Damages the back of asparagus leaves. Because of this, they dry out and fall off. In such a case, spraying with Karbofos helps.
- Asparagus crackers. They eat young shoots and lay eggs in the ground. For destruction, use “Aktellik” (20 g per 10 l of water), “Aktara” (1 sachet per 3 l of water), “Karate” (1 g per 10 l of water).
Asparagus rattle
An effective preventive measure against pests will be spraying asparagus during flowering with the Komandor insecticide (2 ml per 5 liters of water).
Harvesting and storage
White asparagus is harvested in the third year after planting:
- Collection is carried out from April to June.
- The crust of the earth should rise and crack. The soil is carefully raked, a shoot is found and cut off, leaving 2-3 cm at the base.
- The holes are covered with earth and watered.
- Shoots are collected as they are ready, every 2-3 days, for a month.
- In the third year of asparagus life, up to five shoots are cut, then up to 15.
- The harvest is harvested early in the morning or in the evening so that the shoots do not darken.
- They should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature no higher than +3°C, in special baskets covered with damp burlap or cloth.
- White asparagus withers quickly, so it should be stored for no longer than 3-4 days.
Possible harm and contraindications to eating white asparagus
White asparagus can cause allergies, so you should start getting acquainted with it with caution.
You should stop using it if:
- diabetes mellitus;
- rheumatism;
- urolithiasis;
- cystitis
Thanks to its delicate taste and rich chemical composition, asparagus is rightfully considered a valuable product suitable for dietary and baby food. It is recommended to plant it in seedlings, however, in warm regions, prepared seeds can also be placed in the soil. The harvest begins in the third year.
Asparagus needs regular watering and feeding throughout its life. Do not neglect preventive measures in the form of loosening and weeding the beds - this will help avoid problems with pests and diseases.