Early ripening potato variety Rosara for the northern regions
Summer residents and farmers grow potatoes to feed their families and get a good profit from sales. Today we’ll talk about the Rosara variety. Vegetable growers choose it for its high yield and the ability to cultivate even in Siberian climatic conditions.
The height of semi-spreading potato bushes reaches 55 cm. The foliage is green, the inflorescences are red-violet. The flower is ovoid in shape with a pubescent base. Up to 14 medium-sized tubers are formed under the bush.
Under good weather conditions and proper care, up to 20 potatoes are harvested from each.
Difference from other varieties
According to the characteristics of Rosara potatoes - one of the most common early table varieties.
Rosara differs from other varieties in its compactness. The tubers of this potato are located in heaps in the ground, do not spread, and therefore are practically not injured during harvesting.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins
Several vegetables contain a week's supply of all the beneficial elements that the body needs. 100 g of potatoes contain 75 kcal, 0.1 g fat, 1.9 g protein, 16.5 g carbohydrates and 14.2 g starch. Potato composition:
- alimentary fiber;
- water;
- B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9;
- vitamins C, PP, H;
- sodium;
- potassium;
- selenium;
- tin;
- chromium;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- molybdenum;
- nickel;
- folic acid;
- calcium;
- silicon;
- iron;
- cobalt;
- aluminum;
- vanadium;
- iodine.
Characteristics of tubers and yield
Rosary tubers are smooth and strong, the skin color is from pinkish to red-pink. The average weight of one vegetable is 115 g. The potato flesh is light yellow and darkens slightly when peeled, cut and cooked. Vegetables have small, indistinct eyes.
At the initial stages of the growing season, the crop develops quickly. Tuber ripening begins 45-50 days after the first shoots. Vegetables reach full technical ripeness at 65-70 days.
Subject to all agrotechnical rules, vegetable growers harvest up to 500 kg of potatoes from 1 hundred square meters. Yield indicators are maintained for 5 years without changing planting material.
The crop produces the highest yield in mid-latitudes. However, vegetable growers who grow potatoes in northern Russia note that even with temperature changes, quality and yield indicators also remain high.
For your information. Due to the low sugar content, the product is recommended for people with diabetes.
Regions for cultivation and planting dates
The description of the Rosara variety, photos of potatoes and reviews allow us to call it one of the best on the domestic market. The plant tolerates both hot and cold weather, and even humid climatic conditions.
The crop is grown in the vast majority of regions of Russia:
- Central Black Earth region;
- North Caucasus;
- North-West;
- Ural;
- Siberia;
- Far East.
It is extremely difficult to determine the exact timing of potato planting, taking into account the characteristics of different regions and climatic conditions. Seeds are planted in well-warmed soil - from +10°C. Usually this is the end of March or the beginning of April. In regions with cold climates, planting work is carried out in late April.If you plant tubers when there is still a threat of return frosts, the potatoes will develop slowly or die.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Each variety has positive and negative sides. Rosara has more advantages. These include:
- Strong immunity to diseases. Good resistance to gold staining nematode, potato crayfish and tuber scab.
- Quick adaptation to climatic conditions. The variety tolerates drought, cold and heavy rainfall well.
- Precocity. Potatoes ripen in just 2 months. This is especially important for regions with short summers.
- High yield. Vegetables are stored from a small plot for the whole winter.
- Planting seeds do not need frequent renewal. They are used for up to 5 years, the characteristics of the tubers do not change.
- The versatility of potatoes in cooking. Its taste makes it possible to prepare many different dishes from it. Even after prolonged heat treatment, the tubers do not become overcooked and retain the pleasant taste of butter.
- The attractive appearance of potatoes allows this variety to be cultivated not only in summer cottages for personal use, but also in large farms for wholesale trade.
But Rosara also has disadvantages, namely:
- Plants descend to the ground early and spread out. This complicates the process of weeding and hilling.
- Foliage is often affected by late blight, which requires the use of chemicals.
- Fried potatoes are too hard.
Against the background of the positive qualities of Rosara potatoes, the disadvantages are almost invisible, which is why many vegetable growers prefer this particular variety.
Features of planting and growing
Proper cultivation of potatoes brings a high-quality and rich harvest.The tubers that the vegetable grower receives in the first year will differ in color, size and shape. The farmer's main task is to select the best of them.
Preparing for landing
Potatoes are grown on sandy or loamy soil, which is prepared in the fall. The weeds are removed and the soil is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. The area is set aside to be well lit. In a shaded area, the culture will develop slowly.
Planting material is also prepared. Tubers are germinated to shorten the growing season by 7-12 days. After the growth buds appear, the seeds are covered with wet sawdust in a layer of 3-4 cm. As they dry, they are sprayed with any biostimulant solution, for example, Micon, Epin, Heteroauxin.
About 2 weeks before planting, the tubers are left in the sun so that they acquire a greenish tint to the skin. This increases the yield and resistance of potatoes to possible attack by pests.
Planting scheme and technology
Potatoes are a heat-loving plant, so they should not be planted in early spring. If you plant the Rosara variety at the end of May, the harvest can be harvested as early as early August. Potatoes are planted according to a certain pattern:
- For loamy soil, holes are made 10 cm deep, for sandy loam soil - 15 cm.
