Unpretentious to weather conditions, mid-season potato variety "Ramos"
Ramos is a mid-season potato variety officially included in the state register. It is cultivated on farmland and summer cottages. With the right approach to cultivation, you can reap a generous harvest.
Below you will find a description of the variety, recommendations for growing it, photos and reviews of Ramos potatoes.
Description of the variety
Ramos is a table variety. It has high taste qualities. Proved itself well in the process cooking — does not boil over, which is why it is suitable for any dishes.
Often used to prepare French fries in catering establishments. Ramos can be stored for a long time, so owners of retail outlets readily take it for sale.
Origin and development
The Ramos variety was developed by German breeders. Due to its unpretentiousness to external conditions and resistance to many diseases, it began to be cultivated on an industrial scale.
Consumers appreciated the taste of potatoes, and their popularity began to grow outside of Germany. It was included in the register of the Russian Federation in 2006.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins
Starch content varies between 13-16%. Ramos potatoes are also rich in the following beneficial substances:
- vitamins A, B, C, E;
- potassium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium
To get the maximum nutritional content, it is recommended to boil potatoes with their skins on.
Ripening time and yield
Tubers are ready for consumption 70-80 days after germination; young potatoes can be dig in 30-45 days. In regions with cool summers, the interval between germination and ripening reaches 100-110 days. In the southern regions, two crops can be harvested.
The average yield is 370 centners per hectare; under favorable conditions, the figure exceeds 400 centners. In bad years, the yield drops to 200 centners per hectare. 8-13 tubers come out of the bush.
Disease resistance
Ramos is resistant to potato golden nematode and potato blight. In general, with proper care, the crop is rarely infected with the exception of late blight.
Characteristics of tubers and description of appearance
The tubers have an oblong shape. The peel is dense, slightly rough, and rich yellow in color. The eyes are small, located slightly in the recess. The flesh is yellow when cut. The average weight of a potato is 100-130 g.
The bush is straight, tall compared to other varieties. The leaves are dark green and large. During the flowering period, the bushes are dotted with small white flowers that form a corolla.
Growing regions
The Ramos variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia. But the southern regions, where summer weather lasts 4-5 months, are considered ideal for its cultivation.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Ramos potatoes are popular among farmers and gardeners. It is valued for its excellent taste, high shelf life, and ease of care.
Advantages of the variety:
- High yield, the ability to harvest two crops in one season.
- Early maturation.
- Keeping quality 97%.
- Mostly large commercial tubers - 90-98%.
- Resistant to moisture deficiency.
- Simple agricultural techniques for growing.
- Good taste.
The disadvantages of the variety include a high percentage of late blight development. If the disease is not detected in time and measures are not taken, a significant part of the crop will die.
Difference from other varieties
Ramos potatoes are officially included in the state register and are recommended by agronomists for cultivation in the North-Western, Central, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Middle Volga and Ural regions.
The main difference from other varieties is the ability to get two harvests per season.
Features of planting and growing
When growing Ramos potatoes, the same agricultural techniques are used as for other varieties. It does not require special care; even a novice gardener has a chance to get a high yield.
Preparing for landing
It is recommended to prepare planting material at harvest. You need to start not from the size of the tubers, but from the bushes. You need to choose the healthiest bushes with bright green tops, untouched by diseases and pests.
It is also advisable to prepare the future area for potatoes in the fall. It is necessary to free it from weeds and tops from harvested crops. Then dig up and add nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.
Planting material is removed from storage two weeks before the intended planting in the ground. This helps to speed up germination. Additionally, it is recommended to treat with a growth stimulator and a disinfectant, for example, the powerful chemical “Prestige”.
Soil requirements
Ramos potatoes are generally not picky about soil type. Ideally, fertile black soils are suitable, but planting in other types of soil is not critical. To increase yields, it is recommended to plant potatoes where legumes or grains grew last year.Cabbage and onions are considered good neighbors.
Important! You cannot plant potatoes in beds where tomatoes and peppers grew last season. Cultures are vulnerable to the same diseases. If infectious agents remain in the soil, they will spread to the potatoes, which will lead to the death of the crop.
Dates, scheme and rules of planting
The recommended time for planting tubers in the ground is the beginning of May, when the air temperature exceeds +18ºС. The soil temperature should not be less than +10…+13ºС.
The optimal distance between holes is 30-35 cm, between beds - 60 cm. Tubers are buried in the ground no more than 10 cm. Otherwise, they will take a long time to germinate, and as a result, will take a long time to ripen.
Reference. The greater the distance between the holes, the larger the tubers will be.
Features of cultivation
To grow, a basic understanding of agricultural technology is sufficient. As soon as the sprouts emerge from the ground, it is necessary to begin care. When potatoes fade, it is recommended to pick off the flowers. Then the plant will direct all its energy to the growth and development of tubers.
All care consists of irrigation, fertilizing and pest control. Events are held at certain stages of cultural development.
