Early maturing drought-resistant potato variety "Red Lady" for long-term storage
One of the conditions for a good potato harvest is the right variety, suitable for the region’s climate and soil. The universal variety Red Lady is planted throughout our country - in small plots and farm fields. This is not surprising: it is able to quickly adapt to any climate and brings a rich harvest even in unfavorable conditions.
Characteristics of the variety
Let's look at the description of the Red Lady potato variety in more detail (with photos).
The bush of the plant is medium-sized, erect, spreading. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green, emerald in color. The stem is powerful, the root system is well developed. Flowering crops are a real decoration of the garden. The inflorescences are small, lavender in color.
The plant's genes contain high resistance to such dangerous diseases as scab, golden nematode, and viral diseases. But seedlings are vulnerable to late blight.
The crop is drought-resistant and thrives in hot climates.
Origin and development
The Red Lady potato variety (translated from English as “Red Lady”) appeared thanks to German specialists. As a result of their work, a high-yielding variety, perfectly adapted to different climates and an early ripening variety was obtained, which successfully passed the tests.
After confirmation of the indicated qualities, the Red Lady potato was included in the State Register of Russia in 2008.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins
The biological value is determined by the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and the full group of B vitamins. The tubers also contain iron, vegetable proteins and organic acids - citric and oxalic. Microelements include potassium salts and phosphorus. Starch content does not exceed 15%.
Ripening period
Ripening dates are early - the harvest is harvested 50 days after landings. The growing season is extended, so crops intended for long-term storage are harvested no earlier than 90 days later.
Yields vary within 170-300 c/ha. This indicator is influenced by the systematic application of fertilizing and the length of daylight hours. The crop loves fertile soil: the higher the saturation of the soil with useful substances, the better the quality of fruiting.
Up to 14 tubers are formed on one seedling. All potatoes are large, leveled, there are few non-commercial small items.
Characteristics of tubers
The average weight of a potato is 130-150 g, the shape is elongated and round, the peel is even, smooth, there are few eyes, the depth is superficial. The color is red-pink, rich. According to reviews, the taste is excellent. The pulp is light yellow, dense.
Thanks to the thin but durable peel, the tubers are stored for a long time and can withstand long transportation without losing their presentation.
The variety is universal in application. The tubers can withstand any heat treatment without darkening the pulp. They are also great for making chips and French fries.
The photographs show Red Lady potatoes.
Growing regions and climate requirements
For full growth and development, the plant does not require certain climatic conditions. Potatoes are planted throughout Russia.It is successfully bred not only in the southern regions, but also in the Far East, in the Volga-Vyatka, Central and Caucasus regions. The culture is also widely popular in the CIS countries.
Advantages and disadvantages
Red Lady potatoes have both positive and negative sides.
Let's start with the advantages:
- takes root in any climate;
- easy to care for;
- early ripeness;
- high fruiting rate;
- high resistance;
- drought resistance;
- excellent taste;
- long shelf life;
- long transportation;
- versatility in use.
The disadvantages include dependence of crop size on fertilizing.
What is the difference from other varieties
The main difference between the Red Lady potato variety is that it is able to fully grow and develop even in unfavorable weather conditions. At the same time, it retains its taste and presentation.
Features of planting and growing
The culture is unpretentious; both an experienced gardener and a beginner can grow it.
Preparing for landing
They start planting potatoes when the soil temperature reaches +10°C - there is no need to rush to plant earlier, otherwise you can ruin all the seed.
Preparations for planting begin a month in advance. To obtain seedlings, only germinated seed material is planted.
The weight of potato tubers intended for sowing should be 70-100 g. Potatoes are carefully inspected for visible defects, leaving only intact ones.
Germinate the seed in a bright room at a temperature of at least +15°C. The greening of tubers during germination indicates an increased content of toxic solanine in the skin. When planting, this will protect the tubers from many pests.
Reference. Solanine is a poisonous glycoside that is produced in plants of the nightshade family. It is especially dangerous for rodents, so field mice avoid such plantings.
Before sowing, the tubers are treated with growth stimulants “Kornevin” or “Bioglobin”.
Soil requirements
For rapid germination, potatoes require loose, fertile soil. Therefore, the soil is dug up twice with the addition of humus and wood ash. The second not only saturates the earth with useful elements, but also prevents the proliferation of fungi. The soil is dug up in the fall after harvesting and in the spring before sowing.
For lightness, fine river sand is added to the soil, which acts as a loosening agent. If the soil is highly acidic, adding dolomite flour or slaked lime will help deacidify it.
Reference. The acidity of the soil is increased if horse sorrel, blueberries, and lupine grow on the site.
Timing, scheme and technology of planting
Potatoes are planted when the ground warms up to +10°C and the threat of return frosts has passed. The crop does not tolerate sudden cold weather - it negatively affects its growth. Therefore, sowing work is carried out from the last days of April to the end of May, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region.
When planting, leave 35 cm between seedlings, 55-65 cm between rows. The depth of the holes is no more than 10 cm. The tubers are planted with sprouts facing up and sprinkled with wood ash. Then they sprinkle the soil on top, compact it, water it and mulch it - for this they use sawdust or straw.