- A distance of 40 cm is left between the holes.
- A small amount of humus and 20 g of wood ash are added to the holes.
- Potatoes are placed in the holes with the sprouts facing up.
Features of cultivation
The variety does not lose its positive characteristics for 5 years, but despite this, planting material still needs to be changed periodically.The soil becomes depleted over time, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in it, which negatively affects further harvests, and this does not depend on the climate zone.
If it is not possible to purchase expensive tubers, they are grown independently from purchased seeds. They will be suitable for planting only next year.
Important! Deeply planted tubers produce small vegetables and an abundance of tops.
7 days after planting the seed, the first loosening is carried out. This promotes the rapid and friendly appearance of sprouts on the soil surface. The second time the procedure is combined with weed removal. By this time, the plants have grown to 7-10 cm. When the bushes reach 15-18 cm, the first hilling is carried out. After 2 weeks the event is repeated. The more land there is above the tubers, the better for yield.
Watering mode
In dry weather, the crop is watered 2-3 times during the entire growing season. Moistening is carried out during the flowering of plants and after the flowers wither. At this time, the potatoes are actively increasing their mass. In order not to disturb the hilling, drip irrigation is used. Approximately 5 liters of water are consumed per plant.
Top dressing
Potatoes do not need frequent feeding. Over the entire season, plants are fertilized 2-3 times. For this use:
- potash and phosphorus fertilizers;
- wood ash;
- compost.
When seedlings appear, a good fertilizer is chicken manure diluted in water 1:10, and mineral fertilizers, for example, “Nitrofoska” or “Nitroammofoska”. Before flowering, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers and wood ash are used. These components are also added during the period of active flowering and leaf growth.
Disease and pest control
The Rosara potato variety has gained great popularity not only for its ease of cultivation, but also for its strong immunity to diseases and pests, which makes caring for plants much easier.
Causes great harm to culture Colorado beetle. It eats tops and tubers. The beetle is controlled using traps. They lure it with chopped potatoes. The pest is exterminated by spraying the bushes with a urea solution (100 g per 10 liters of water). Treatment is carried out in the morning or evening. Some vegetable growers use the drug "Confidor".
Of the diseases, late blight most often affects the crop. A diseased plant becomes covered with small brown spots, which rapidly increase and spread to the stem. In dry weather, the infected bush dries out; in rainy weather, it begins to rot. Vegetables on which late blight has settled spoil right in the ground. A layer of dry, rotting tissue forms under the peel. Late blight is combated by spraying potatoes with the preparation “HOM” (40 g per 10 liters of water).
Important! If plants begin to turn black from late blight, the affected areas are removed and burned.
Difficulties in growing
The area for growing potatoes is changed after 2-3 years of use. When choosing a new place, attention is paid to predecessor cultures. It's better if they are:
- cucumbers;
- cabbage;
- winter crops;
- lupine;
- linen;
- pulses;
- annual and perennial herbs.
Areas where nightshade crops grew are unsuitable for potatoes. Crop rotation is observed so that diseases to which the variety is not resistant are not transmitted through the soil.
Harvest and storage
It's time to harvest when the tops dry out and fall to the ground. They cut it off, and a week later the potatoes are dug up.To keep the harvest longer, it is laid out in one layer in the sun for 2-3 hours, then sorted and placed in boxes.
Tubers with the most eyes are set aside for landings for next season. Damaged vegetables are immediately used for consumption. Potatoes affected by diseases or pests are disposed of. The harvest is stored in the basement or cellar. The storage area is periodically ventilated.
Advice from experienced gardeners
Experienced vegetable growers have learned to increase yields using some tricks:
- Potatoes are grown using the ridge method using rotted sawdust and straw. This method significantly increases the quality and quantity of tubers.
- Potatoes are planted on ridges in early spring. In this way, plants use reserves of winter-spring soil moisture, which increases the number of tubers.
To guarantee a high yield, make the right bedding using rotted sawdust, mowed dry grass or rotted straw. Organic litter helps warm the soil in a short time, and when it decomposes, the crop receives additional nutrition.
Reviews about the Rosara variety
Those who grew Rosara potatoes. speak positively about this variety.
Nina, Orsk: «A few years ago, a neighbor recommended Rosara's potatoes to me. The variety turned out to be resistant to our climate. Plants practically do not get sick. The vegetables taste great. The potatoes are large and not overcooked. The seed material has not been renewed for 4 years, and the potatoes have retained their characteristics. I really like this variety and recommend it to everyone.”
Stanislav, Tula: “My wife and I have been growing potatoes for 10 years for ourselves and for sale. For the last 3 years we have been planting Rosana and Rosara potatoes.We like the second variety better. Vegetables keep well. The taste can be rated as the best. The culture is unpretentious in care, the bushes are tall and beautiful. I have never had any problems growing this variety. I also want to note that Rosara has a strong immunity to disease. We will continue to grow this variety!”
Try growing potatoes of the Rosara variety. Ease of care is a significant plus of culture. The plants have good resistance to temperature changes, so they produce a bountiful harvest even in the coldest regions. This promising variety is grown for personal use and sale.