Watering mode
The Ramos variety does not require regular watering. At the stage of sprouting, you can water the beds 2-3 times. If May and June are rainy, there is no need for the procedure.
You can determine the moisture deficit by looking at the bottom leaves - if they are dry, watering will not hurt. In particularly hot regions, it is worth equipping a drip irrigation system.
Top dressing
Ramos takes root in any soil, but requires spraying and root feeding.
Fertilizer application scheme:
- First feeding: Mix 0.5 liters of humus and 15 g of saltpeter in 10 liters of water.Apply 1 liter per bush after watering.
- Second feeding: in 10 liters of water, stir a glass of wood ash, 15 g of potassium phosphate and superphosphate. Pour 0.5 liters under each bush.
- Spraying is recommended 2-3 weeks before harvesting - for 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate. Each bush needs 0.5 liters of solution.
The first and second root feedings are carried out until the end of June. Afterwards, the tubers will have already formed, and excess fertilizer will lead to a decrease in the taste and beneficial properties of potatoes.
Weeding and hilling
Weeds must be removed at all stages of cultivation. After flowering, you can only pull out large grass, which does not allow tubers to develop.
Attention! Ramos does not respond well to weed control chemicals. It is not recommended to use them after germination.
Hilling up is an equally important event. The first time you need to hill up the beds is after the sprouts appear. This is necessary to aerate the soil that was trampled during planting. Hilling is carried out several times, but only until the potatoes bloom.
Disease and pest control
Despite the variety's resistance to most diseases, potatoes are susceptible to pest invasion. In the southern regions, the crop is attacked by aphids, Colorado potato beetles, mole crickets, wireworms, spider mites, and cicadas.
For the prevention and control of insects and diseases, you can use the following drugs:
- "Bikol" destroys the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle.
- “Killer”, “Destroy” - for fighting adult beetles.
- “Taboo” and “Aktara” cope well with wireworms, aphids, and mole crickets.
- "Maxim" destroys pathogens of scab, fusarium, and rhizoctonia. Also used for black and gray rot.
- "Fitosporin-M" - prevention and treatment of late blight.
- "Rubit Discor" is a powerful drug for the treatment of scab, blackleg, and powdery mildew.
Difficulties in growing
In addition to the high risk of late blight infection, the variety has one feature - dependence on temperature. Ramos loves it when the air warms up to +18…+22ºС. If the temperature drops or does not exceed +5ºС, the growth and development of the crop is suspended. There is also a risk of losing your harvest if you have a rainy summer.
Harvest and storage
Potatoes are dug up at the moment of technical maturity. In order not to miss the deadline, you need to count down the time from the day of planting. Young tubers are ready for consumption much earlier, usually a month after germination. But they need to be collected in quantities necessary for cooking - they do not last long.
How and when to collect
7-10 days before harvesting, you need to cut off the tops so that the tubers grow. It is better to dig potatoes on a clear, dry day. After harvesting, you need to leave the tubers under a canopy or in the beds to dry.
Attention! Potatoes must be dug strictly on time; it is not recommended to delay harvesting even for a week. The variety is vulnerable to late blight, which affects even ripe tubers.
Storage features and keeping quality of the variety
You can store potatoes in a barn, cellar, refrigerator. Subject to storage conditions, shelf life is 97%. The optimal place is a dry, dark room in which the temperature does not exceed +4…+5ºС. Keeping tubers in a warm place is fraught with wrinkling and early germination.
Advice from experienced gardeners and reviews about the Ramos variety
Agricultural workers value Ramos potatoes for their unpretentiousness. Summer residents grow it for themselves primarily because of its excellent taste and high shelf life.To grow on a plot, it is not necessary to understand all the intricacies of agriculture.
Beginning gardeners should listen to the advice of experienced farmers:
- Choose a sunny place for planting.
- Ramos does not like excess moisture. It is better to choose dry places on a hill.
- When watering, make sure that water does not get on the tops. Otherwise, the risk of developing late blight increases.
- It is better to fight weeds without using chemicals.
Gardeners are also ready to share reviews about the variety.
Ivan, Vologda: “Young tubers have an interesting feature - when treated with a growth stimulant, they quickly germinate. If the climatic conditions of the region allow, you can harvest twice.”
Veronica, Tula: “The variety is really productive. An average of 15 tubers came out of the bush, all almost the same size, even and neat. Excellent taste. The potatoes performed well during the preparation of all dishes.”
Natalya, Tver: “I tried to raise Ramos in the country. The variety is truly unpretentious and requires minimal care. There were no problems with diseases during the growing process. The tubers have a marketable appearance. Potatoes keep well."
Ramos is a relatively unpretentious mid-season potato variety. It is successfully cultivated by experienced farmers on an industrial scale and by summer residents for their own needs. Ideal for hot, dry areas. But gardeners from regions with rainy summers are better off choosing another variety - Ramos does not tolerate excess moisture.