We make preparations according to the phases of the moon: when is it better to salt cabbage for the winter according to the lunar calendar
Crispy salted cabbage is both a vitamin addition to a hot lunch and a snack to accompany alcohol on the holiday table. The cabbage pickling period lasts from September to November. At this time, late varieties ripen, which have a juicier structure.
However, good results can be obtained not only in the autumn months, if you are guided by the lunar calendar. We will tell you further about when it is better to salt cabbage for the winter according to the lunar calendar, which days are considered favorable in 2019-2020 and which are not.
Why salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar
The first reasonable question that many modern housewives ask: why pay attention to the lunar calendar? Does it have any scientific basis? Let's start with this.
What does it give
The phases of the moon affect the movement of fluids on our planet. In addition, the position of the Earth's satellite also affects the activity of the simplest living organisms, including fermentation bacteria, causing them to slow down or speed up. This is precisely what affects the speed and quality of pickling and fermentation.
Moon phase guide
Previously, villages used to prepare vegetables for the winter after the Christian holiday of the Intercession, taking into account the phase of the moon.
Many years of practice, trial and error helped to draw the following conclusions:
- cabbage will be slippery, soft and sour if you pickle it during the full moon or on the waning moon;
- the dish will turn out tasty and crispy if you start pickling on the 5-6th day after the new moon.
Also It is important to pay attention to what zodiac sign the Moon is in:
- they begin work when the waxing Moon is in the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries and Taurus;
- refrain from salting if the Moon is in the constellations Cancer, Virgo or Pisces.
To prepare delicious salted cabbage, choose late varieties. The heads of cabbage should be white, tight and strong.
Favorable days for pickling cabbage in 2019
Vegetables are available in stores in winter and summer, so pickling can be done at a convenient time throughout the year. We'll tell you on which days the dish turns out the most successful.
In January
You can preserve the maximum beneficial properties if you pickle cabbage during the waxing moon.located in the sign of Taurus, Capricorn or Aries.
Reference. There is a belief that it is better to pickle cabbage on the “male” days of the week - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Favorable period for salting – from 9 to 16 January.
In February
After long winter cold, the body especially needs vitamin support, which means it’s time to pickle healthy cabbage.
Most favorable for this purpose periods from February 8 to 13 and from February 17 to 18 inclusive.
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In March
The right time for pickling cabbage is from 8 to 20 March.
In April
Some housewives decide to ferment cabbage even on warm spring days. To get a really tasty pickle, use cabbage from April 7 to April 18.
In May
If by May the supply of cabbage from last year's harvest has not yet been used up, you should not throw it away - by this time it has accumulated enough sugar for pickling. There are several periods for salting in May: from 6 to 7, from 10 to 11 and from 13 to 14 May.
In June
In June, residents of warm regions are already harvesting early ripening varieties of cabbage. It is better to leave them for fresh salads, since the leaves of such heads of cabbage are too soft. And last year's cabbage can still be used. According to the lunar calendar, it is suitable for pickling period from June 7 to June 16.
In July
As a rule, by July last year's harvest is already over. For pickling store-bought cabbage, choose a period from July 15 to 16, when the Moon is in the constellation Capricorn. In addition, these are “men's” days - Monday and Tuesday. Such a fortunate coincidence of circumstances is rare.
In August
The strongest and most elastic heads of cabbage are selected from those that have already ripened. Favorable days this month – from 5 to 14 August.
In September
Mid-season varieties can already be used for quick pickling. The best time to do this is after the new moon., on the waxing moon, from September 12 to 18.
In October
Here it is best time to pickle cabbage. Late varieties have ripened, most suitable for processing and storage.
The moon promotes cooking with October 10 to 20, as it is in the growth phase.
In November
Even if you haven't grown cabbage yourself, November is the ideal month for pickling it. At this time, most agricultural enterprises sell it at a minimum price.
According to the lunar calendar, the most successful period for harvesting – from 9 to 15 November.