Reference. Mulch protects crops from penetration of ground pests into the holes and retains moisture in the beds.
Nuances of care
Further care consists of watering, weeding, hilling and fertilizing.
Watering mode
Due to its resistance to heat, the Red Lady variety does not require abundant watering. Only during flowering and tuber formation will the seedlings need more water: during this period, at least 3 liters of water is poured under each of them. During dry weather, mulching will keep the beds moist and prevent evaporation.
For full development and a rich harvest, potatoes are fed at least three times.
Two weeks after germination, the first fertilizing with urea is performed. Dissolve 500 g of urea in 10 liters of water and pour 0.5 liters under each bush. If the growth of seedlings is poor, at the initial stage they are fertilized with nitrogenous substances, accelerating their growth.
Before flowering, the plant is fed with a full range of minerals with a predominant content of phosphorus.
The third feeding is carried out three weeks before harvest. 30 g of superphosphate and 250 g of slurry are dissolved in a bucket of water.
Weeding and hilling
It is most convenient to weed the beds on damp soil. After removing the weeds, the soil is loosened, improving its breathability.
Hilling is carried out at least twice per season. Thanks to this procedure, the yield of the crop increases, as it stimulates the formation of new roots. Hilling up the seedlings is not difficult; to do this, the soil from the rows is raked into the beds with a hoe.
Reference. High hilling prevents ground insect pests from penetrating the roots.
Disease and pest control
Late blight is a common fungal disease that often affects plants of the nightshade family. It destroys green mass and tubers. The fungus spreads quickly in conditions of high humidity and temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to treat watering wisely.The disease is difficult to cure, so prevention begins immediately after sowing.
Wood ash, which is sprinkled on the seed, protects the tubers until germination. Then the two-week-old seedlings are sprayed with the fungicide “Fitosporin”. The drug is known to most gardeners as reliable protection against fungal diseases. Spraying is carried out systematically, but not more than once a month.
Brown bacterial rot, also a fungus, occurs due to improper care. The highest period of activity occurs at the time of flowering. Following the rules of crop rotation and introducing timely fertilizing will help prevent brown rot from appearing in the beds, thanks to which the plants’ immunity will be strengthened.
The most dangerous pest is the Colorado potato beetle. They destroy crops with lightning speed. The pest is not afraid of cold weather; it successfully survives it underground.
When the number of beetles is small, they are collected manually, carefully inspecting the seedlings from all sides. If there are a lot of them, insecticides are used - for example, Confidor.
Harvest and storage
Harvesting of young potatoes begins 50-55 days after planting. But they don’t store it for a long time - they immediately eat it.
How and when to clean
Harvesting begins in late August - early September. Before this, the tops are mowed, leaving no more than 10 cm. The crop is carefully dug up with a pitchfork or shovel and left outside for 3-4 hours to dry. In cloudy weather, it is better to put it under a canopy. After harvesting, the greens are burned and the soil is dug up.
As soon as the tubers are dried, they are carefully inspected for damage or darkening and prepared for long-term storage.
Storage Features
Ripe harvest is stored in wooden boxes in a dry, dark, cool and well-ventilated room. The optimal air temperature should be 4-5°C.
Reference. To better preserve the tubers, they are treated with copper sulfate: 2 g of powder per 10 liters of water.
What difficulties may there be when growing
According to reviews from vegetable growers, there are no serious difficulties when growing: the variety is unpretentious. But there are nuances, the implementation of which will increase productivity.
According to the rules of crop rotation, potatoes are planted in the place where cereals, carrots, beet and legumes. These plants do not deplete the soil, but, on the contrary, saturate it with useful substances.
Mineral fertilizers should not be added as fertilizer to acidic soil. When mixed with an acidic environment, they lose some of their properties. In such soil, it is better to feed plants with organic matter.
Advice from experienced gardeners and reviews about the variety
A few tips on caring for crops will help not only a beginner, but also an experienced gardener:
- It is not worth planting different varieties next to each other, as cross-pollination will occur and the plants will reduce their varietal characteristics.
- It is better to plant in a checkerboard pattern. This method will make it easier to care for during the growing season and harvest.
Gardeners note only positive aspects in the Red Lady variety.
Rostislav, Zaporozhye: “I’ve been growing Red Lady since last summer, the harvest was a great success. From two hectares he collected 460 centners. I sold most of it to wholesalers. Of course, I also leave it for myself so that I have enough until spring. I cook from potatoes both first and second courses. The taste is excellent, I like it."
Irina, Voronezh: “I’ve been growing vegetables for many years. I found out about Lady potatoes, planted them and was not disappointed. The potatoes are tasty, not watery.The color is beautiful, the peel is strong. I especially like its early ripeness; after 1.5-2 months you can taste your young potatoes.”
Read also:
Mid-early potato variety “Krasavchik” with amazing taste.
Unpretentious Red Lady potatoes are grown not only on personal plots, but also on an industrial scale. The ripe harvest is in high demand and is quickly sold. The variety is resistant to many diseases, potatoes grow well even in unfavorable weather conditions and quickly adapt to drought.