December according to the lunar calendar is generous with days for pickling. From December 7 to December 20 you can prepare pickles for the winterwithout doubting the quality of the result obtained.
Reference. At the beginning of 2020, it is better to choose the following days for pickling: January 1, 14-16, 21-25 or February 2, 4, 10, 14-15, 18-21, 28.
Unfavorable days
There are also lunar days when it is better not to plan saltingso as not to unnecessarily spoil the vegetables.
In January
There are only a few days in January when you can do pickling. It's better to take a break at the beginning of the year. In order not to spoil the harvest by unsuccessful pickling, avoid next dates: from 1 to 8, 14 and from 16 to 31 January.
In February
From February 19 until March 8, you should not engage in pickling. These are unfavorable days associated with the full moon and the waning moon.
In March
After March 21 - bad days for salting, because the full moon is replaced by a waning phase. In addition, the Moon is in the extremely unfavorable constellations of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.
In April
In the first week of April it is better to wait – The Moon is located in the constellations Pisces, Aries and Taurus. From April 19 until the end of the month it is also worth taking a break.
In May
The first six days, as well as May 8, 9, 12 and from 15 to 28 It is better to refrain from working with vegetables.
In June
From 1 to 6 June and from 17 to the end of the month – extremely unfavorable days.
In July
Bad month for pickling cabbage. According to the lunar calendar, there are only two successful days for preparations.
In August
August is also not generous with favorable days for pickling.
You should not take on work from the 1st to the 5th and from the 14th to the 31st. Otherwise, the prepared dish will look like a slippery and sour porridge.
Take note:
The best rustic sauerkraut recipes
In September
There is no point in preparing for the winter yet in September., since cabbage varieties ripening by this time do not have the required hardness and sugar content. However, there is a whole week (from 12 to 18) to pamper your loved ones with quick pickling, which should be consumed within 1-2 weeks.
In October
In the first third of the month, from 1 to 10, it is better to start harvesting, and in the second third, from 20 to 31, take care of the issue of storage. Then this month there will be as many as 10 days in a row to make preparations for the winter.
In November
By November, the sugar content in cabbage becomes optimal for pickling and fermenting. But it is important to choose the right moment so that the resulting pickle does not turn out soft or sour. That's why You should only work on blanks from November 9 to November 15when the Moon is in its waxing phase.
If there is still some harvest left, you will have to wait a few days after the new moon - until December 7th.
Reference. You should not salt at the beginning of 2020: January 5, 11, 18, 19. There will be no absolutely unfavorable days for harvesting in February.
When to cut cabbage for pickling according to the lunar calendar
Let's talk about the favorable period for cutting cabbage in 2019 using the example of the most productive months - September and October.
There are many good days in September for cutting cabbage for pickling.: 6, 11, 15, 20, 22.
In October for cutting late cabbage, sorting, bookmarking The 11th and 22nd are the most favorable for long-term storage.
When to chop
According to popular belief, cabbage was harvested for further salting before the Exaltation. If we translate this into a modern calendar – until September 27th.
After the Exaltation, cabbage was chopped for pickling, and the remains were used as filling for pies. Evenings with tea and freshly baked pies were called “cabbage parties” - it was customary to tell tales and funny stories.
When to ferment
Unlike salted cabbage, sauerkraut must undergo a fermentation process. Favorable lunar days are also selected for this.
If you want to get especially healthy and tasty cabbage, ferment it in The 5th or 6th day after the end of the new moon cycle is in the waxing moon phase.
As in the case of pickling, it is better to avoid pickling full moon and waning moon period.
Attention! The most favorable days for pickling in 2020: October 4, 8, 14. Unfavorable: October 2, 28, 31.
To enjoy delicious salted cabbage, you will have to work hard not only in the garden, but also in the kitchen. It is important to choose a favorable period according to the lunar calendar - only then you are guaranteed to receive a crispy, tasty and maximally healthy dish.